>White privilege doesn't exist
Uh huh, sure...
>White privilege doesn't exist
Uh huh, sure...
Wow. Just wow.
really rubs your noodle
jeez.... ur right
>race is a social construct
>racism and white privilege is real
there is a nigger in the left corner
reddit's ambassador, OP, eternally BTFO
I really want canadians and germans banned from this board. They are the biggest faggots in the west.
More damningly:
>"thing I want to invalidate" is just a social construct
>social constructivism is also a social construct
>wanting to divide and ban white people
Your Jew is showing.
KYS , Commie mother fucker!! !!!
You blame everything is "white men" fault
you are claiming particular race and gender cause every single problem
But 60 years ago "white men" was "businessman"
system was "rigged" by "businessman"
that's why white working class vote democrat
so you think system is "rigged" so individual don't have any responsibility at all ?
"Give us power , we will save you " motto why western society is so fucked up
this bullshit end up banana republic
politician/bureaucrat/merchant are so marvelous mixture they touch things usually go to negative direction
which mean you are going to plumbing somebody
and somebody also plumbing you
everybody plumbing somebody
the end result is vaporization of wealth
only totalitarian government will remain
So if looking at the top 0.X% of a population tells you about the entire population's wealth and power, then blacks have more privilege than whites.
Lol, is that pick is the best OC reddit could come up with?
I never got this Republicans are Nazis meme. Werent Nazis leftwing?
I never said it doesn't.
I just don't agree that it shouldn't.
We built this shit, nigger.
Of course we should get to lean on it a little more.
When your people build something of significance, then you and your kind can lean on that. Until then, quit crying and count your blessings that we even include your worthless ass.
Yes, they were. And Hitler himself was a vegetarian, drug addicted homosexual. The perfect liberal.
>Higher genetic intelligence
>Statistically more likely to be born into a family with both mother and father.
Yes it does
Really rubs the hands right
talk to me when niggers actually contribute something meaningful to society
>White people are the majority in the government of a white country that was built by the whites for the whites
White people are privileged because they have beauty and brains.
So the obvious solution to white privilege is to tattoo all white people skin and face black, and to preform neurosurgery that removes 20% of their brain, especially in the prefrontal cortex, and they should be given daily supplements of testosterone to make them equally aggressive as blacks. Only when this is done will white people be able to escape their privilege.
>equality equals equity
Just no.
I need source for that "quote". He describes the SJW MO along those lines, but don't misquote him pls.
>Black privilege doesn't exist
Uh huh, sure...
Bait thread... saged and reported !
Yes, niggers are incompetent. What's your point?
Do it again, Harris.
I am the Hammer,
I am the edge of His Sword,
I am the tip of His Spear,
I am the mail about His Fist,
I am the flight of His Arrows,
I am the right hand of my Emperor,
I am the instrument of His will,
I am His Sword as He is my Armor,
I am His Wrath and He is my Zeal,
I am the Bane of His Foes and the Woes of the Treacherous,
Let us be His Shield,
Let us speak His Word as He fuels the Fire of Devotion,
Let us fight His Battles, as He fights the Battle at the end of time,
And let us join Him there, for Duty ends not in Death,
In Vengeance be true, In Valor be Strong,
I am the Hammer,
I am the Sword,
I am the Spear,
I am the Shield,
I am the soldier at the End of Time.
The world owes everything to white people. Everything we touch turns to gold while everything niggers touch turns to shit!
One Argentinian recognises the other.
South Africa fag, of course
fucking kek
Pence is of Irish descent. What kind of privileges did we receive for 800 years?
Cultural enrichment of coursh.
i bet half of those people are jews. germany how dare you paint the victims as literally hitler????
Learn to spell mate
Make me.