So how's Brexit working out for you guys?
>Brexit leads to more than 100 firms looking to move business from Britain to Ireland
So how's Brexit working out for you guys?
>Brexit leads to more than 100 firms looking to move business from Britain to Ireland
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Great source, OP.
Stop bullying us already Hans...Britain stronk. We'll do fine without EU.
>linking fake news
So how's Merkel working out for you guys?
>One single refugee invited by Merkel leads to 12 dead and 56 injured
>German flag
>Pro eu post
>General smug and sneering nature
It all checks out, we've got ourselves an ARYAN.
working out swell,and "looking" = haggling for lower corp tax
keep crying kraut lmao
Look at those Irish slags! Who wouldn't want to move to IReland???
their currency is stronger than ever XXXXXXXXXXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
it means foreigners can buy shit cheaper now where as it was too pricey prior
japan does this to its currency ON PURPOSE!
to cuck the usa
you would know this christov if you understood economics xDDDDDDDDD
you was in the other thread,i told you this when you posted that pic
not only did it whoosh over your head you are pushing the lie still
*looking to move* thats daily mirror speak for " were just making it up". May aswell say merkel is "looking at the possibility of becoming a nazi"
The thing about the Brexit is that, if those firms threaten to move outside, Britain can simply threaten them to raise taxes on importing their products and decrease taxes for firms willing to produce in Britain's soil. The same could not be done before without EU's approval.
>this reatrd things that collapse of currency is a good thing
Why didnt your goverment printed more of it before? They didnt need brexit to do it you fucking deepshit
i dont give a le fuck lol, as long as brexit happens
it hurts doesn't it, and you haven even started brexiting with article 50
>calls people a retard
>cant even spell it.
and its dipshit you fucking cuck! go clean some bogs christov
nope,we are optimistic,you are just mad you cant milk us no more hahahahaha
when the EU collapses say hi to putin for me XDDDDDD
is this your comeback? You really think I would spend more than a second on checking my spelling for you?
Enjoy your country dying after article 50
thanks we will, enjoy staying in yours
>nope,we are optimistic,you are just mad you cant milk us no more hahahahaha
Deport all Poles today you fucking moron. XXDDD Do you thin we want them working for you?
Deport them all pussies, otherwise they will come back anyway since your country turns slowly into shit every month, it will take time but a new pakistan needs to rise
For fuck's sake I'm literally just about to move over there
i will,id rather die on my feet than live on my knees like poland
for all the flag waving you do,for all the agression,you get on your knees and suck that german cock lmao
>i will,id rather die on my feet
you wont be on your feet when germans end you faggot and it has already begun
If true, great. Londonstan is a cancer that needs to starve to death.
There are a lot of cranes in the docklands of Dublin these days so I suspect its at least partially true.
Pretty good so far Memhit, how are your (((new friends))) assimilating??
>implying the single market union is going to last for much longer
It's not so much that Brexit started anything, but it did embolden a lot of people who had similar feelings all over the developed part of continent.
And with 2016 giving us the referendums in Britain and Italy, and 2017 putting Le Pen and Wilders in the election, it's clear that times are changing.
According to google
>At the start of 2013, there were an estimated 4.9 million UK private sector businesses
And accordin to this article mere hundreds have made enquiries on moving.
So very few really.
On top of that, they were mostly finanicial institutions, which are frequently looking to move, brexit or not.
>tfw jealous of Britain for regaining their independence.
>tfw no Nexit.
We'll just unify Ireland under the crown
>poles get deported
>ends up working for the Germans
>Germans work the poles 10x as hard for half the pay.
>Germans call poles lazy
>ekkkkss deeee
thats a month out of date you stupid cunt! the pm already had words
you are trying to will the uk to collapse just so others dont get the idea to leave
because if they do pooland is FUCKED!
>krauts value wealth over liberty
UK didn't exit yet and besides you baby, no change happens without sacrifice.
This is what i don't understand
butthurt europeans seem to have a fox-and-the-grapes thing by hating on the UK for Brexit, but in reality we want other European countries to leave the EU too, we don't have European countries we hate the EU, it's a fucking horrific jewish criminal organisation.
we will support geert from here,ive been memeing loads on twitter and slapping down the trolls on his feed.
While London unites England, Scotland and Wales under a Caliphate
Hahahahahahaha!!! can't breathe!!!
Hans, that was before the vote and one of the things that fucked the remain campaign...
>this is what nigel told brits
we are already working there for smiliar wages faggit
>you are trying to will the uk to collapse just so others dont get the idea to leave
I just dont give a fuck about you and I am enjoying the show.
The source is some Mick whose literal job is to get business for Ireland, and even he only says 'might's and 'could's.
Who made those skirts? Looks like hamster cut them out of leftover toilet paper.
the funny thing is...germany has imperialistic ambition,even pol ones,its why they are butthurt we are leaving
the poorfag states like slovinia and poland cant survive if states start leaving so they pray we fail to warn off others
half of pol is against us lol
A: It hasn't collapsed.
B: The point was it isn't necessarily bad.
C: Your English needs work Pawel.
It is all falling apart for Britistan.
>expecting continentals to understand the ANGLO concept of freedom under law and individual pursuit of wealth.
Yes, it is just jealousy.
We don't get a referendum to choose for Nexit.
And even if we did our politicians always ignore referendums anyways.
So all we can do is hate you for being better than us.
>pro-EU people employed in post-EU Britain
You can't be this stupid or can you?
lmao tough shit i remember hearing dole was now paid at the rate of poland rather than the rate of the uk...they was sending money back to feed their kids
This is just negotiations.
Corporations are threatening that unless we give them what they want (open borders and ECJ jurisdiction) then they'll leave.
In reality, we don't have to give them these things.
They are empty threats.
And further, since Brexit, the biggest tech companies have expanded their operations in London, including Google, Facebook and Apple.
Well yes of course, this is why Merkel will win her re-election with a record high vote.
because of cucks like you people here hate us
i dont give a fuck about you either and im half polish
>wanting economic prosperity
>wanting wealth
>not wanting poverty, not wanting hardship
>not wanting big business and banks to leave Britain
Enjoy hell.
"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
The EU will soon be dead, cunt. EU needs Britain more than the Brits needs EU
You have no idea what that cartoon means, huh?
call me back to those graphs when they actually leave, they're still in the EU until they finish writing that burecratic epic to leave for good and actually step out of the door
Make it snappy Nigel, I want your shitty wine, beer and tea out of my italian supermarkets ASAP
Yup. It is in the process of collapsing right now.
you are as sad as the "watch out drumpf fags here comes hillary!" guy
>Tories are anti-EU
Hans, how stupid are you?
Cameron didn't want to leave, Theresa May always said EU brings security from terrorism. Tories are pro-EU.
>banks and financial institutions
Oy vey the poor jewish bankers are leaving, quick remember the 6 gorillion goy!
We're all excited thanks Hans. Christmas has been extra joyous this year lapping all the salt from thousands of German tears. We're quite happy for these treacherous companies to fuck off actually.
How's your new friends doing with your women? Hope they're having an enriching time whilst you stand watching. Toodle pip old boy!
They can take their sheckels and fuck off to Ireland, senpai Britain, Canada loves you.
reject wealth. Let Britain become the sick man of Europe again. Let us be closer to God in our poverty
Or maybe it was the news about apple completely getting away with not paying $17billion in tax to ireland, and the irish politicians actively saying 'no we don't want tax money'.
Global Financial Centers Index 20
Z/Yen & China Development Institute, September 2016
>Hans is still buttmad about Brexit thread
1,000 companies will come take their place. Also anyone who thinks they need to let their country turn into little Afghanistan to keep 100 companies is retarded
revenge for the irish genocide
Good, then hurry up and finish packing your shit
They've been threatening this for months and yet still here I am, the door is open but they just wont leave.
yes its all falling apart on post brexit britain. corporations are leaving by the droves.
>trusting the eternal Anglo
fucking hell Hans, you're gonna get tricked again
You should be thanking us, won't be long until the EU is finished. Once you kick the door in the whole rotten structure will come down.
>this is what Nigel told you brits
>laughs Michale to himself
>he stares into the dirty German porcelain bowel
>in the chunder stained u-bend he remembers his life in the uk
>he had everything he could wish for- vodka, a minimum wage job and a 1990 ford astra.
>mocking the landmark that had given him these things until that day came.
>on that day he was ushered into a ferry, and shipped back to France.
>Michale thought it was a Eastern European Noah ark.
>now with tears, Michale whishes he was still in England
>such is life for the polish in Germany
God save the queen lads.
>says Germany
Indeed. Our present is your future.
We'll do what we want thanks, and when you get bailed out by the EU you can do what they want from then on. See: Greece.
We're going to take great delight in stomping on your shitty country! We fucked you before and WE WILL do it again.
dont hate us cause you aint us mario
Looks great for Ireland...maybe it's time for Ireland to thrive and Britian to be the "niggers of Europe "
maybe its time for guam and cali to thrive also...............................
>Germany and Poland still THIS mad 6 months later
We are just happy, there are few things that make us and Germans happy, we take the most from it.
To be fair i think it's quite sad brexit is being sabotaged by our government, but at least it reflects that the actual people of britain did want change. Let's face it we're all fucked no matter where we're from and we need to start focusing on who agrees and who doesn't rather than "hurr you're country is slightly more cucked than mine in *this* way", meanwhile the UK has no free speech and arrests people for offending people on twitter, meanwhile Germany arrests holocaust deniars etc etc.
most of our medal winners are white hahahahaha nice try fag
>So how's Brexit working out for you guys?
Not sure, it hasn't even happened yet, so...
> there are few things that make us and Germans happy
Being Germany's bitch like you've always been?
i can understand poland being butt hurt cause of lose welfare money and toilet cleaning jobs butwhy do the krauts care so much? they still have 26 other countries in the merkel empire.