So I just went there and took some pictures for you. They crossed the Berlin border into Brandenburg. Picture is of the one who organized this. It is right at the end of todays march.
March for Aleppo
Other urls found in this thread:
Here you see about what was left from the march at the endpoint.About a third of them then entered the S-Bahn and went home.
There were some of the old German leftists there that go to every demonstration since 1968. Apart from that, most weren't German. The announcements were mostly in English, sometimes translated to Arabic or German.
What's with the Finnish tourist on the right?
a message from the (((alt-right))) leader "happy hanukka"
Germany can't fall soon enough you are probably the dumbest fucks in the world right now
>more policemen than walkers
Yeeeah, they're not gonna make it.
What is their goal?
20km per day?
It would take them more than a year to get to syria with that tempo.
Our cucked SPD mayor was there and offered them a sports hall to sleep in. Fitting I guess. Should have put them in an actual refugee home, so that they can experience the poor refugees first-hand.
>my feet hurt
>it is raining
>its cold
>I wish I was home watching game of thrones
>that smug look of self satisfaction on that eastern european slav whore who takes refugees to porn festivals
> this is me posing for the camera 1 kilometer done 2 thousand still to take
Well at least the terrorist will have some white pussy to rape
They walked like four hours today. They need to step that up if they want to reach Syria in their lifetimes.
deserves some (you)s
Another picture from near the end. You can see that some Arabs joined. Guess they want some of that raping done tonight in the gym already.
>awww, muh feet hurt
>let me stop for 20 minutes so I can check fb on the phone
>take selfie and upload to sc
>have social lunch
>we might walk a bit more
>stops again only a few hours later
>it's cold
>it's raining
>we need somewhere to sleep
Why the fuck do people whinge and carry on so much. If they don't fucking like it, can't they just fucking end themselves
I didn't think they'd even start so already they've surprised me.
Actually they managed about 13kms today (according to what Google maps says). Still, those where the easiest 13kms by far.
tbqh doing a massive hike / pilgramage like this without first "warming up" (getting your body gradually used to walking for hour and hour on end) is fairly retarded.
they're all gonna get achillis tendinitis before even leaving germany
What's the total mileage?
Does she have security detail. Someone should give Blackwater a call
Hopefully they all die.
You know how much money it costs for a single person to just go hiking for like 3 months? I have the feeling they won't be sleeping in tents either.
>You know how much money it costs for a single person to just go hiking for like 3 months?
Small change to your average professional leftist.
Digits confirm all cucks will be shot and leftist women raped.
3500km I think.
Unlucky, my white friend.
Now check these.
Seriously, there is a chance that something terrible could happen along the way
Just look at how the Arabs look at the police car.
They wont even leave germany at this rate. Its just a retarded idea by retarded people. The first one to have wet socks is going home.
they also rape men. it's not considered gay when you're doing the violating
Didn't they do a gofundme or something?
Don't ever come back to Brandenburg. You aren't fucking welcome here you dumb commies.
If they spent 50 euros per day, it's like what? 5k? Not to say they won't be working in the time unless they try to phone it in.
what did she mean by this
So it's confirmed she left her daughters at home with her Muslim housepet? Her kids weren't at the march?
Maybe. Don't know. Still a lot of money that could be used better. Not say how expensive it will be to fly them back, and all the medical bills. If any of them dies just bringing back the corpse will be more than what 100 refugees earn in a year.
5k Euros is nothing to these people. Their parents will cover it.
There's a point, why do continental left wingers always have fake names on Normiebook? It's not as if what they do is illegal, their own governments are in full agreement.
Haven't seen her kids. She was going around with her friend(?) and talking to everybody but had no kids in tow. So I guess her refugee will take care of them.
FuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuCK. Probably left her husband for him.
Where are their packs and tents and stuff? How are they planning to sleep at night?
What are they walking for?
Are they that disappointed that ISIS is getting BTFOd?
what a flaky bitch. it's single mothers like this that lead to the high rates of child molestation among single mother households. completely fucking oblivious
>No tents
>no winter sleepingbags
>no organication who carries what
A bunch of spoiled brats walking 50km and then returning home.
I myself preparing for a 5k km walk starting january. Ive high qual equpment mostly from military surplus. I cant immagine these people sleeping 1 night outside.
Some had big packs and tents etc with them. About a third went home anyway. For today they sleep in a gym anyway, otherwise probably a lot more would have left.
How much do they pay for gear on average? I bet they all wear Jack Wolfskin or some shit like that from head to toe.
Don't you mean wonderfull?
She totally fucked that guy
Military equipment isn't suitable for recreational hikes and you'll end up cursing it after a few miles. You're much better with civilian gear as that's what it is designed for.
There are a few, though not many, exceptions to that rule but it's a generally good rule to work within. Military equipment is designed to be hard to break, easy to fix and cheap to manufacture. This means that things like ergonomics and weight are rarely considered.
>he needs high quality military gear for 5 km walking
She means that she wants her snatch to be pounded by loadsa brown men and pretend shes a hero for it too
>Day 2, far reaches of the Brandenburgian Frontier
>Shortages of activated almonds may doom our entire journey, as some of our companions started devouring their designer shoes out of hunger
Where are the trucks of peace when you need 'em?
Either this or they'll just go by train ... get out and walk 1km then sleep in a nice hotel and repeat that a few times.
Women. Fucking pathetic.
>military equip
tactical mountain dew: engage!
5k walk? We run it over here
They had at least one (polish) car going with them carrying food and cooking equipment.
I talked to one guy who wanted to go the whole way, he had decent equipment, from what I could see.
So how butthurt will you racists be when she successfully completes her march (along with thousands of other demonstrators), brings about real change, and ultimately peace in Syria?
This march will be the catalyst that eventually allows the refugees to safely return to their homes and families.
Stay mad lol
my digits say Turkey
>Military equipment is designed to be hard to break, easy to fix
To be fair, they are marching into a warzone. So they might as well could carry military equipment.
So it'll take them 160 days with their current speed.
I couldn't give you a figure, but judging by my last GR-20 there's a tendency for them to buy either incredibly specialist equipment they don't know how to use or old, heavy duty gear like A-Frame bergens (which they also have no idea how to use).
Overpacking is a massive problem. I have a 120l bergen that I use for very long term stuff. For the GR-20 I pack as light as I can, which is around 11kg. Some of these people were carrying 4 times that, for no reason whatsoever.
>preparing for a 5km walk
Is this a joke? Anyone that's not literally crippled can do that with random clothes.
they wont make it
after the first cold night they go home
You guys are retarded.
They will still wander through civilized areas tomorrow, but afterwards, the designer shoes, it is.
I think they will have problems finding weeping twittgirls in Aleppo is now when we liberated him from terrorists.
Germany belongs to Africans and Muslims. You people need to pay for what you have done in the past, and that payment will not end with money and land. Your women belong to the dark dick, and they will be raped into oblivion. Praise be to Allah! BLACK POWER!!
Thanks for posting these. I was looking in the news/ their website for any pictures and came up with nothing.
i know. My sleepingbag weights 7kg alone, but its a -35c and i like s´to sleep warm.
Im a 130kg bear myself, and you can take 1/3 of your own weight without overburdening yourself.
My backpack and tent is for civilian use because they are made better and more practical, yes. But the military knows very well what is important for a soldier so he can do good work- sleep and food.
Is there a betting site where we can bet on numbers that are left after 2-4-6 days?
He said 5k km, which is a bit different. It's also incredibly impressive.
fucking muslims everywhere
Not sure what's the point since Garry Johnson, sorry I mean Alleppo was liberated a week ago.
5000Km, i dont know how many miles that is and to lazy to find out
So if they walk 8 hours a day (lol) it will just take them about 80 days?
Somewhere where not a ton of police is protecting lefties.
I believe he said "5k km" which is an awkward way to say 5000km but the comment about sleeping one night outdoors suggests he'll be sleeping outside a lot more than that.
>she successfully completes her march, brings about real change, and ultimately peace in Syria
White women are sacrosanct and inviolable, and Muslims know & respect this too. Once she places herself in the middle of the conflict zone, she will force them to come to peace so as not to violate her sacred White female body.
5k km = 5000km
Goddammit swiss
We shouldn't stop them.
They will die
The problem will solve itself.
Wow, trumptards won't give you some (you's).
Are they dare i say BUTTBLASTED.
11kg sounds pretty basic. I suppose you didn't include water and food?
How soon until
>3 women participating in the "March for Aleppo" were gangraped by youths
>2 of the victims shared their feelings on how they felt sorry for their impoverished attackers
>The third victim was still recovering from the acid-burns and therefore could not comment on whether she enjoyed the rape
wow look at all the attention she's getting. more attention whores will join her. of course she waited until Assad's forces won Aleppo to go there, if she went before then the people she is supporting would've raped and sold her to some Saudi.
There should be a Forrest Gump kind of running group stealing the media attention.
Probably getting gangraped in that gym right now.
Look at them no one will make it out of Germany.
Mark my words.
Why do they dress as numale faggots.
This actually make sense, because just like Forrest Gump, all these people in the march are mentally retarded.
hiking hammock master race reporting in
lol I know right.
>military knows very well what is important for a soldier so he can do good work- sleep and food.
lmfao you fat fuck, hahaha
the military fucks soldiers and then throws them away like used condoms afterwards.
protip: military doesnt give a fuck if by age 35 you have
>constant knee pain
>constant back pain
>constant nightmares
legit kill yourself, you're more deluded than those leftie fagets
Confirmed then
They won't make it to the German border. They've taken their selfies and everyone knows they're a good goy now, that's all they wanted.
you mean funny
These things are awesome but im to heavy for that.
>i dont know shit about the military of my country: The post