As disinterested America man no use proxy server why Korea man most virile big penis many time sex white women but America man penis so small very sad no sex virgin?
Is most confusing???
As disinterested America man no use proxy server why Korea man most virile big penis many time sex white women but America man penis so small very sad no sex virgin?
Is most confusing???
Other urls found in this thread:
Ah yes America man
As Australian national I agree white man most effete
Look at big korea man
So muscular and masculine
Many time agree western friend
As Frenchman I always see beautiful white round eyed french girl masturbate to superior Joseon male
Is many time humiliating
Always knew you americans are cucks for the korean d
Ah yes, I see k-drama reach many shores.
In glorious Argentina 99% caucasian race where i from many girl trip Korea for impregnation
Is great national shame white man no longer satisfy woman ;___;
Do you have better things to do than to shitpost on a Bhutanese tapestry enthusiasts' forum?
Hello fellow Austrian Hitler-brother
we both no virtual proxy network
Real germanic blood flow through vein while watch teutonic woman ravaged giant K-drama star penis on pornographic website
Tally-ho-u fellow Londonistaner
Is many time shamefur we eat-u jelly eel but watch Korea man stick his jelly eel in eager supplicant english tory woman
Are koreans asia's "muh dik" people? You're almost as bad as niggers
Many different but all western man agree Korea penis so huge many time overwhelm tiny America no masculine cuckolded tiny penis many time small
So bad...
Cool, since there are only non Korean fags in this thread, can we discuss our newest Korean nuclear strike plans ?
Ahoy fellow Eire man
Is many time sad us Leprechaun watch Korea man come to Emerald isle and irish wench throw on big kimchi penis
Korea nuclear strike massive penis bomb into womb many white woman
New Korea herald story- tiny white penis chastity belt white man cry watch wife bear healthy happa baby
Well that was some weak-ass bait, even for gook quality control standards
You eat plate noodles with tomato sauce
Korea eat plate white woman panties with used condom filled precious three-kingdom semen many new baby make in white woman vagina
Gotta agree with our faggotini here
Ching chong as an korean man with perfect A on math test, I must say my penis is verry smoll, only big American penis satisfy Asian woman
Shut up potato nigger
Most superior kimchi warlord descend on potato blight island
Rape-u all potato-nigger leprechauns
where you gold pot now belt shoe buckle on head tiny green man?
Pick two.
I forgot, are you the americuck or the australifag posing as Korean
>only big Korean American LA riot control while white man too busy giving white woman to rioting ape as sexual reparation penis satisfy inferior tiny white vagina
le ebin fixed that for your narwhale bacon friend ftw le newfriend XXXDDDDD
Are you drunk or something?
5/7 made me reply
Herro ferrow korean, you so true, but also only firm and aryian penis of mighty germanic people satisfying.
No fellow art school reject hitler friend
I austria!
Oktoberfest and degenerate western alcohol party
Ha ha
Starcraft no superior test dexterity, stamina and intelligence
I only present anus soviet invader :)
As a GerMan, I wouldn't say no to nice Korean boi. ^^
as an korean man, the superior white American tough strong man kidnapped me, they made me suck there huge WHITE American penis, I Kno why our Asian women like big huge American penis
You gotta understand, there are a lot of Korean fags posing as glorious Austrian, finish the sentence to prove you are Austrian.
> Wir wollen ...
Alcohol most degenerate western invention
Before evil western influence Korea man 30 feet high atomic fire breath fly most powerful destroy Tokyo many time
Say hello Stalin anus rape sauerkraut-nigger
Says the one governed by shadow feminist cult
>Wir wollen white woman many time sex big Korea man
ahhhhhhhhhhh why you liar anonymous/???
Many time lie take back-u
>Country rule by Merkel
Tiny no lubricant vagina country go
South Koreans on Sup Forums always make their most of their broken English.
I am nut lyin, I am korean I am so suprise that American penis so huge
We're the last stand against Merkel, so better try next time
tiny white penis
Sound kärntnerisch
>Potato nigger no give pot of gold end of rainbow but saukraut nigger give white woman end of kimchi rainbow
you spilled your weekly rice ration or why are you so mad
In glorious land superior technology Samsung, GS25 and Naver inferior starches rice for starving no muscle America man
Many time eat meat drink soju grow most big and powerful even woman pic related
I live in America. I'm Spanish and my dick is huuuuge. Even my white gf is irish. America is a mixing pot. Coming here doesn't shrink your dick eating lots of rice, fish and soy make you feminine. Also Koreans love Americans we have pride and big beady eyes. Your culture directly mimics ours. (Not all th3 way but mostly)
Fake korea stole samsung technology from glorious real superkorea
No wonder a feminist cult seized control, cuck
polan n korae bros 4 lyf
Maybe you are last stand, but we are the people! Also we own u.
Strong woman intimidate small penis man penis so small no handle big clitoris many time sad
Tienes pene largo? Eres muy estupido nigger
Cabbage nigger go back to rainbow get gold pot for big korea penis
Please, without us you would have twice the rapefugees and would already be a caliphate
Autobahn niggers no talk Korea because jealous big Kimchi penis
South korean nigger shoot yourself.
this is the best thread ive seen in days
Just get the bamboo stick out your ass
Breed us another Adolf if you want to save Europe.
Get rid of your leftist cucks first. Hitler would never have seized power with your current population
Big bamboo in crotch- no ass dumb art school reject
wow ok rude ass sunufabitch go screw urslef then idgaf lmao
It is likely a fucking leaf. Honestly, are you people even surprised?
ha ha soviet rape baby many time angry
Can you stop proxyfagging? Fucking leaf
The world's perception about our population is pretty skewed because you don't live here and all your information comes from mass media or deranged anons. It's a you don't talk about the fight club thing, hope you get the reference. Everything will work out fine in the long run, trust me.
Polebro experienced many wars and still is cool. You had one and lost half your territory. And did I mention your shadow feminist cult governement
I really hope, after all we're brothers. Ive been once to Hamburg last year and mean all the ads on the subways and streets are literal propaganda for linke Zecken
Well our countries aren't divided in two polar opposites so we take it easy.
America cucked tea drink limey lose half territory Trudeau cuckold surrender frog country
Korea strong go 3 kingdom period to 2 kingdom period called progress 1 kingdom to go
greatest ally, can't wait till you join visegrad group
f u fgt
I wish, but with Van der Bellen being president elect it seems rather unlikely
why sad cabbage accidental vodka birth rude to superior sophisticated gentleman Korea man?
Is because blonde woman prefer sleek, stylish koreaman to bumpkin gin blossoming red faced potato farming call center plumber?
Weak bait. Korean women want big dick white guys. Unfortunately for Korean women Koreans are ugly.
What is happening here?
>t. proxy leaf
Koreans having a psychological breakdown for not being a aryian.
Dumb nipp big korea penis making comeback
You see picture Japanese girl no get enough Korea man
Dirty nipp wedding interrupted by Korea man redeeming discount gift card one stupid dog face jap virginity
Barely worth effort redeem but must for nipp war crime
so embarrassing tiny penis japman watch well hung korea sex sissy girl japwoman at wedding