Where should I move too?

I have a descent amount of cash and am looking to move to the USA. Where should I move too?

I have heard that New Hampshire or Indiana are good places.

Montana, Wyoming, Idaho or Rural Texas.

Me too OP

I need to leave california for obvious reasons

I was thinking New Hamp or Nebraska

Montana I have heard good things about. Isn't texas gonna be overrun by spics in a few years?

Outside of the US. The nazi rats survalence assholes have taken over... Its going to get a lot worse here soon.

gonna be managing a cinnabon in omaha?

If you want to be around other Anglos, but don't want the blacks in the South; Utah, New England, Tennessee, and Kentucky are the best

Texas particularly the DFW area is pretty hot right now
Irvine in CA is a nice clean city with no spics or niggers

Texas was guaranteed to be overrun by spics under Clinton, but now that trump got in it seems unlikely. Montana is fairly Solid all around aside from the cold as fuck winter.

>not black


Anywhere you can't go wrong with any of the states

I heard kentucky isnt that great though

As in, the roads are far and long, and the people dont like non-locals

Rhode Island is a pretty cool place.

can't use to correctly or spell decent
is Australian
wants to shit up America

Oh he's Australian?


Montana, Nebraska, Wyoming or Dakota unless you are a shitskin cuck

>Auscucks constantly get mad when we say we want to live in Australia or even just visit there
>They then turn around and say they want to live in America

Fuck off Nigger

If you're white you won't be able to just jump the border and move in. Do you have American citizenship?

I have no problem with the winter. I love the cold. What about Michigan? Or Minnesota?

Don't worry monkey friend, money can get you everywhere.

This is about the best place to live in the USA.


1. German,,,,,,,36.7 %
2. Norwegian ,..,17.3
3. Irish ,,,,,,,,,.11.2
4. Swedish.....9.9
5. English.........6.3


Best thing about this post is that the image is 100% true.

Iowa. Any other answer is objectively wrong.

The Swedes also imported the highest concentration of Somalis in the US.

Michigan's economy is shit. Also niggers. North Dakota is bretty gud, though.


it's the whitest state that isn't either cucked or white trash

>not cucked

lmao fuck off retard it's the Sweden of the US

What is decent?

5m? 10m+ ?

Also, what kind of place do you want to live?

I have a pretty heavy preference for Utah and Colorado because I love mountains, sking and weed.

However both of those places have quite a few cities depending on how conservative or liberal you are, how much of a night life you want etc..

ok then, what are your suggestions smart guys.

South and Midwest. The north east and entire west coasts are liberal shit holes.

If we wanted advice on states, we'd at least ask a country worthy of recognision of being one.

>Heard that Indiana is a good place
If you like poverty and drug abuse
VA is the prettiest state in my opinion, but I'm not sure what the economy is like. Southern states have friendly people but again if you're young, good luck getting a job
NYC is neat but blue pilled as hell.

Can we all just agree that America is shit and move to Glorious Switzerland?

Anywhere in the midwest

fuck off we're full

I used to live in indiana. The politics are good but everything else is fucking depressing. Had a job transfer to Colorado and I never looked back. I did bring some mags from out of state.

northern indiana is disgusting OP

Gary indiana is on par with detroit, stay away.

its like illinois with chicago, the southern parts, theyre pretty much iowa tier.

stay out of illinois though as if you needed to be told

the weight of the monstrosity that has become chicago has made the government fucked beyond repair.


Seems nice from what I have seen but isn't utah a haven for religious weirdos?

Fuck NYC

Where do you suggest then?