what the fuck is this?
What the fuck is this?
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It's the most powerful country on earth, a sleeping dragon.
It has the most tanks, nukes and best economy in the world.
Come to Bulgaria and you won't get back out.
On a sidenote: They were much bigger 1000 years ago, but the evil byzantines have took their magic powers away and gave them unnecessary shit like technology and culture.
i hate the byzantines now
My math prof this semester was from there
More bulgarians
underrated allies
i know we fought in 3 wars in 20th century and 1 in 19th century but i still consider them /our guys/
This is the power of capitalism.
Post bulgaria
honorary turanians
They are the original kebab in the Balkans.
t. magyar pro
A place where Dilma Rousseff took her genes. Brazil is culturally enriched by Bulgaria.
delet this
Byzantines then now and always hate you subhumans
Well, we can have our regular summer raiding after they pay debts.
We are the original kebab removal country. Look up Tzar Kaloian the protector/defender of Europe.
How's the impeachment going? Is she in jail yet? Have the leftists started arming themselves for open revolt?
Are they white?
Do poor bulgarians/youth racemix with t*rks and gypsies ?
Do you have villages of mixed gypsy-turks or gypsy-bulgarians or gypsy-turk-bulgarians or other unholy subhuman mongrels ?
You're pretending like you haven't.
>Have the leftists started arming themselves
lol leftists are against guns and in most cases terrified of them ffs.
Man i fucking hate technology and especially culture.
Best vacation hotspot ever
The Black sea beaches are the bomb
That's what I thought.
Bulgarians = slightly chinky Balkanoids??
You gotta give that country kudos for remaining as the most shittest country in Europe throughout Europe's human history. While other nations experienced dynamic shortfalls or gains only to lose them shortly after, Thrace-to-Bulgaria has managed to remain perpetually shitty.
Bulgaria, black sea coast is exquisite spot for cheap vacations.
Also the only bulgar i know is as redpilled as you can get, his hate for turks kniws no bounds
We are shit, but we are nowhere the shitties country in Europe. Try Albania, Moldova or Ukraine. Not to mention that from historical point you couldn't be more wrong...
it is something that would eat combined anglo spanish frog force within a year.
anglo anglo, those beady eyes filled lies.
Land of Asiatic Bulgars who speak a Slavic language.
Their heads look like shovels.
Turks wrecked them to oblivion and never recovered.
We try our best to filther the human garbage pouring into Europe. It's not worth the Soviet-tier paycheck but being an edgelord in this country is a reward on its own.
If we came from Asia and mixed with the Slavs here (As the ((((glorious)))) USSR said) where did the Thracians go?
Dog hating chinks
Fair enough. I should've said shittest overall record if we're talking about countries that were ever relevant (which excludes Ukraine and Moldova). Albania is shitty but at-least historically Epirus was there as-well as there being some Roman and Venetian settlements throughout it's history. What does Bulgaria have? I know there was a Bulgarian Empire that managed to rival the Byzantine, but what do we have from them today? What did they pass down to future generations, other than being a pliant threat to the Byzantine empire at one time?
pretty cool country to spend holidays if you're poor eastern euronigger
Probably same place Dacians went from what became modern Romania. Into feverish dreams of delusional nationalists.
Thracians either got sold into slavery because they couldn't understand the concept of congregating into walled cities to protect themselves from pillaging enemies, or they either got GAULed, PHYGRIANed, GREEKed, ROMANed, GOTHed, or SLAVed.
Balkans overall took the mud dick hard preserving the west. Martel is just a meme compared to the shit Ayrabs and turks pulled off since the VI th century incursions.
As a Turk, literally 80% of my bloodline comes from Bulgaria. All Turks I know have at least some Bulgarian heritage.
Even the one Bulgarian friend I knew spoke Turkish.
>kebab removal country
pls u are literally kebab country, Bulgars are Turkic
Pff, we have tons of archaeological sites, settled by Romans, Ancient Greeks, Thracians and others. Some of the oldest European cities are to be found here. Bulgaria has a lot to show from old churches and monasteries, golden treasures, unique traditions, beautiful and diverse nature, good quality of wine and women. Did I mention the gypsies that live here? They are a story of their own.
Sadly for the soviet parasites (who are dying out) in Bulgaria rn, there's been genetic tests that disprove the pro-russian propaganda (that we're half-chinks half-slavs) that's been fed to numerous generations. As much as you try, no-one except delusional old bulgarians love you and your dying country.
I love Azis.
>pls u are literally kebab country, Bulgars are Turkic
I strongly suspect it's the other way around. "Turks" are in fact Islamised Greeks/Bulgarians, those of them who aren't just Kurds anyway (around 50% of Turkey). Their connection to "Turkic" people of Asia is a meme.
>hating Turks is redpilled
lol! liberals hate Turks tho because we do not submit to being cucked like your """"nation""""
>admit Armenian genocide
lmao nah
>gibb back landszz
lmao nah
>shoot down big boi Russia's plane and still be fine
we are the biggest, most prideful, bravest people in the world :D silly geezer
>kebab removal country
make your arguments how we are Turks all you want but disregarding all the wars we fought so we can get away from you seem too convenient
Help me complete the picture.
>(who are dying out)
Unsurprising, considering that your entire country is dying out, now that you are finally free from Soviets: Honestly, you won't be particularly missed.
A shithole.
Love Bulgaria and Bulgarians
The Soviets were why we got into this mess in the first place. Apologize.
All things considered, Bulgaria was a mistake.
actually, we've had a GDP growth in the current and the last year, and our currency doesn't cost peanuts :)
Also Greece is rightful Bulgarian clay
Our best moment was at the turn of the century, culminating with the Balkan Wars and WW 1.
30 years from liberty to and we had a booming economy and the nickname "Prussia of the Balkans"
Being on the losing side in WW1 did it for us however. Just as we recovered came WW 2 followed by half a century of Socialism meme.
Right now country is on autopilot and slowly dying. Maybe something will happen to jum start the national spirit again. Maybe not.
Australia best ally.
Russia is resurging. You are shit because you are shit. East Germany was under Soviet control for how long? And they're fine now. You have no excuse.
I stayed in Sofia when I went skiing. From my hotel on the 8th floor I could look over the city and see people huddled around burning barrels to keep warm.
There were 2 guards armed with sub machine guns outside my hotel at all times.
One of my waitresses asked if I'd marry her.
It's literal Africa tier.
>tfw superpower
Bulgars are assimilated turks
So you like turks? Gee thanks straya!
>autistic screeching
Bulgars were a Turkic tribe. However yes you are correct, Turkish people today are just Islamised (whatever)s of different Ottoman states.
Technically by being 80% Bulgarian I am probably one of the purest Turks out there.
Also Kurds don't racemix, you'd be lucky to find one who doesn't breed within his family. Turks are either yellow or white, if they are brown they are EITHER Kurdish (Kurds are literally poo-in-loo colour) or... Arab blend etc.
Bulgars are a Turkic tribe. The only reason I'm called Turkish today is cause my ancestors were muzzies. I'm atheist now, do I qualify for being Bulgarian? Bulgarian bro :). Why do your people (people who live by the Karadeniz/Black Sea) speak Turkish if they are kebab removers?
We are closer than you think... I can feel you... smell you... mmmmmmmm
I stayed in London when I went on a business trip. From my hotel on the 8th floor I could look over the city and see people huddled around burning barrels to keep warm.
There were 2 guards armed with sub machine guns outside my hotel at all times, protecting us from paki hordes.
One of my waitresses asked if I'd marry her.
It's literal Africa tier.
shut the fuck up you fucking pussy
talk shit like this irl and see how fast you get your faggot teeth made into a powder
no you killed my soldiers that is unforgivable
>One of my waitresses asked if I'd marry her.
Did you atleast take advantage of that you homo
>t. Turk in denial
Even gypsies are doing better than you somehow.
>Technically by being 80% Bulgarian I am probably one of the purest Turks out there.
R A R E af
REEEEE its not letting me save
>Cyprus raking in dough
pls δελετ
>tfw cucked by Obamayang
Do you unironically believe Bulgarians are Turkic? Maybe if you were born into Bulgarian Turks, but genetically 86% of Bulgarians are of Balkan origin, not Turkic. Also, the Bulgarian Turks are Turks from the Ottoman Empire, not from the ancient Bulgars. The ancient Bulgars' DNA is as little as 1.5% in modern Bulgarians.
turks are genetically different from bulgarians, and even gayreeks
you look like arabs/kurds most of the time and only in the most western parts you look like south greeks
bulgarian turks have nothing to do with bulgarians, we genocided 90% of you subhumans since the russo-turkish war up to the balkan wars
Not really. People from eastern Balkans tend to be hairier, they tan more easily, and tend to produce music like this: youtube.com
so what you're telling me is you're a rapebaby?
>tfw Putin saviour of the white race
Wat? I'm not a Bulgarian Turk.
>t-they're just insecure!
By the way, you seem to really love Turks, considering you handed them free transit money from the South Stream. It would go through your country and maybe make you slightly less poor, if you weren't such cucks for ((EU)).
he's telling you that you're a rape-baby lmfao
South Stream isn't happening, Dima
why dont you just convert to Islam and become Turkish, you are already halfway there
inşallah canım xx
Don't be silly, we gave your prison continent a national identity with that war
>see shitskinned turk
>"haha turks are ar*bs"
>see white turk
>"haha balkan/greek rapebaby"
When will you embrace your turkic roots bulgarbro?
Of course it isn't now, Turkish Stream is happening instead.
Though technically South Stream should have been called Turkish Stream too, since it would go through Bulgaria.
mad cos no clout for madder rasha?
yeah we love u so much turk bro