This is an """"English"""" shopping centre at Christmas. Really made me think...
This is an """"English"""" shopping centre at Christmas. Really made me think
All those people standing in line to kill the kuffar
Our countries are turning brown.
Got to put a stop to it.
We defeated Hitler for this.
kill that skinhead.
We're not faring much better over here.
What the fuck britbongs? This is how a shitty allahu ackbar ghetto or a backwards subhuman village in turkey looks like
Fix your shit
I count two white people.
You need to start purging shitskins m8.My first day in London (Croydon) i seen pakis butchering a goat on the high street
>tfw my borough is 20% white
Rubber dingy rapids bro
Wow look at all that diversity
london has fallen
paris has fallen
berlin has fallen
safe space for whites where?
>minorities get terrorised by community
>100% white as a result
not that hard, just brick them
Because only people who don't celebrate Christmas would be at a shopping center
The mere presence of non whites can trigger pol-weenies into depression, hahahaha.
This is the mayor of London
>inb4 b-b-but gypsies ( which we - EU- ourselves allowed to take in and stopped romanians from oppressing them) are far worse than muslims
Go through the pictures. There's more chinks than anything else.
The face of the bald dude is priceless. He already gave up.
>people posting pictures and webms of Londonistan, when all our immigrants are, which is completely different in every way shape and form to England, calling it England, then blaming the English when the Scottish usually swing the vote for cucked shit like this
Stay politically inept Sup Forums
Gids back islands Mohammed
It's from the trafford centre
It's like this every boxing day. Christians are at home celebrating Christmas with their families, Asians don't celebrate Christmas so they're shopping for "deals".
this desu
Care to translate? I don't speak Pierogi, only Burger.
Nah, Texas, he's daydreaming of Kebab removal.
Technically Caucasian were the minority for most of the British empire .
>excuses from butthurt brits
Just accept Britain is finished. We're never getting pic related back.
Eastern fucking Europe. Seems like ultimately it will be up to us to fix the gayropean's mess, who seem to be profoundly happy with the HIV ridden muslim dicks up their asses.
What a time to be alive.
Remember the time when England was white?
Yeah those fuckers really believed all that CCTV and internet surveillance was to protect them.
They never figured out it was to control them.
Wrong picture.
>throws a nuke after the wars getting over
Pick one.
We have as much nonwhites as western europe.
isnt it funny without translation too? The only white person in supposedly English picture is an Eastern European immigrant.
isn't london like 30-40% of england's population and/or gdp?
Britain is still 88% white. This was probably taken outside Poundland or B&M.
Even the whites in that queue look like niggers
Wow you have become Brazil without the advantage to tell thieves/burglars that you are Christian too and he should not kill you. (It works here)
speak yourself , faggot
Democrat policy is so called "English to Ebonics"
give job to this "public educated" spic and nigger
more social engineering project
however someone must pay for this crap
So these fucker tax on white middle class people
now whitty don't want to have babies
because having white babies is too expensive
And now america have too many "public educated" nigger and spic
Ponzi Scheme is unsustainable
many white middle class people become peasant (renter slave)
The worst part is they and their children assimilate to nigger/spic culture and bloodline
stupid baby boomers so fuck up america
Trump can't fix this crap
your country is lost cause
10 year later you faggot beg to old master let us in
thats manchester mate lmao
English is lnguage, bitch! che.k e.m
Good riddance not so eternal anglo.
>major cities
p-pick one.
Hate that he will be categorized with the rest od the group.
where did you get that picture boi
>travel to UK to visit the country and use my brand new english language
>I only hear polish, arabic and indian walking through london
Manchester is a degenerate hellhole
>tfw no pls be in london jokes.
"What a bunch of fucking shitskins. My last fucking Christmas here. After New Years I'm taking Grazynka and the kids home"
I guess that would make Britbongs happy, at least. One less smelly Polak family to shit up the neighborhood, amirite?
We mainly have gyppos though. Our muslims are pretty docile, hardworking and generally decent people, excluding the Saudi sponsored jihadi wannabes.
I know every Bulgar pleb thinks that gold and honey flow freely in the streets of glourious Europe and there's red carpets waiting for you there, but that's not the case. Western Europe is and has been a muslim infested shithole for a very, very long time.
Bulgaria's a literal paradise, it's just that it's full of lazy idiots who think they should be millionaires just because they're alive. And no, we don't have as much nonwhites as the westerners. I've been to London and Paris, and I can tell you, it's a fucking horror movie over there. I'm not even talking about race or colour - there's slimes in traditional "kill all the kuffar" attire and foot long islamic beards ALL OVER THE PLACE. They're everywhere and are pushy, arrogant and obviously violent.
>tfw grandad fought on the wrong side in Europe but the right side in the pacific...
>Britain is still 88% white
How deluded are you?
get used to it white boi
>Merkel Re-Elected
>Africa is over populated and economy is collapse
>every single male nigger try to get in Europe
>Italy and France accept nigger refugee and send them to the Germany
>every single white women in german get blacked
>situation is worst then LE 56% nigger worship America
British people are based then you , Kraut
Looks like the Empire literally struck back.
Nice area to rehouse some rapefugees
Thanks! Kek...
theres a new male in red hoodie in the back
People like this fill your entire country though user
Oh, the ironing
No its not, England knows how to queue and that is a mess, therefor, not English
>Britain is still 88% white
I guess you believe we only have 64 million people in the country too. kek.
like 20%, when you remove London from it we jump to 95% white. Almost every single one of them is in London. It's a containment area.
Have a (you) ahmed
Really made ME think that you're fucked.
Anyway you're mostly atheists now anyway so it's not like you hadn't already flushed your great civilization down the toilet even before brown people showed up to loot and conquer the ruins
b-b-b-but brexit
they white now !
Eww the British are even more cucked than the Germans, sad.
i couldnt care less but im only half german so i dont believe in ''le europe only for ethnic europoors meme
Now i know what they meant.
SAGE , In the Future you will want immigration to britain
LE 56% white
>implying this couldn't be Birmingham/Manchester
Funny how invaders stay in capitals.
It's where airports are, making the cleansing job easier for us when the time will come.
the only good thing brexit has brought us yet are memes
I was talking to a 18 yr old German girl online a couple weeks ago and she was saying how she thinks its sad that she sees all the lonely refugees in her town and she wishes that they could get german girlfriends so that they would feel accepted.
The memes are real.
>using a meme vs a fact
Cute, but you're still not white, while we factually are. Sad!
It could be any town/city in Britain with a population of over 10,000. Sad, but true.
>We mainly have gyppos though. Our muslims are pretty docile, hardworking and generally decent people, excluding the Saudi sponsored jihadi wannabes.
We have at least 50%+ nonwhites/turks and most of them think of themselves as white.
>Bulgaria's a literal paradise
Yeah with the top 5 highest deathrate and being the most corrupt EU country?
>millionaires just because they're alive
Thats not the case. Do you not see the miners and so many other people waiting for their fucking salary living in debt and in literal mudhuts.
>nonwhites as the westerners
Even our pm and president are nonwhite. Just look around you and you will find a lot of nonwhites.
>They're everywhere and are pushy, arrogant and obviously violent.
Thats the norm here though and it usually over the top too.
Is he praying?
Can UK be saved?
Brexit came too late, all of those shitskins and their children are already ((british)) by now
He's holding his hands ready in case a white woman comes along.
use the search feature and read the already existing thread on the matter
cry me a river till you get an argument, i won't waste shit to prove my whiteness to you
>tfw borough 98% white
Females have no loyalty to the nation.
This guy took Crystal Meth or still takes it. He was caught. His Brain looks like Swiss Cheese he can not be taken seriously.
If people could ignore jewish propaganda they could be still save everything.
Demand organized and total ethnic cleansing now. It's totally feasible... just tell women to be quiet for a minute as the men of the society are handling something for their own good.
Was working for serbs before (((we))) decided to murder them to help muslims
It's not so much that they don't have loyalty, it's just that they are natural followers. They have loyalty to strong, leading males. 21st century white men are weak pushovers so they will seek leadership elsewhere.
dateless loser
The only reason your neighbourhoods mostly white is because Pakis and black man have built enclaves and are taking over towns.
That chart doesn't do it justice. Most cities and suburbs are less than 25% white. Whites have been pushed to small towns in the country. Americans are in complete denial.