Welcome to East Asian thread
No allowed:白豚人種差別野郎
Let's talk about everything of East Asia!
Welcome to East Asian thread
No allowed:白豚人種差別野郎
Let's talk about everything of East Asia!
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If you're REALLY Japanese then answer this question --
are Koreans even human..?
>supports one china policy
Delete this
You know they all hate eachother right? They are all supremacists
Ah sorry><
I will post new ver.
Stop hate posting.
America always bring war in every asian thread!
stop hate posting? nigger I was just in tokyo last month I see how fucking racist you ppl are. You fuckers wouldnt even speak japaneese to my friend, infact a group of you people attacked us because he was speaking our holy language
Aren't you guys like Shinto monks or something?
Christ is for white man I thought
Christmas is for faggot.
China is better than Japan.
Culturally, militarily, economically and spiritually. Get fucked slant eyed nigger.
you aren't Japanese.. gtfo
I doubt it.
Japanese people are only offend if you guys don't follow a rule.
China is full of slant you baka gaijin.
but not racially..
Where are the chinks
>Implying Average Japanese doing it
It same goes for Average Americans are not KKK.
I assure you after glancing at mtv for more than 5 seconds we are.,
Of course
If 1.5b < 0.15b, they would be officially niggers
Another b8
But, China is now in the spot to forge a new world peace setup; they'll probably fuck it up, but i still hope
Seems like you need more bombs.
happa manlet living on his dad's base detected..
Reading Lee Kuan Yews memoirs, you guys are pretty cool. Prepare for an influx of western refugees in the next 10-20 years, you can probably nab all the skilled folk we have left.
Waito piggu GO HOMU
if they're smart they'll only let in college-educated native English and Germans
t. English teacher
Seriously though, how much is the salary for teaching English in Hentai country?
it's not worth it, everything is so expensive there and you feel like an invading cockroach everywhere you go
Tokyo isn't japan just as London isn't the UK.
I'm pure nipponese living in Japan.
Pinoy need more Japanese genes.
Well, that's one off the list.
are you a nigger? fucking asian cucks worship white people.
How do I seduce a Jap without paying, as a tourist?
Is your sister cute?
Jungle Asians stop sucking white cock!
stop mixing, it looks wired and uncanny and the offspring always end up being left-wing and insecure
I have only 2 little brothers.
fuck off ahmed. stay and fix your own goddamn country.
Indians are thus officially niggers.
Sounds right to me.
same way you do anywhere, go to a bar and scrape society's rejects from the bottom of the barrel
Indonesians are god-tier just letting you know
I've nver seen Indonesians in real life.
My town has only Korean or Chinese resident.
Theres "Jap only" signs on so many businesses
Chinese satalite state reporting in!
I hate everyone who isn't my particular type of Asian!
>not allah-tier
Indonesian are mudshit pedoworshipper. They're not even humans.
Chinese satellite state reporting, what's the situation comrade? How do we genocide the Japs?
that's why you bag a Chistian or Hindu and bring them back to your country -- the burqa monkeys are just invisible
we genocide pinoy/chinese women by my cock!
why don't we start with the filthy pinoys?
Right, Ive heard the majorityof japan is even better. They dont want their culture to be fucked up like Western culture is by letting non natives massively migrate in to their country
No they dont. Thats what the jew wants you to think so you can rationalize race mixing.
>by my cock
Yup, all 3 inches of it.
Malaysia is rightful Chinese clay.
Pinoy/Chinese has smaller height/chinpo tho...
Hokkaido is fucked up by heavy snow.
63 cm snow wall now.
>>Sup Forums
Really? I find that hard to believe, maybe you ran into some psychos like the ones that call for death to Koreans and Chinese on youtube. When I was in Japan the people couldn't have been more friendly and they were super patient with my elementary Japanese. But then again I am Japanese American ^_^
Nah they were pissed he was talking in Japanese. They wouldnt even speak japanese to him, just shitty English.
And yeah most ASIANS are nice, but they dont want other races living there. They dont consider mixed japanese people Japanese.
Japanese qt's post faces :3
You literally can't understand weather or whitening products.
Nips want to be American but they will never admit this to themselves or the world.
You need another bucket of KFC, Hiroshi.
We just got Wendy in shibuya and it's better fried chicken anyway.
Also they have cod roe carbonara.
That thing would suffocate my dick... it'd probably feel good
Chinese Population
70 million decreased after Qing-UK Opium War.
25 million decreased for Mao's Great Leap.
6 million decreased for KMT-PRC War only in 1949.
1.5 million increased per year in 1920 while civil war. Before that, 5 million per year increased so millions may have been killed by civil war.
3 million "increased" per year steadily for Japan-KMT war from 1932 to 1945. Before that, 3 million increased so same rate.
Japanese always say "We didn't kill civilian" because Japanese really didn't kill civilian.
lol guys ,i love east asians so mutch ,they are odd but beuthefull in the same time.Hope koreas will unite ,taiwan recounqers china and japans birth rate starts to go up again.
most rational people know that Japanese soldiers were highly discipline and didn't behave in barbaric fashion -- they were typically welcomed wherever they went in China and many KMT soldiers switched sides
who would to be cuckmericans???!
this year is 2016,not 1950.
Everywhere you go in Tokyo you will find a western wear store
could you fuckin not call us that thanks
Japan is full of liars who put up a front against the outside world. Responsibility is never taken here. Every mistake is treated as an anomaly.
...Do you think I want to be swede if i bought a ikea?
Manchu imperial familiy lives in Japan comfortably still now.
north korea is best country in east asia
I've never seen someone want to move to US in nowdays.
I just said the truth.why you so upset?
calm down james.
How's everyone else doing with their SJW situation? As much shit Singapore gets for censorship, at least we don't have fag parades.
korea is
what can japan do? stick raw fish on a lump of particular sticky rice?
yes very fucking artistic, takes them decades to master apparently
japan is the black sheep of all of asia. they should just fuck off
probably jealous that your friend can speak japanese while they studied english for 5 years but can barely construct sentences
No but you'll spend $100 dollars on a standard issue American army jacket liner that can be acquired for $5 at any standard army surplus store in the United States. I see so many Japanese wearing US Army gear in Tokyo, yet they are afraid to stand near gaijin on the metro as if they are unclean, viewing them with great disdain.
This culture is toxic and full of liars.
Manchu imperial family is by far stronger than Kim but Manchu imperial family still act like this I feel strict threat only shows weakness.
why cant chinese and koreans get over it??
Whatever you say George michael
Isnt it ironic?Left claims that being conservative is product of low intelegance yet east asian countries are one if not moast intelegant nations in the world and yet they are highly conservative.
fuck you and fuck op
I would say majority Japanese don't even know about American army jucket...
seriosly stop being autist...
Flip here and can confimed nippon have superior genes
have an aunt married to a nippon and have 3 kids
eldest daughter looks so qt i want to do an anime cousin style relationship with her
>Flip here
sorry this thread is for asians, not whatever genetic offshoot you and every southern mud goblin turned out to be
then get fuck out of this thread.
why are chinese always angry?
You're the only one angry. You hate gaijin just admit it.
I hate white expat.
I admit it.can you read Japanese?
>why are chinese always angry?
why does japan think it's suddenly everyone's fucking friend all of a sudden
better buy some nukes before trump pulls out of japan you cunt
I am Japanese and I can say the only good East Asians are Japanese and the Chinese from Hong Kong. As for south East Asians Vietnamese and Filipinos are the only good ones.
We had relationship for fucking thousand years.why chinese seeing only ww2?
wot about singapore?
Why do you hate white people? They have built great societies surpassing your own historically. Your culture is not perfect. 'Have some humility.
Don't you understand the significance of the Meiji shrine?
>I am Japanese and I can say the only good East Asians are Japanese and the Chinese from Hong Kong
oh the rich ones, you mean?
ah yes
and you haven't read any of it apparently