Romania will be ruled & owned by a muslim. How does it feel to be cucked in ways even Sven couldn't imagine?

Other urls found in this thread:

Lmao, our muslim population is probably the lowest in Europe, even lower than Poland.(Just to point out as a reference)

The thing is that she is part of the 0.3% minority of this country: the tatar muslims which have been settled near dobrogea for hundred of years and even helped the romanians fighting against their own muslim kind: the ottomans, in the independence war. Doing so they gained King Carol I's trust and received the only mosque in this country.They are probably the most chill muslims in EU28 at least: they don't wear shit on their head, dye their hair, drink( i heard so),etc.

The biggest party here chosed her because she has a clean record and she's a new face, not really because she's a muslim i suppose.Most if not all the other faces are corrupt here and probably without experiece.

The only problem with her is that her husband is a supporter of the Assad regime ( if you ask me personally that's not really a a bad thing, better that way than a terrorist) and he even was/is a minister in Syria.

praise fucking KEK, digits confirm the truth for the unfaithful and lazy fucks


I am sorry france i know you are saltybecause you have to deal with our gypsys and fuckton of muslims and blacks...but if you really want to get at us just call us poor eastern european fucks.Anyway she is proxy pm for the actual leader of the party who qas not accepted because he is a corrupt fuck and that is all...

>with our gypsies
So romania sent all their gypsies to France?

Romania is cute and pure, this is just part of a larger strategy to kill all muslims.

Quad of truth

> she is proxy pm for the actual leader of the party who qas not accepted because he is a corrupt fuck and that is all

>I have no idea how the government and politics work
The post

Too much Ciolos and National Liberal Party bullshit fucked your brain, am i right?

>The biggest party here chosed her because she has a clean record and she's a new face
>not seeing dragnea's 4d underwater bedminton unfolding
>not realising how by becoming the new darling of europe - 'centre-left', muslim PM, etc, PSD now can run wild and do whatever shit they want without anyone at the EU council talking shit

they left voluntarily after being beaten up for 6 centuries

>supporting Assad
Andrei, where have you been for the past few years?

>The only problem with her is that her husband is a supporter of the Assad regime ( if you ask me personally that's not really a a bad thing, better that way than a terrorist) and he even was/is a minister in Syria.

>>not seeing dragnea's 4d underwater bedminton unfolding

I am seeing it and i never said the opposite actually. But it's NOT dragnea but her, that's the fucking point.

>>not realising how by becoming the new darling of europe - 'centre-left', muslim PM, etc, PSD now can run wild and do whatever shit they want without anyone at the EU council talking shit

they could have ran wild with anybody else, but the fact is that there is nobody clean and with somewhat that experience, even though nobody heard of her till now, obviously.

>Andrei, where have you been for the past few years?

read the whole post, romanian political (((analysts))) and in general the EU-sucking faggots think supporting assad is bad.

that being said having no link at all would have been questionably better because knowing this think about her you won't have to fear her as being a jihadi infiltrated, like the London mayor probably

Quads confirm, /thread

Ly too,serbro

>they could have ran wild with anybody else
depinde daca vor sa intre pe teritoriul DNA si sa controleze, chiar si partial. acolo, capitalul politic obtinut prin faptul ca au femeie musulmanca va conta sa poata face reforma in sectoarele anticoruptie a statului.


>not seeing dragnea's 4d underwater bedminton unfolding
I'd rather have a clueless tatar lead us than a filthy gyppo mogul and his tricks though

quads confirm


GIve back clay to Hungary please, you're wasting it

Besides,even if she becomes PM,what are the chances of us becoming flooded with refugees?
I mean,I take it refugees know which countries treat their minorities well,and we are not one of those countries.
We don't even have SJW's or pro-refugee manifestations here.

>PSD now can run wild and do whatever shit they want without anyone at the EU council talking shit

All they want to do is steal money. Can't say I'm overjoyed. I just hope they don't mess with DNA.

reforme in anticoruptie = anticoruptia va fi degeaba ca in celelalte tari

>no SJWs
That's where you're wrong, kiddo~

So what? As PM she has total control, she can divert money for refugee assistance and build state of the art centers so that her ilk can have a higher standard of living than the 90% for ROMANIANS you worthless fucking imbecile. As PM she can literally do anything, especially with PSD majority.

But I'm not worrying, Santa Klaus's gift for this Christmass will be his veto for this utterly disgusting troglodyte bulldyke.

>the countries that are already cucked
Kek,shut up,you're pathetic
We'll never become as "tolerant" as you when it comes to accepting refugees in our society,even if she becomes PM.

nu stiu ce sa zic pentru ca ma intereseaza mai putin spre deloc de situatia interna cand vine vorba de coruptie, inca sunt de parere ca nu iese coruptia din sange peste noapte.

Si daca vrei sa o faci peste noapte (ca se intampla pula mea un Colectiv si se trezesc toti retardatii sa arunce cu rahat in toti politicienii) o sa ajungi cu un guvern retardat gen Ciolos care e probabil cel mai prost de cand pot eu sa tin minte lucruri.

Who are those people? Are they at a pro-LGBT manifestation or something?

No one cares about them, he didn't even get reelected.

cel mai bun*

Happy cringe fest, my friend:

I lived in Romania for work for 2 years. I will say if they started to get more refugees it would not go well for the refugees. They'd get beaten in the fucking streets if they tried any of the fuckery Germany/Sweden is allowing to happen.

Romania might be poor but they at the core are good peeps. So much I stole one of their women to bring back to the leaf kingdom.

It wouldn't even start to happen because Romania would be too poor to even host them in the first place.



I can confirm that tatars are chill and don't get into politics. They've been used as royal guard here like swiss are used for pope.

First of all , our rural people alone closed like 15 centers by force because shits and giggles.

Second of all, our corruption might come in handy, we rip off EU for money for the refugees and we don't even accept them.

They won't last a single winter here.Not to mention our hungry bears.

>we don't treat our minorities well
>UDMR has been part of nearly every government

Excellent work, you lot bring much needed damage to a system that needs to be destroyed.

Nice, we probably have like 80K max including the erasmus students and others.

how is the pizza in Romania?


Yeah well "unfortunately" the corrupts take the money for themselves as individuals and also "unfortunately" they(the EU) are closing down on corruption when it comes down to stealing funds.

Random question,but there are pizza places in Romania that make very good pizza.
Why are you asking?

>yfw you find out Romanians speak a latin language and not slav

Leave romania alone vlad literally skewered the hordes saving europe only so centuries later europe could cuck itself anyways.

Of course,I assume almost every country in Europe gives the minorities rights.
I meant to say that,in our society,the majority of regular people don't look at gypsies and other non-whites with kind eyes.

there are few imports from slavic & turkish into our vocabulary because probably the latins didn't had them.That being said there is still arguing that romanian is closer to classical latin than even italian

>>yfw you find out Romanians speak a language

where the fuck do you think they got the country's name from?

>mfw i realised that (ironically a day after i've watched the movie: London has fallen) the London's mayor is muslim


Where did you find these quads gypsy? Hmm? No lies this time, whose quads are these?

They put corn on pizzas it's kinda fucked up

We have both latin and slavic influence in our language.


Ah yes,that's called the traditional pizza,but it's better than fucking pineapple on pizza,for sure.

The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE spoke German, i dont assume such things. You never hear about romanian being like spanish/french/italian in burgerland

romanians are literally MADE to be cucked
they exist on this earth for one purpose - to become cuckolds


>London has fallen
never heard of it

>he's making more money being a guard than you will in 90% of professions

>The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE spoke German

>>London has fallen
>never heard of it

why even live

Most assholes would say we got our country's name from gypsies(romány) but that's just one of the most stupid coincidences in history.
It also gave birth to a lot of "romanians are gypsies" memes here on Sup Forums,although they are far from the truth.

how'd Italy get so many muslims
I'm worried that all that renaissance art is going to be destroyed out of spite

HRE spoke several languages. But the elites spoke early French.



Its funny that that muzzie lady is way more right wing than most european politicians.


Muslim are muslim and deserve death.


>austria 475,000 (5,7%)
>belgium 638,000 (6,0)
>netherlands 914,00 (5,5%)
>swizerland 433,000 (5,7%)

fuckin' kek, these countries are officially not allowed to shitpost about sweden anymore

I'm not gonna defend them but the only people i see claiming for death of the foreign are the jihadis, double standards much?

And as i said in that post, they don't even look or behave like your kebabs in vienna.

You wanna do that go ahead, it wouldn't impact anybody's life here.


>gypsies ruled by a roach
Thank God for the Danube.

>Thank God for the Danube.

you're mentally challenged or something?

> Islam in Romania is followed by only 0.3 percent of population, but has 700 years of tradition in Northern Dobruja -

Pic fucking related.
If anything, Danube helped us keep the muslims out.

Also, i reckon Bulgaria wants dobrogea back, go ahead and take it alongside the muslims.

Gyppos: Romania 3,25%, Bulgaria 4,90%
Mudslims: Romania 0,3%, Bulgaria 7%
Yeah thank god for the danube.


AAHAHHA ive had better turds

We have around 50,000 tatars scattered

Normal shitskins wouldn't even considered them muslim

yeah well people down voted it because in the movie it exposed a (SPOILER ALERT) muslim MI6 agent covering up for the jihadis, go fucking figure homeboi.

The MSM probably cried about the """islamophobia""" even though there is none.

OP, you wish to be that tolerant and progressive as we are.


checked and confirmed

>bullshit excuse for having shit taste

>>bullshit excuse for having shit taste

I never said: go watch it because it's a good movie faggot.

Go watch it for the keks.

You're either butthurt that you have a muslims mayor in london and it might hurt your ego or you're the ahmed himself.


>Betraying all your allies, then betraying yourself
This is some advanced Romanian 5D chess


Digits won't save you anymore, son.