White males

white males,

do you consider yourself oppressed or do you think of yourself as privileged?


me on the left

Lotta pedophiles/satanists in that room


Is this a black or white thing? Is there no gray?

Privileged, but not because I'm white

Cathy is pretty qt

People who have privileges, regardless of their skin colour, are privileged. People who don't have privileges, regardless of their skin colour, are not privileged. But even that truth doesn't take into account the difference between earned and unearned privileges (which again exist irrespective of race).

>currently studying at university
>have to work while studying just to be able to buy food
>meanwhile lowlife unemployed shitfaces and of course sandniggers get more than double the money i have per month FOR FREE

sure feels privileged

This. My family is rich as shit and I don't mean upper middle class rich. I'm privileged as shit but it isn't because of my race. My neighbors kids are black and are more privileged than 99% of this country.

I stand up for poor whites though because the way they are treated is bullshit.

I think I am privileged, in a sense that I am honoured to have been born in a white European country, that is relatively safe and provides me a relatively comfy life. But it has nothing to do with being a white male, but rather being an estonian. And quite frankly, I don't give a damn if that makes me obligated to feel any white guilt. Why? If my people need help, I pray they get the help they need. People of another kind can pray to their own bulls for help, they don't need to drain us at the expense of my people.

This is not to say I am a bigot. I wish everyone in the world would put their own kind first and count on their communities for help. Just the current attitude of being a leech and not doing your best for the sake of your community, country and your people is utterly disgusting.

That is to say, the first priority is helping people of your own kin. If some can be spared, it could go to people of other kind too, but only what can be spared, not a fucking gram more.

privileged because better potential
oppressed because better potential

Neither. I just think of myself as I think of everyone else.

Shock the gays with Tesla rays pence.

I don't think anybody is exempt from hardships in life

who's idea was it to start grading them based on sex and race?

I am priviliged thanks to my parents, I am still not opressed but I feel like certain jobs will be harder for me to access because of the Spanish ley de cuotas which means that women will have easier access to those jobs than me. SJWs say that if I move to the USA I will become a minority and since all minorities are opressed (except the jews) then I will be opressed aswell?

>who's idea was it to start grading them based on sex and race?


I don't oppression is a legitimate way to describe human relationships.

Spaniards can really clean up in the US from being "Latino", from what I've heard. Your surname would open all kinds of doors for you.

we don't give a shit about oppression and oppressed, here we struggle to survive no matter what. The ones who whine about "muh white male oppression" are actually those liberals faggots. And oh, I know what are you going to say.

I was in Brazil this year (Sao Paulo). There are definitely white people there, just not many compared to the whole population.

Pretty damn oppressed. I live in a very poor black neighborhood making only $1000 a month and because I'm white they won't give me welfare but all the blacks around me get it easily even if they are making like $5000 a month selling drugs.


Mostly as correct, therefore the other other arguments fall to the wayside.

Government of principles, faith of the orthodox Christian. Education of tradition and reason. This leads to best society.

Oppressed, since because I am white I am not allowed to use certain words.

Exactly. Privileged because everyone knows that white males in general have decent intelligence and behavior, but oppressed because our earned privilege pisses everyone else off, and there's this crazy modern notion that nobody should be able to have any privilege at all.

The irony in that is delicious. If they, meaning women, POC, gays, whatever, would just behave then they would eventually enjoy the same damn privilege as white males.

"White male privilege" is just another way of saying "I want what White people have, but I think you should just give it to me and I shouldn't have to work for it."

Theories of collective guilt are always devised as a pretext for collective punishment.


A uniformly-white leadership is a necessary but not a sufficient condition to ensure the best interests of white people.

what is she? Italian? looks a few shades dark for anglo
sexy though.

I thought I was just another human being going through the motions of life by working hard to provide myself with basic needs.

Nice black-or-white assumption you got yaself thar

i never really considered the fact that the only homeless people i've ever seen were white males
even in such a "diverse" city

I think of contemporary society as pozzed, especially pop culture, and I actively try not to use (((sociological))) concepts to describe myself or any thing.

You bros should do the same.

Olive skin is breddy common in the states. We're just Euro mutts brah

I only slander anglos and meds ironically. No one fucking cares irl.

I consider myself a forever alone loser that has achieved nothing except for getting a degree. I have some mild mental disorders that make life a bit more difficult and I don't consider myself particularly privileged. But I don't think I'm oppressed either, because I'm not a flaming faggot with a victim mentality.

Well.....when I went to go get Health Insurance last week....they had a tax credit for the following

>Rape Victims
>LGB fucking T (Which is a choice btw)
>Immigrants (Which apparently is different than refugee status)

Lets see what wasn't on the "Tax Credit List"


So while people that dont even live in this fucking country get reduced or fucking FREE health insurance......I have to pa $430 a fucking month!!!!

>So that people who arent from here and havent done a fucking thing aside from drain our country.......can have it! Thats a brand new Benz payment!

tl;dr Yeah I feel fucking oppressed

>letting the opinions of women or non-whites change your place in the world
I'm just a dude my comrade. That shit does not affect me

Yeah same in my city the only homeless people you see are white despite a large Middle eastern population.

I am privileged, not because I'm white but because my parents worked their asses off so I could have a proper childhood and go to university and move out etc. Nothing was given to me based on my gender or race. Meanwhile I saw womenz getting their course paid for by the state, getting bursaries to fund their degrees and pay their rent and living expenses and then still complain about how much more privileged I am than them. Shit makes me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>dad works hard to provide for the family
>he started at the bottom of a huge corporation
>I was born when he had been working for them
>we're still struggling to get by
>live in a bad area, bad schools, etc.
>does everything he can to provide the best for me and my sister despite his low pay
>no heating in the winter kind of stuff
>every Christmas he works hard to earn bonuses to provide
>fast forward a few years
>he's worked his way up to the top of the company
>is now earning lots of money, more than enough to provide for us but is still working over time
>we now have more than enough because of his hard work and dedication
>paying for us to go to university
>all the hard work seems to have paid off
>teenage daughter tells him at table that the only reason he's successful is because of his skin colour and gender

Yeah I feel you user, I was cold for the winters, went to the poverty schools with all the foreigners and other poor kids, we literally ate dog rice when I was young, I even stole dog biscuits to eat them. My parents worked through that and became middle class and got me to work hard in school so I could go to university and all these leftist cucks just shout about how privileged I am and how much I've oppressed them.

oppressed since birth.

I think we're just a better group than everyone else these days. Once we get enough shit flung at us and eventually get sick of anyone who isn't a white guy shit will change. The other groups depend on us to keep a country from collapsing. If they oust us then their country will collapse. It's happened before and it will happen again.

Neither. Just annoyed that people who did nothing to build my society and contribute nothing to it WANT to oppress me so that they can ruin it.

Oppressed in the literal definition, as there are laws in place in most western countries that give us fewer rights than women and non-whites, in addition to state sponsored campaigns that try to reduce our influence and power in society based purely on our gender and race.
They also misuse the term "privilege", because they imply we've magically gotten everything for free, while in reality, white men are successful because we built the society we live in. Most brown people simply lack the intelligence and impulse control to create a stable, prosperous society.

Physically and genetically: Privileged - it's fucking awesome being white

Socially: oppressed, but it's just a matter of time before the day of the rope

bait thread! Sage and reported!

Properly anointed to the power position we deserve. Don't feel oppressed. Feel empowered by the greatness of our white race. And glad af I'm not

> a beaner
> a nigger
> a shitskin