What should Donald Trump do about the estimated 50,000 Irish illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States?
Trump has Ireland worried about its illegals in the U.S
They are white they can stay and get a path to citizenship
>White illegals
Give them automatic citizenship and forgive all back taxes.
Mike Pence is Irish. Give us our fooking passports.
Deport them drunk bastards.
Shoot them. Fuck tiags.
Potato niggers must go
Now the Irish in America know how the Protestants felt when they all started arriving. They should be afraid, they should always live in fear.
Irish farmers were the ones who imported African slaves because they were too lazy to farm their own land.
They ruined our country. They have to go back
Why, second celtic tiger is here...get a job you worthless faggot.
Send them to Aus where white niggers belong.
exactly what your government did in the 1920ies
Make them policemen
they are stupid and borderline alcoholic since birth, good brawlers and hate colored people with a passion
They have to go back.
Holy shit are Irish lost Aryans?
It doesn't matter whether they're Irish or Mexican or Martian, they have to go back.
In fact, I reckon it's even more important our illegals get punished in some way so as to deflect accusations of racism. Of course, knowing liberals if people point to this as an example, suddenly it will be possibly to be racist against >white people.
Remove potato nigger
They should be more concerned about losing their tax haven was income
you have to go back
No you don't want Irish. They are stupider than Mexicans. It's surprising, but true.
No. Deportation should only apply to mud people.
>inb4 Irish are mud people
hes a half scot right? we know even white americans these days feel a bit of loyalty to there sub group, im not sure he'd deport the celts.
They're fine. This is all about the illegal Mexicans. Start with them, get them all out and see where we are.
>Tfw no British vampire gf.
Why even bother living.
This thread makes me feel like riverdancing
The Corn Laws worked pretty well. Not only do you get wicked profits on your corn but all the Irish starve to death. It's Anglonomics at its finest.
Iirish need not apply.....
Because they're fine, that is
Send them all back.
The 19th century called, they want their immigration critique back
Seriously, do micks still emigrate to the US illegally?
He should send them home.
Law is law.
send the potato coons back
fucking potatoheads
they gotta go back
The potatoniggers are jew-tier when it comes to social issues.
>deporting ginger girls
The God emporer wouldn't think of it.
If they are illegal immigrants then they have to go back, plain and simple
I had my son in the back of the car ask me, "are all Mexicans rapists?"
This is the sort of racist bigotry infecting the world with a trump presidency.
You have to go back
Sorry potato niggers
Very very large amounts of youth leave here in state sponsored drainage ,Large amounts of Poles and Africans are planted here intheir place HMMMM!
This, we never actually carted about illegal immigration. It's just a pc way to get rid of spics. I'll take an illegal white immigrant over any Legal spic.
>It's just a pc way to get rid of spics
I'll respect white americans more if they just said that instead about bitching and crying like babies about illegal immigration.
No we do hate illegals of all colors
They all need to go back
Hopefully Trump deports them all.
Irish are worse than mexicans
Sorry Paddy, but you must go back...
Throw a crate of potatoes towards china and let the work do itself.
Who cares what you think. Were getting rid of you any way we can
Speak for yourself cuck, White illegal Immigrants are not a problem in any conceivable way
If they don't pay income tax they need to go back
End of story
They probably do, they just overstayed their visas but still use the same tax info to keep a job
my brother married a potato nigger
its is brutal
This is literally why the Third World is a shithole. The dominant group/clan can get away with anything, laws don't apply for them. It's a "Got a problem? This is our country, we do whatever we want. Go be a rapefugee on Europe." mentality
illegals get sent back, no exceptions
Speak for yourself, we aren't republicans here. I'd take 10 million white illegals if it go rid of 2 million brown legals.
Fuck off potato niggers, we're full.
> you can crash in Canada if you want
Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants, you don't cut the line at race. Send them all out, if thats what you have decided to do
They have to back
>50,000 Irish illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States
Oh shite, didn't know about this! If a good chunk of them are Norn Iron fenians and they're deported back, they're going to accelerate the inevitable fenian take over of our wee country!
Won't someone please do something? They can't keep getting away with this. All they do is manual labor type jobs and drink away their wages. They have 7+ children and take over the place. The white populations of the east coast have been irreversibly contaminated by the eternal gaelic. You don't want your daughters to be MICK'D next do you? Send them all back and don't let them fool you saying they fled the potatoe shoah, it's all a hoax.
Send them patties home
Send them patties home
If they don't like our yankee ways send them patties home
Potato famines work pretty well
Dirty Irish foreigners gtg
Remove Fenian.
Deport the shit out of them.
First post worst post
They have to go back
irish diaspora are all communists & leftists
This desu.
Depending on how long they've been there there are probably 300 000 spawned from that 50 000.
It's their tactic. They zerg rush you then start occupying positions of power. Pretty soon they're your president and have people at every level of society.
speaking as a jew, I hate the irish.
Time to open yer yaps and take that Irish Mickey