>Today fat acceptance is growing
>How much do you weigh user
Healthy at any size
340 lbs
>72 kg
>189 cm
What do
Nice samefagging you got there
>people think weight matters
No, what matters is BMI + BF%
>Exercises 5-10 hours a week
When will fatties ever understand that walking isn't exercising?
Laura virtue signals so much she had an excuse to be fat.
Put on some weight. While I am sure Somali semen is delicious, you can't live on that alone. Even if you drink several liters a day.
As for me, I am 180 cm and 74.5 kg.
> >72 kg
> >188cm
Stop using metrical system.
214, but only 15% body fat and dropping. Built like a tank bitch. Get your twiggy ass in the gym
BMI: 18.2
Fuck me in my skeleton hole
>eats well balanced diet and exercises
>has surplus calories stored all over her body
Pick one
No. Which system do you even want me to use? Are you an American on vacation in Russia?
Ameriburgers tell me how to gain weight.
Will I still be healthy if I need to ride one of these?
ITT low test betas
155 pounds, 5 foot 9 inches.
GOMAD, son.
(Gallon Of Milk A Day, the king dirtybulk)
It's got nothing to do with weight.
I'd date a skinny, fit girl weighing 300 kilos over an obese woman weighing 50 kilos.
The answer is right in front of you user.
My grandfather always said that a real Latvian weighs at least 100kg, so i feel like a dissapointment desu
Move to America 3 weeks
i work out 20 hrs a week
180 kg
I work out 70 hours a week, sheering kangaroos
hello spooky skeleton.
Take some weight we need strong arms for the race war
1.85 cm
102 kg
Average German builtfat wagecuck
OMG she looks like Taylor Swift! Might have a problem @ the mall
Also I am 2.02m tall and 140kg. Healthy at any weight is bullshit.
Walking absolutely is excersice it just doesn't burn enough calories to justify eating a whole cake afterwards
260 lbs
Used to run cross country at 160-180 lbs got injured, got into a bad relationship gained a shitload of weight currently 20 lbs below my maximum weight and dropping fast.
Average cop
244 pounds
And my height is 5'10
Thank you Russia bro
How on earth does homeschooling and being a great capable wife have anything to do with weight?
Moms like OP's pic are amazing. I know several. And they tend to be thin or fit because if you have the drive to work like this, you probably have the drive to keep in shape.
Damn you're short.
>145 lbs
It wouldn't hurt to gain ten or fifteen pounds but I'm fine, I'm average bmi and have enough muscle to work in a warehouse with no problems; most guys bigger than me don't do as good of a job.
Weight doesn't matter. It's all about your body fat %; it just so happens that fatter people tend to weigh more because of the excess fat mass.
Weight is a social construct.
>pic fukken saved
Syƶ vitusti ja liiku
>189 cm
>78 kg
I'm okay with this.
>400 pound
>not a hacker
why live ?
>This kills the scale
>tfw manlet skelly
broad shoulders master race
>Smashes scale inefficiently with a hammer
Why didn't she just stand on it? Also it is sad that she is so out of breath afterwards from doing less than a minute of activity.
>5'11" (180 cm)
>274 lbs. (124 kg)
>friends jokingly call me fat
>strangers say I'm not fat, just out of shape
>doctors tell me I would be healthier if I lost some weight
>look up BMI
>morbidly obese
I would've taken it more seriously if someone called me that.
SS+GOMAD Kulervo skeleton
>~204cm (~6'7)
>85kg (~187lbs)
Probably would weigh much more if i ate more regularly and exercised a bit.
bitch you seem to be missing some ribs
>1,95 m or 6,5
>90 kg
I'm ok with this
>This woman does absolutely normal (except for the adoption part), ordinary and non-impressive things, whilst being fat. Stop thinking she is fat because she has chickens
200cm, 85kg btw
Not using it horizontally as a wheel-bed and bitch on everyone who has the balls to criticise you for being a lazy fuck as being ableist
>be me
>6' 22lbs
>shave head to counter male pattern baldness
>be nice,funny, smart red pilled guy
>mfw evrybody thinks im just your ordinary average skinhead
t. hate jews agenda, not a skinhead though
err 225lbs
5'9, 220lbs, buff.