Can capitalists even compete? edition

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:

It is reccomended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.


Other urls found in this thread:

Daily reminder we leftists have no friends irl (see pic) and, as friendless loosers come here to beg for some little attention.

please be kind. on the other hand, we will not be kind when the REAL revolution finally arrives.

Communist slags smell and look like shit

user, ironically shitposting is still shitposting.

Girls are hardwired to enjoy men who have acquired resources.

They will always fuck a capitalist man over some beta numale going on about how we should all share.

> carefully selected posts

No shit, there are some losers on a japanese image board about politics.

>They will always fuck a capitalist man over some beta numale going on about how we should all share.

yeah, untill a socialist dialectic worker arrives to lecture her on about how we should all share.

yeah, and che was no looser on no vietkong nigger forum

Sup Forums will never wake up because they're spooked about idpol

oh, rly? pls tell mor.

yugoslavia was unironically a better nation than these 6 """republics"""

This is me, ready for the lolvolution!!!

aha, aha

ITT: rich kids from succesfull capitalist countries and poor cunts from 3rd world shitholes discuss about ideology they know shit about.

I hope you cunts will enjoy red terror at some point. It will be glorious to see how you get killed as a burgeois traitors.

i hear you, lolgoslavia, aha

wtf i love mussmuss now

mor, pls mor, lolgoslavia, aha aha

no, love che

Hourly reminder that /leftypol/ is culturally enriching the thread

nah you think?

>$120 million bed-hopping hypocrite: He claimed he lived on $25 a month. But Castro had 20 luxury homes, a private island, an 88ft yacht - and mistresses galore

>Hugo Chavez’s Favorite Daughter Is Richest Person in Venezuela

>Heirs of Communist China's Eight Immortals 'have amassed huge wealth'

>Kim Jong-un splashes out £14 MILLION on luxury cars while North Korea starves

remember nothing is above a fellow comrade.

except internet pussy. internet pussy is dialectic enough to betray a comrade.

No they dont. Been to cuba several times. Its awesome

well well well, is this CIA liespreading? those examples are NOT REAL SOCIALISM.

not a fair comparison, you dont get to keep the cuban girl, you pay her $20 to fuck her once

you dont smell the salgs because you are a slag yourself.

>"it is a lie because it makes the retards that actually fell for my garbage look bad"

lease vs aquisition

are you trying to trick us mr. capitalist?

that triggered me, im literally shaking

We already redpilled the Spaniard, the crazy Hoxha loving Albanian, even the Brit. They work for us now. You're next my friend.


red pill means become communist?

ill tell you something, i used to love all the people, but since i have been coming here, i feel like i hate niggers more and more. is that redpilling?

lol, the wall of chekoslovakia, see pic realted

Why does comfortable living in a capitalist society breed weak, self-proclaimed "intellectuals" that are drawn to socialism/communism?

>those examples are NOT REAL SOCIALISM
Mate. We can all see you shilling for Cuba right here. This is how future communism would go.
>communism has failed in every single instance or iteration it has ever been tried in
>no don't worry comrades, that wasn't real communism, my personal brand of perfectly infallible communism is the only real communism
>ok, let's try it
After the revolution (everyone gets poor except the leaders who selfishly and unscrupulously enrich themselves beyond the wildest dreams of even the most sociopathic of capitalists)

you have to $$$
sure, whore by choice under a bridge

Neo-communists like you should be conscripted into the red army

because in capitalism people can be on one gender only, but communism, REAL communism,allows the REAL 725 genders.

Yes. But niggers are the least of our worries. Jews are the real enemy.

Because that is the only way weak self-proclaimed intellectuals are ever going to survive in the real world, they need Socialism in order to have someone to leech from when the money stops flowing from their parents' bank accounts.

Was the revolutionary bit actually part of Marxism? I thought he predicted it would be evolutionary.

As for Leninism, how can anyone still advocate it after what happened in Soviet Russia?

oh, really, then how do you explain this?
pic related.

Oh I see that you are being ironic. Keep up the good work comrade. VIVA LA PINKO REVOLUCION.

not real socialism, haven't you been told?

I am part of the new REAL red army, nazi watch out

>Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

Gas yourself.

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.

Sounds a lot like the time in your life where you live with your parents. You share everything in the house, food, electricity, water, etc...

>mfw capitalism is the phase where you move out and live on your own.

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

The authoritarian government that will be necessary until we achieve true communism is all for the greater good though, right?

>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class.

Why would a socialist state be controlled by the workers and not the socialist class?

>When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

So, we'll be robots?

ehhhh, i think this pic addresses all your points.

This is some pretty bad trolling desu

The cheaper the price, the more diseases they carry.

What a delusional degenerate taco you are.

Has Trump sent you the bill for the Wall yet?

Albania was never part of Yugoslavia, taco.

Why are lefties always so ignorant of history?

>I have no argument, so I'll just post an image of a non-argument.

The Wall will be paid for by your taxes. Keep voting for PRI, you retarded little bean burrito.

wait a min, so if a dildo is shoved inside a fembot of questionable age, who benefits from the lack of consent?

You realize that .gif was made to mock lefties, don't you? Delusional bean.

A cartel is not an army, tacobowl. You probably don't even own a gun, and if you do, you should kill yourself pronto.

Want a good example of Leninism move to fucking North Korea you fucking retards

It was a pretty good argument. Maybe you should read it again.

Mfw OP is top ruse master and there is not a single leftist itt.

Communism would be cool if the government was voluntary and money or barter didn't exist.

State ownership of the means of production would be cool if the state was a genuine workers' state.

He made a post on /leftypol/ about having made the thread. Either he is simply trying to be hip with the kids or he was simply a lurker that made a thread to make fun of them.

All of those would be cool if they weren't just what some retard cooked up while living entirely on his best friend's inheritance with no consideration for the viability of his ideas.



>commie says believe xyz or else your a abc
>blatant shilling eventually spills over into regular conversations between people
>someone that shills for xyz asks you questions about xyz.
>They know it's blatantly wrong, doesn't matter better than being cucked.

>the shilling is so complete and absolute that not having an opinion or answering questions about xyz means you are against it and therefore an abc

>you are humiliated by being an abc
>you feel humiliated every time you shill for xyz
>you get humiliated if you don't shill for xyz
>you shill for xyz to not be an abc

>become so cucked your emotional state becomes a positive feedback loop of communism

That's just shitposting lad we do that hear all the time too
>tfw nogf

Bumpity bump

In a socialist state, the state benefits.

In a capitalist state, the dildo benefits.

well, you should

America and the entire world will be RED.

How often can I use the girl for $20?
How often can I use the doll for $200?

Did it hit home, faggot?

You comrades told me we could subvert pol and make the world red.
Why we failed?
Bash the fash also, guise.

Tbh this was in 96-97, after the communists had drained this place.

Daily reminder this is literally what all communist kiddies look like.

You'll never be welcome here

what the fuck is with all the r9k-tier threads this morning?

I wanted to track the other Albanian and personally beat his ass desu.

Hey, that's me in the screenshot! YAYYY!

lmao typical leftists
literally more authoritarian and tyrannical than a board infested with nazis

think about it


God comrades i am so sick of the trannies and fags misusing the Red Flag and the Hammer and Sickle, these are meant to promote Masculine ideals but are being ripped to shreds by idpolers.

why spend 20$ putting my dick in a cuban?
Greek girls are selling their bodies for the price of a ham sandwich

>sex workers, call girl, hookers, and etc.

>sex therapists (see documentaries for disabled people getting a hand job and shit)

Literally look at R9K, that place is an alt-right haven.

Albania is not Yugoslavia Juan

>wanting to clean up the shittiest board on the internet is tyrannical

I guess you don't kill roaches that wander in to your house, you probably leave moldy food out to attract them because you don't want to infringe on their freeze peaches right?



It's called the cherry picking fallacy and what you're doing is called being a fucking retard

Enjoy your AIDS Pablo.

>he thinks marx invented socialism

marx didn't get popular because he advocated socialism, retard, like 1000 other philosophers around the time advocated the same thing

he got popular because of his thorough and mostly correct historical and ideological critique of capitalism

marxism-leninism exists because marx never really talked about a way to implement a socialism or communism, so lenin took marx's writings and interpreted them in the way he thought was the best way to bring about communism

that's why you never see socialists say their prefered current is marxism, it's always ml or mlm or some other shit

Kek, it really did hit home.

>Shittiest board

You've been at this FOR YEARS, you'll just be forgotten like the rest.

trebamo novu jugoslaviju bez komunista

so you agree that it's the shittiest board?

literally, every board Sup Forums touches gets worse, nobody likes you faggots but you refuse to stay in your containment board

A možda i bez srba.

Well maybe if someone with a stick up his ass didn't have to come here every once in a year and clog the catalog with Sup Forums tier threads on a daily bases we would not?

ne odjebi

Ti odjebi.

love to curb stomp a communist

hahahaha, no

Sup Forums tier is literally better than Sup Forums tier

this place got infested with paid stormfront shills years ago who try and push their cult wherever they can

a communist thread is a breath of fresh air compared to most of the content on this board, even one created by a troll like this one was

Lol a Mexican posting THAT image
Third world right wingers need to be eliminated.

>sturmfuurgs hurr
>muh containamenint board
lmao you're probably like 15 at the oldest dumb faggot
no surprise you'd probably browse Sup Forums too

The bourgeoisie must be liquidated.