In order for Trump for save more jobs than Obama's 15 million...

In order for Trump for save more jobs than Obama's 15 million, Trump would have to save 5137 jobs a day for 8 years just to break even.

So far he has only saved same 800 Carrier shit factory jobs none of you will be working.

Let that sink in.

He hasn't even started his fucking term.
Let THAT sink in.

You could create a billion jobs, but if they're all shitty burger flipping positions what even is the point.

Trump, "the Sup Forums candidate":

>loves kikes
>loves niggers
>supports fags
>supports trannies
>is disgusted by based David Duke
>disavowed the alt-right

Let that sink in.

A lot of them were un-needed gov jobs created specifically to pretend he was creating jobs.

He is our candidate because he is better in almost every way when compared to our options in the primary. He isn't perfect, not even close, but he was much better then any of the alternatives.

Government jobs are paid for with taxpayers money.

Fuck off

>much better
>options were other Republicans


Weak weak bait.

Factory jobs > mcDonalds jobs
Anyways you dipshit. Ask anyone ths.

Obama didn't save American jobs for American citizens. Nearly as 100% pf job growth in America are positions created for then filled by H1B and H2B visa programs. Period.

not an argument

This anyways, go to your local hospital o university.

Imagine how much money america is gonna save by not giving illagely mexicans free birth care and then subsequently enrolling them on the welfare for life programs.

We will keep wining and I ain't tired yet BOYS!


>>is disgusted by based David Duke

well if Duke has been working directly for FBI without disclosing that he doesn't have credibility

800 factory jobs and still 1200 factory jobs lost?

Bad deal. Its like he didnt even save anything. How many part time jobs is a full time job worth to you?

>He is our candidate because he is better in almost every way when compared to our options in the primary.
>a conman
>a man who doesn't go to church
>a rich elitist
>a man who doesn't know how it feels to be poor
>a man who has never payed taxes
>a man who has screwed over little people(has been recorded)
>a man who has gone bankrupt

>saves jobs without even being president yet having no real power

>hurr it's only 800 so far

Most of the jobs he created were useless bureaucratic jobs staffed by women. The US would be better off if those jobs were destroyed, female employment is not important especially if they dont produce anything.

Obama created zero new jobs in reality. Let that sink in

To get useless people off welfare. That is entirely the point. Are you stupid?

I'm going to miss having a tranny ape in the whitehouse.

Trump careers > obama jobs

Overseeing a nation of barely qualified gov workers and college grad burger flippers is pretty impressive, but my money's on trump

>800 is like 0
>look at me and give me repies


>15 million

Where are you getting this figure from? Even the 10 million figure only came about by jewery like counting a couple of weeks of seasonal work as a job.

This. That was our benchmark of progressiveness.

Well trump has saved 800 jobs with 0 days in office, that makes it so that he's saved 800 jobs per plank time.
If this trend keeps up, he will end up saving 4000^44 jobs a second. Or, in 4 years of office, approximately: 12614400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 jobs.

Mowing your neighbor's lawn for $20 a week isn't a job.
Nice try, shill.

>money is bad
>legally following the tax code is bad

>create government programs
>staff said programs

10/10 job creation

Worst president ever with no legacy whatsoever.

If he builds a wall the poz loads will be worth