Are Serbians the most subhuman race in Europe? their entire history consists of getting invaded and raped by Turks...

Are Serbians the most subhuman race in Europe? their entire history consists of getting invaded and raped by Turks. Even practically bending over for them and giving the virginity of their wives to their Turkish overlords, not only this but they were by far the most faithful to the Ottomans, centuries of rape and Turkish seed turning them from white into Ottoman mongrels. so much that they were reluctant to earn independence.

Remind me, why does this "epic kebab remover serbians" meme even exist?

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alright you shitcunt, which part of the balkans are you from and why did you immigrate here of all places? we have enough problems with chinks and poo in the loos as it is

This. Leave this hemisphere.

the real kebab removers are croats austrians and hungarians


Is this real life? 70,000 serbs get BTFO by 800 roaches?

>the real kebab removers are croats austrians and hungarians
This. We never got conquered, even when 2/3rds of our country was a battlefield.

In the 90s Serbs were trying to remove Christian Europeans just as much as muslims. It's just that we put up a better fight. Their offensive had very little to do with religion.

>why does this "epic kebab remover serbians" meme even exist?
because they killed a bunch of muzzie civillians

Meanhwile at OP's house...


I hate Kosovo since im a Bektashi Tosk Labërian, but literally all they killed were civilians

Someone changed the numbers there
Ottomans were mongol tier with their zergrush
>"The Serbian army numbered 20,000[2]–70,000[2][3][4][5][6] men. Most sources agree on the higher number"

We have a saying in Croatia:

"Serbia is the only nation in the world that celebrates it's defeats."

Still true to this day.

at least they did the Srebrenica massacre

All these asshurt former Yugoslavia diaspora still mad at serbia, eat shit and die, Christian Orthodoxy masterrace

Fuck off romani

stay cucked Tonibler
falling for the western news meme
comes from a country that was a german fucktoy since the dawn of creation
the same country that was first to call for the creation of the kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovens

>implying any cumskin is a kebab remover

Remember when Hilary Cunt was bombing them we helped them kill muslims and catholic cucks, fuck you nigger

they survived. after that, cameth the jews and fucked with them again and again, because pro-russian and stuff.

they're still there. so, if anything, they are one of the master races. white people should have nothing but appreciation for the serbs.

>at least they did the Srebrenica massacre
Srebrenica is mostly a fake. Number exaggerated. Remember the 6 gorilion.
So they didn't even do that one as "well" as they should've.

>because they killed a bunch of muzzie civillians


>odgovara na thread koji je zapoceo kiwi

>german fucktoy
Funny way of saying cooperation with Magyars and Austrians in creating the most based empire ever.

1997 was the year the so-called leader of the white races (America - they're actually jew-controlled) sided with the mudslims against a white slavic race.

that event was my first red pill.


You cant call someone what you are retard

WTF, I hate kiwi now

Tbh they werent 800, numbers range anywhere from 800 to 20,000 depending on the sources, with most saying around 3-4k troops that were supposedly all handpicked. Nothing against the serbs, but they did kinda have a part in the fall of the Balkans to the ottomans. While the other countries were indeed vassals they didnt support the turks with troops while Serbia and Moldova to an extent were big contributors for the turkish campaigns.

Serbs are the Ogryn of Europe


Beat that, frog.

Kek. Considering all the attacks for hundreds of years on Europe without victory and the retaliation crusades seizing the holy lands I wouldn't use this as proof of anything other than how well Europeans fight. Plus look at all the wars recently in the Middle East. We sit on our couches with pop corn enjoying the show on the news as our troops absolutely destroy any Middle East country we choose. Now we have fat neck beards who can sit in a sea can and fly a drone half way around the world and blow up anyone we choose. They must be dumb as bricks to keep fighting and not take a look at history and see how any conflict will play out.

What is the Siege of Szigetvar?

A glorious last stand of a few Croats and Hungarians against almost 100 times stronger foe that single handedly stopped them from marching all the way to Vienna.

Not to mention that the "based" Serbs helped Jews to hide and saved 10.000 of those rats.

>croat can't into history
maybe because you were killing us and them as well?
you usually help the people who have the same problem

you fucking idiot. that happened all over Europe. This is your country's list of jew-helpers, as seen by the Jews themselves

why are Sup Forums users so retarded sometimes? I can't tell.

Kike spotted. Go snuggle up your mom's vagina that she so eagerly likes to give away for a fistful of cents.

Serbians are the most based people in Europe. They literally protected our asses from the mudslim invasion. Krajina literally means "Frontier", and even though it's today in Croatia, and it was ethnically cleansed of its population (mostly Serbs) in the 90's, we Europeans don't forget their sacrifice.

I'm actually pointing out the Croatian Heroes for the kikes.

you're a loser. kys

Nice trolling, Nebojša. Google "Uskoci" and tuck yourself to sleep.


>It's yet another Balkans thread

next time just learn a bit of your country's history before looking at your neighbour.

That's the proper way to avoid this kind of embarrassment.

Yes, yes, you're welcome.

friendly reminder that we wuz the real kebab removers

meant for sorry, burger.

Stop acting like an edgelord. Go be a cunt somewhere else. Those numbers are not credible. They're inflated just everything else just to guilt trip us. Many Serbs were a communist fifth column, but the regieme went too far anyway. Only spics and arabs brag about how many they killed. You need to get deported.

You're no better. I know Portugal is an ally of the Eternal Anglo, but you should know better than to subvert like this.

If "Serbian Krajina" is a legitimate state, so is the southern third of US Mexican clay. It's our land we were generous enough to let Serbs running from Turks settle.

>it was ethnically cleansed of its population (mostly Serbs) in the 90's
Like a fucking jew, you've left out the most importat part - almost none of them were killed, just exiled. As they should've been since they tried to claim it as their own country. We literally did nothing wrong here. It was the most civil defense of a land in mdoern history.
btw, if Krajina is Serbia, so is Kosovo Albania

Serbs and Croats are the same people, divided by church.

>sorry burger

The famous portugal anal spread taught by his mommy.

>If "Serbian Krajina" is a legitimate state,
That's not what I said. I pointed to the historical region of Krajina and the role of serbs in containing mudsilm invasion. I couldn't care less what happens there today, even though I recognise croatians backstabbing their brothers because "land and stuff"

>Like a fucking jew, you've left out the most importat part - almost none of them were killed, just exiled.
I didn't say killed. I said cleansed. You're retarded. You did murder them during WW2, where 10 times more serbs were killed by Croatia than kikes, but that's a different conversation.

All because you're butthurt. You should just embrace your brothers, the only difference from croatia and serbia is you're from the west (catholic) and they're east (orthodox)

It's called being polite. I realise you learned your manners with gypsies, but we have a different culture.

I do apologise for that.

This is true.

Also a reminder that Croatia defeated Mongol army at Klis Fortress, leading to their retreat out of Europe.

>divided by church
And history and culture and geopolitics and writing system and genetics.

>You should just embrace your brothers
It's more than just a religion. I don't expect a foreigner to understand, but I also don't expect of him to make such judgements.
If Serbs and Croats should embrace, so should Portugal and Spain.
>b-but we're different!
Yeah, but average outsiders don't see it.
My brothers are Slovenians and Polacks and my allies are Magyars. Not Russia.



Good job, you're celebrating rape. You know that makes you an animal who belongs in africa, not anatolia?

>If Serbs and Croats should embrace, so should Portugal and Spain.
We don't fight anymore. We just recognise our differences and ignore each other.

Ultimately, Spain is an artificial creation. Kind of like Yugoslavia. And Portugal would be like Croatia if Croatians were men enough to resist the urge to be dominated by a different people, even if they're brothers.

Learn from us.

>we're not just divided just by church, but when I say who my brothers are I only point to other catholic countries, even if they are not slavic and I put aside the orthodox ones.

>I only point to other catholic countries
In true, but not *the* reason.
You need to understand that Croatians have western sensibilities since before written word reached us. We participated in the project of western civilization for a thousand years and we view it as a part of us, as opposed to Serbia which sees it as the Other.
We're close with both Slovenians and Serbs. However, as Slovenians were never touched by southern influences, we see them as a bit more civilized brothers.
White Croats that settled here (and only in Croatia, not in Serbia) in the 7th century intermixed with local Ilyrians. This tribe is our connection to Poland which also shares our history of interracting with Austrians for us and Germans for them. They're also largest Catholics in Europe with us, Portugal and Italy following.
As much as we had moments of bad blood with Hungarians, we respect them and consider each other companions thru history. It can't be any other way since we bled on the battlefield against the same foes and been a part of the same country for 800 years.

In conclusion you can say
>durrr u liek them only bcs Catholic
But it's both lingustics and religion with Slovenia. Genes, culture, religion and history with Poland. And battle and history with Hungarians.
We've also got an affinity for Austrians, seeing them as a wise people we can learn from.
Compare it to Serbia which is not only "durrr Orthodox", but also find Germans a menace no lesser than jews and dislike Hungary for conflicting with their interests. And constantly invoke Russia as their great protector.
And lets not even get into the culture... What passes under normal pop culture there is considered low brow working class embarassement here.

Forgot Bulgarians and Albanians.

>Remind me, why does this "epic kebab remover serbians" meme even exist?
Uneducated morons who would rather believe something that is funny than do their research.

My dream is to move to Germany, marry a German woman and never tell my children or my wife where I'm really from.

>You need to understand that Croatians have western sensibilities since before written word reached us. We participated in the project of western civilization for a thousand years and we view it as a part of us, as opposed to Serbia which sees it as the Other.

What you fail to realise is that we all stem out from the same civilization. it was called the roman empire. Except they (East) held on to it longer, while we entered decline/destruction/dark ages -> schism

>And lets not even get into the culture... What passes under normal pop culture there is considered low brow working class embarassement here.
that's not justification to genocide your brothers.

Let me ask you something. How does a croatian nationalist sees Trump? You know he's bringing Russia together to the West, which means you'll have to embrace your brothers.You must have mixed feelings. Tell us

>But it's both lingustics and religion with Slovenia. Genes, culture, religion and history with Poland. And battle and history with Hungarians.
It's called Serbo-Croatian. I actually find your region's history quite interesting because it reflects the autism of the separation of White West and White East. It's symbolic of all the nonsense because you couldn't even develop an autonomous language, and in late 20th century you were still fighting each other instead of crushing the mudslims in bosnia.

>we all stem out from the same civilization
I disagree. Western and Eastern Europeans are different cultures. Western civilization is inspired by Rome and Grece, just like Persian/Arab civilization was. Rome and Grece were were a third civilization entirely.
Russia's time is coming to become a civilization and Serbs are definitely on that side. We, along with Višegrad group need to preserve our independence as a border between east and west in the upcoming centuries so we can prosper from both. But we do lean on the western side even if we're not fully there.

You need to understand that half the country was a fifth column either way. When fascists were in power, half the country was a potential fifth column. When antifa won with allies behind their back, they purged no less than the right wing before them. It's a sad state of afairs, but it's how it was.
Both sides are pretty much equally guilty of being overzealous, though. That said, fascist numbers are greatly increased in an attempt to revise history like everywhere else. Didn't stop me from saying fascists killed too much a few posts ago.

>croatian nationalist sees Trump
We like him. We're just afraid of potential changes in status quo of the region now that Trump will allow Russia to operate more brazzenly just across our border.
We don't want to pick a fight with Russia or them to enter our territory. This isn't our primary problem. We're more afraid of potential Serbian aggression on Croatia with the backing of a strong Russia. Hopefully, it won't happen.


Sources disagree on the numbers cuntbag. Go on Wikipedia pages in different languages and they all have something different.

Roman word for slave was Servus. If the author can't even get that right, the rest is probably bullshit too.


pic related

wew lad, is that what you really tell yourself? It was a decent empire, but by no means were Croats equals to the Magyars or Germans.

That map is not correct, someone just didnt bother to draw accurate lines

>It's called Serbo-Croatian
Depends who you ask and in which circles you're active. Come here and you'll never hear anyone utter that word and most specialized software made in US for work with big databases and in multinational project have been convinced to separate the laguages.

Regarding the difference between languages:
If you look at vocabulary, Croatian is very pure. Serbian is filled with Russian and Turk loan words. Still, a big base of words is same or similar with just pronounciation differences.
In grammar there's a moderate difference. In sentence construction they're different, but since our languages are slavic, it makes sense anyway.

I did some word processing words and our languages almost pass as different on a purely mechanical level. Almost.
Reason why our langauges are so similar is because when Serbian was codified a hundred years ago, they took a lot of Croatian words and when Yugoslavia happened (both of them), all languages within the federation were bullied to become more similar.
The reason why we're insisting it's a different language should be clear now - they've both had different evolutionary paths until the 20th century and now that the communist project is over, we hope it'll continue that way.

We should've made čakavski dialect the official one. Then there would be no accusations of the same language.

>instead of crushing the mudslims in bosnia
At one point both Croats and Serbs were fighting muslims, but (((international community))) came in and said that if we don't stop, they'll paint us as fascists and do what they can to let Serbia win.

>It was a decent empire
Try best.

>by no means were Croats equals
I acknowledged that already earlier in the thread. If Austrians were most powerful and Hungarians second to have their word, we were the third ones to do so. And there's nothing wrong with that. Our fault for not being stronger.

>In the 90s Serbs were trying to remove Christian Europeans just as much as muslims

In the 40s' Croats and their Muslims were trying to remove Christian Europeans. This then repeated in the 90s'.

>>we were the third ones to do so
>not the Czechs
>not the Slovaks
>not the Poles


>>>we were the third ones to do so
>>not the Czechs
>>not the Slovaks
>>not the Poles
That's exactly what I'm saying.

And I fucking hate your map. It so carelessly draws the lines. Look at this map, which is correct, and compare to yours (and most other amateur maps that came from the same wrong source).

>Are Serbians the most subhuman race in Europe?

>Remind me, why does this "epic kebab remover serbians" meme even exist?

It was a failed attempt to genocide civilians in Bosnia.

20-70,000 is a large fucking sum difference. Also the Turkish numbers are as high as 10-20,000.

How about you find an accurate map of 1683.

The Anglosphere points the finger at you.

There was no genocide.

That pic is not entirely true. Dalmatian coast was never under roaches.

>How about you find an accurate map of 1683.
Sorry for posting the wrong map. Still, my point stay the same - your map is wrong.

Now I have two conflicting versions.

we know Ahmed
just hope the hungarian border police doesn't catch you

Reminder Serbs are the tallest group of people in the world and they got raped by a bunch of manlet turkroaches. Lanklets BTFO.

>Serbs are the tallest group of people
Tallest group of people are a subsection of our peoples. You can find them from Croatia to Serbia, to Montenegro to Bosnia.

It goes

>the real kebab removers are croats austrians and hungarians

Truth Croats are based serbs are vermin.

Yet you all got rekt by a bunch of Turkroaches.

>muh Catholicism

>you all got rekt by a bunch of Turkroaches
I think we established fairly well that Croatia and Hungary saved western civilization and didn't get "rekt", at least not on the same level as the others.

>The Anglosphere points the finger at you.

Point away. A larger Roman Catholic hating neighbor invading and commiting genocide in a neighboring Roman Catholic country.

England is to Ireland
Serbia is to Croatia.

Wasnt that more so Austria and Poland?

>>muh Catholicism

Yes. And the sovereign rights of small nations not to suffer obnoxious english or serbian cuntery.

No, the language we speak is Croatian, standardized by Ljudevit Gaj, a Croatian linguist.

Serbian "linguist" Vuk Karadzic, simply stole Croatian grammar and root language and merged it with a couple of other European languages.

And now we claim that it was ours and Croatians stole it, even though most of the uniquely Croatian words are used in Russian, Polish etc, whereas most of the uniquely Serbian ones are used in Turkish, Romani, Bulgarian, Albanian etc.

>Vuk Draskovic
are you even trying

>Austria and Poland
I'm talking about 4 centuries of battle. You're now refering to one battle. Though in Austrian forces that day there were Magyars, Slovaks, Croats, Slovenes and Czechs. Poland helping is a based act, though. If not for Croatian excelence on the battlefield, Vienna would've fallen much earlier.


>Croatia and Hungary saved western civilization
That honour goes to the Greeks against the Persian, Franks at Tours, the Holy League at Lepanto and the Polish at Vienna.

>this shill again

Officialy speaking no genocide was committed by either side in the 90's concerning the Croats and Serbs. The Ustase did commit genocide during the 40's though.

I think you really are a stayan shitposter or being dense on purpose. Possibly both.

All I know is that there are too many turkroaches and serbroaches here in Austria and both roach populations need to be removed

Fucking scum of the earth slav-slaves all work as garbage men and construction workers, gtfo my country, worse than kebab-sellers

Not an argument.

you guys just made me ashamed of my ethnicity

good job, the croats win

Retarded nigger muslim choke on orthodox cock

Remove serb

Nah, you're okay guys. Just no more expansionist wars towards us. Go after Albanians. You need to purge that mess and reclaim your old lands.

kek, Turks literally raped Indo-Europeans out of existence in whatever lands they settle.
Xinjiang, Central Asia. Uzbekistan. Azerbaijan. Turkey. Iran is half-Turks. Bulgars are also slavified Turks (pre-Gokturks though)