Even after the attacks, germans STILL believe letting in all the refugees was a good idea
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Germans are stupid.
what is the name for whatever disorder it is that makes people think they're fine when they're on fire, because someone keeps telling them they're fine?
I second this notion
All of them are kids as well.
Gas lighting ??
>refugees learning German
down syndrome
I fucking hate how the americans are pushing their bullshit propaganda onto the german youths.
America needs to nuked ASAP.
>blacked learning group
I heard the cucks had a baby boom of 800,000 babies but none of them were actually german
top lel
i wish i was a refugee so i could rape them
It's just cucklords who're also into nekrophilia
>girls showing refugees how to work out
I hate how robotic you germans are. Why can you never think for yourself?
at the moment, rapes are not allowed in Germany!
>one point could be because German youth gets indoctrinated and used for political statements which they don't understand in this age
Germanics are an overrated ethnic group. If Hitler won, and Großdeutschland eventually liberalized, Easter Europe and Russia would also be a refugee infested shithole.
>bleiberecht für alle
Damn.. that's some Sweden-tier bullshit. :(
>bleiberecht für alle
>kids holding up the sign
Damn.. that's some Sweden-tier bullshit. :(
There are millions of germans. Let a few more thousand get raped and/or murdered in the coming years, they'll realize their mistake.
Can someone explain me why is it always young and able men? Rarely women and children.
And how much of refugees are actually from Syria and Libya?
Do you just let absolutely anyone in? You just have to be brown or black?
it baffles me how kids are allowed to express these opinions. They only lived a small fracture of life and know nothing about history or life in general
Who is behind this?Teachers? Parents? Jews?
Because they're not refugees at all.
Either they're draft dodgers (or the equivalent thereof), criminals or infiltrating terrorists/islamists.
>Can someone explain me why is it always young and able men?
Because those are the ones able to actually make the journey across the continent.
>And how much of refugees are actually from Syria and Libya?
At most 40% by the most liberal estimates.
>Do you just let absolutely anyone in? You just have to be brown or black?
Brown or black will have retarded nations let them in. If you're white, however, even if a war refugee, no dice (which is why most Ukrainian war refugees that aren't in Ukraine are in either Poland or Hungary)
You people are responsible for this.
Media, mostly.
The Church is also a major culprit here in Sweden.
Feminism in general too.
This is how failed state looks like
Do the math you stupid nazi britbong.
We have 2000000 refugees that are well trained and ready to earn taxes for the german government.
How many people died? Maybe 30 killed by refugees?
Thats still a surplus of 1999970 human beeings.
All those people would have died if they didnt come to germany.
Its good that we saved them.
slow learners
Germany is the prime example of why state media is a horrible idea.
Just German things
I remember getting a sign put in my hand ~25 years ago to protest refugees getting sent home. Was about 7 years old at the time.
Who organized it? I believe it was an organization called "Forum för levande historia" which mainly gave lectures about the holocaust to school children. So yeah, the jews are probably behind this.
>well trained and ready to earn taxes for the german government
No they're not.
>human beeings.
No they're not.
>Its good that we saved them
No it's not
We're all are slow learners in Europe it seems.
>refugees that are well trained and ready to earn taxes for the german government.
low energy b8
>Takes in refugees
>Crime rate skyrockets, especially rapes
>Gets attacked on christmas
>"no no! I know every other refugee is really good somehow!"
Compare this with Australia
>Foreign policy is literally "Fuck off we're full"
>Aussies dont get attacked and cucked on christmas
those chicks have the coalburner look. it was inevitable
I only wish my own country would take after the aussies, we would be much better off.
How are you people so fucking STUPID?
This is exactly what ISIS wants. They want us to hate the muslims and declare war.
They want to provoke a war between the west and muslims. Thats their endgoal.
If we react to these attacks with love and letting in even more fugees we undermine what they stand for and so we win - with loving them and letting in more.
>Israel calling other cucks
You have been cucked constantly for 2000 years by everyone, Goldstein.
Weak troll m8. You outed yourself too early.
Fuck off, go make a sandwich for your wifes refugee boyfriend.
Here you go, buddy
made me reply/10
You aren't even trying, are you?
Hans dont flick that hitler switch
>the year is 2066
>go to visit The Caliph of Germanistan as I hear their cultural beheadings are beautiful
>Get of plane and walk to the train station
>A large group of vibrant and diverse men walk towards
>greet them with my Germarabic greeting "In'shallatag"
>they proceed to beat me up for having a stain of wine from the plain journey on my jacket
>Alcohol is illegal here, Oktoberfest was banned in 2034
>Do what Prime Minister Sadiq Khan told me to in this situation
>Scream "Refugees Welcome" as loud as I can until they stop pummeling me.
>They take my wallet and walk away
>Stand up and brush myself off
>Continue walking towards the station proud to be so culturally enriched already.
Because the vast majority of refugees pose no threat to anyone, it's not a difficult thing to understand.
30 Dead
Unknown Numbers of Girls (or Boys) getting Raped
thats right, we have to fight the racism in europe
you stupid schnitzel fuck, only girls can get raped, boys cant get raped, they do the raping you fucking alp fucker
>went to church service on christmas eve
>entire time talking about refugees and how they all must be helped, how it is our duty
>has muslim refugees in the first row, some look African, an Indian...maybe one I would consider """Syrian"""
>but apparently they're all from Allepo
>gets them to read a muslim prayer
>in a fucking 300 year old Lutheran church
>at the end the priest says God bless Syria, God bless Pakistan...
>Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, basically Africa and the middle east, many of them declared as safe countries
>doesn't say "God bless Germany" or even "God bless Europe"
>positions the muslim refugees right by the exit and has them take extra donations (the donation basket was already passed around during the service)
it was an old church and I expected some sort of tradition, whatever happened to "my God is a vengeful God"?
Mental retardation
>implying civilizational suicide doesn't always include bringing in massive amounts of the "other"
it's as if these people don't know what happened to Rome
Se have been saying that for the past 2 years and nothing, when will you people realise that expanding the problem will not solve it.
If you get rid of LA and NYC then that's 99% of the problem. No need to go overboard.
Didn't like 70% didn't want the rapefugees?
Stockholm Syndrome? Delusion? Brain washing?
10 year old boy in Austria getting raped by an Iraqi refugee
" boys cant get raped"
Your priest is a cucked priest.
These do not look the same youth as Hitler Youth
Fuck off eternal evil filthy lying Anglo, picture is not Germany
They all have dead eyes
The thing is, most of these people have never dealt with a refugee, and never will. Once the #refugeeswelcome virtue-signaling show is over, these people go back to the comfort of their homes and couldn't give a flying fuck about the well-being of said refugees. Why not invite some refugees to a cozy restaurant for a nice dinner with friends? The number of beggars on the streets of Germany skyrocketed since 2015, and a lot of them are refugees. It's exactly the same with Turkish Germans. Germans avoid Turks and vice-versa. Both sides don't get along well due to cultural differences and will never fully integrate. It's like that in any country. Multiculturalism is an utopia. Anyone can see that it in practice is a failure.
Glad those Syrians escaped the war zones :^)
>at work talking to 5/10 grill, was kinda desperate
>didn't know she was mentally ill lefty
>kinda said something along the lines that refugees are dangerous niggers that only commit crimes
>see her repulsed mouthbreather look on her face when it dooms me what I just did
>not much later everyone in the company knows what I said
>everyone avoiding me
>boss invents bullshit reasons to fire me
>now i'm unemployed
>all those "why the fuck am I doing this?" looks
What about this guy?
>Multiculturalism is an utopia
I like to call it mental castration
>well trained and ready to earn taxes for the german government.
>germans want to import a slave class of brown people
holy shit you people are fucking awful
Your efficiency will be the death of you
Humans aren't interchangeable pieces of machinery, the people you're taking in are subhuman savages
I forgive for that because I know if you named the real culprit you would probably be locked up.
>low-quality antifa bait
Germans are so deluded into thinking they can catechize/indoctrinate the refugees.
They're a strain on resources, fuck them
Is there no cure?
Triggered me lad.
What the fuck is wrong with you krauts
>prepare your weapons
lmao beige nigra be like 30 yo