>literal shlomo in german talk show discussing terrorism in the light of the berlin truck attack >says its the 9/11 of germany and that terror will be an occurence of the everyday life from now on
where were you when Sup Forumss bigotted narrative got finally and eternally REKT will they ever recover ?
>some time ago >"Islam gehört zu Deutschland" (Islam is a part of Germany) >now >"Terror gehört zu Deutschland" (Terrorism is a part of Germany)
Austin Carter
thats why i summarized it for you burger
Benjamin Murphy
The West will descend into weekly terrorist attacks, like Middle Eastern countries, all because boomers wanted to pat themselves on the back for how tolerant they are.
Julian White
Maybe I'm too tired but I'm not following you Muhammad, how does this btfo anyone here?
Logan Moore
a shlomo who is supposed to push immigration and love for multiculturalism is clearly talking about the danger of terrorism
Logan Allen
>its the 9/11 of germany 12 people dead, 50 people wounded
3000 people dead, 6000 wounded
Liam Rodriguez
Shlomo just so happened to leave the christmas market 10 minutes before the terror attack.
Jesus Christ.
Isaiah Ramirez
Oh okay, I gotcha
Fuck I'm btfo now
Isaiah Powell
he said that it rises the conscienceness about the possibility of greater terror attacks in our homeland like 9/11 did for the US previously they seemed to be more far away
Nicholas Baker
Sup Forumsack tries to hide his despair with some layers of irony >typical retard
Elijah Bailey
Shlomo literally complains about having to pay an extra Shekel in Israel.
Nathaniel Price
The only solution is to satisfy the refugees with their needs, which are education and gangbangs. You don't see that integration doesn't go one way. If you want to get something, you have to give something.
Robert Diaz
Germany is pretty much dead.
I went to Köln last December and enjoyed the christmas markets.
Good cabbage and mulled wine. They actually had hot eggnog too which I'd never seen before and was delicious.
Everything else was garbage.
Anthony Wood
Gee, who could have possibly seen this develop?
Blake Gray
wtf that's in switzerland
feels cucked
Alexander Hall
>feels cucked
Kevin Roberts
Yea I remember back in the fall of 2015 when my entire country were called racist for predicting that which is reality now.
Ayden Powell
whats the time he appears in the video?
Bentley Hughes
I think he's just pleased a kike is talking about it. We don't get mad when we are proven wrong. Proving pol wrong is a good thing because Sup Forums pretty much hold doom and gloom views.
Mason Martinez
its not like all kikes do it some openly hate slimes