Do you believe there's a greater conspiracy behind the Japanese Anime and manga industry? In particular the lolicon subculture
Do you believe there's a greater conspiracy behind the Japanese Anime and manga industry...
I wonder.
>asking this on a mongolian card-trading board
Maybe, I kind of under-estimated gooks until the whole South Korea being run by cultist thing
Mugi is pretty redpilled
No. It is just man who are unsecure about their ability to sexual please adult women and of their judgment as sexual failure because western society define man and masculinity as how ones sexual performance is,
Hence these unsecure individuals most likely raised by very strong mothers need sexual "relationships" where they are totally in control and more experienced to not uncover their sexual and general insecurity and probably a mental development retardation.
>where they are totally in control
That's not correct as strong female types are much more popular in these fandoms.
No. It's just degeneracy. Remember that Japan is a plan country, they don't have the same values as the West.
No, 2D > 3D
Yes the Japanese government had all of this filth illegal until they lost the war. Then the Jews and their Masonic American puppets nuked the only two Christian cities in Japan, moved in, and lifted all the censorship laws in order to flood the country with morally degrading garbage. The result is the modern anime/manga industry.
>strong female types
>12 years old
choose one
No. But then, I like anime, manga, and loli. Most is good clean fun, and some (mostly older) manga and anime can be incredibly red-pilled and beautiful.
Also, what game?
Feeling threatened by the spread of 2D eh, Ahmed?
Your wouldn't believe how much power 12 year old girls can have over men.
I came so hard to this shit
Just add autism and a 12 year old shows vastly superior social skills.
Sauce plz. Plz?
You wouldnt believe how delusional you and your fap fantasies are.
t. father
>Is a father.
>Doesn't know that many fathers bend to their kid's every whim.
they want to help the white man overcome the jewish lie that is age of consent.
Japs are doing nothing wrong and only salty roasties think they are since they're not worth the effort anymore.
Sasuga leaf. This is what happens when a non-weeb pretends to be smart about grorious Nihon. You just spew bullshit and lies.
The "modern" anime/manga industry is a lot different than when it first started. The earliest animated works were original works that resembled a lot of 80s Disney. They were cheap Disney knockoffs. They aspired to be Disney. The change occured when they refused to adapt to 3D animation for the longest time because of "2D animation is the only real animation" purist bullshit and a refusal to actually market any products on a large scale overseas because of "anime is unique only to Japan" purist bullshit. A result is this strange market that is sustained mostly through a small but very loyal and dedicated consumer base. This consumer base also actively perpetuates a subculture and produces independent works, known as "doujinshi". This is where most of your porn cartoons come from.
TL;DR: the degeneracy comes purely out of the anime/manga consumer base who have grown and sustained a subculture and a market of independent artists for decades.
The funny thing is the 2D purist thing is actually responsible do some of the most stunning anime to date.
Japs doubled down on 2D in a time when 3D was expensive and difficult and produced some good shit.
But they're getting better at exporting anime culture, rather it's being forced on the industry by interested Westerners. But again, this is a good thing, because it often helps fund the more artistic or "daring" productions that are less popular in Japan than moe.
No. Look at Asians. Most of them look like little girls into their 30s. They like cute things and they all know one in three men would totally fuck a little girl if there were no repercussions for it. They might not admit it, but they know it's the truth and so that's what a lot of them sell in their fiction. They sell a lot of hard truths in their fiction, but I don't think it's to brainwash people, I think it's just art imitating reality.
Degeneracy enters the field in most art since the rise of modern culture. Manga, and pre-manga art had sexual act and stupid bullshit too, but there was no obvious or prevalent subculture to see. Nowadays you may find loli or shota-porn on hentai sites, videos or mangas. From the perspective of the individual, one regresses into the material which one faps to, thus if one has already reached that low one should stop consuming such shit altogether. As with regular porn, this stuff reconditions you, thus has the same effects as child-porn.
One could say, oh, but it is drawn/animated! Sure, but do you not respond to animated animals or children experiencing cruelty and pain? Therein lies the problem, you may know but your organs and brain does not.
Loli doesn't phase me but I'm disgusted whenever cp gets posted on Sup Forums.
What does that make me?
Loli a best
A real human bean
Thanks for the compliment
There's literally nothing wrong with degeneracy until nobody is hurt.
There is something you casual, 3DPD shitstains should be very aware of.
Works by independent artists make up the majority of degenerate animated/drawn porn. An overwhelming majority of actual professionally-made anime that air on TV/cinemas do not have characters engaging in degeneracy. The ones that do sell like shit. Typical anime does NOT feature the main characters having sex out of wedlock, doing drugs, getting tatoos/piercings, and other such degenerate shit. The romance is pure, the comedy is pristine, the tits and ass are fat and homely. It has all the good things of western society and a reluctance to portray the bad. For example, there was a shitstorm when the main heroine for Kannagi, a popular manga of the time, was implied to not be a virgin. Sup Forums thought that was ridiculous, because Sup Forums is full of retarded leftist degenerates from reddit. But that's not the only instance where the fanbase has lost its shit because of a lack of sexual purity. It goes to show that both the producers of anime/manga and the consumers do NOT want degenerate shit in their comfy cartoons.
You have a misunderstanding because you're casual that think Japan only produces "wierd tentacle pr0n shit xD". Only a small, dedicated consumerbase infatuated with the subculture consume these things. Most Japanese people do not. Most Japanese people like their anime innocent and free of degeneracy. The only compromises the producers make are seductive portrayals of their female characters and gratuitous panty shots, because it boosts sales.
a moralfag.
the implication that anime is a sucking vortex that somehow pulls in normal, functional people who were planning to reproduce anyway is fucking retarded. spoiler: normal people don't view it as anything more than cheap cartoon shit and will simply go on with their lives. the only people it has that drug-like effect on are socially stunted autists who never had a hope to begin with.
No problemo
>Socially stunted autists who have better taste
I watch anime. And i have a house a job a car and all the other shit "normal and successful" people have so fuck you if you think its degenerate. However i dont like the loli shit. And hate any shit that attempts to normalize pedophila. Personnelly think its a blight on the whole medium. Makes the rest of us look like closet pedos. And as far as i can tell its getting worse.
low impact platonic cuddles
Anime is redpilled and Shino-chan is perfect in every way
No but now I do
>attempts to normalize pedophila.
You're insinuating that there's a conspiracy to normalize pedophilia. The truth is that the people who decide what gets animated do not care - they just pick whatever they think is going to sell well. Loli is the current "trend" nowadays. It's what sells. The fact that loli sells is reflective of the minds of the consumers as a whole. Anime didn't make them that way. They made anime that way. Furthermore, because most producers do not think selling overseas and expanding their market is going to be profitable or sustainable in the short-run, they do not care what a filthy gaijin like you and I think.
It's almost amusing when casual faggots on Sup Forums complain about the current state of the anime industry. Japan doesn't give a single flying fuck what you think. And they won't, for a long time. And they have no reason to - you contribute little to nothing to the market. Producers care about their consumers, the actually buying their shit, the people inside Japan and East Asia. And right now, loli is all the rage. Deal with it, or find a different hobby. And just remember: no one cares if you leave.
2D is 2D
Honestly, probably. Some will dismiss this post but I know that the same "group" that is currently supporting the Trump campaign (this is the name of the operation for the next 8, this is not a standard "presidency") also made sure that Anime would become highly popular in the west, creating one of the most covert tactical operations to influence a significant yet small but highly, highly, highly autistic group of individuals who would be able to connect the resounding principles of the patriarchy and it's total dominance in every other field known to man to service man. It's a marriage between Feudalistic Japanese shogun mantra and the resolute form of the U.S Constitutions written by our forefathers, along with Germanic tribal male leadership.
Sound crazy? Watch Code Geass, or maybe Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood (BROTHERHOOD). How about Dragon Ball Z and showing a netured and almost completley genocided group of Saiyans. One of them being the Prince of said destroyed planet and goes on to become pretty powerful, bang the shows hottest character, and have one of the most epic persona's on that show along with Future Trunks who's essentially anime /pol.
Praise kek.
It was the only way for us to get this message across knowing that when the time came to run our candidate these individuals would be primed with all these principle philosophies that promote the importance, power, and absolute necessity of the patriarchal model.
>It's a marriage between Feudalistic Japanese shogun mantra and the resolute form of the U.S Constitutions written by our forefathers, along with Germanic tribal male leadership
>It's a marriage between A, B, and C.
>It's a marriage beween 3 things.
>It's a marriage
i understand you suck muslim cock daily and you have polygamy indoctrinated deep within you, but usually a "marriage" consists of only two parties.
but really, 3/10. too long, not amusing, too obvious.