On a pic related you can see a ((German)) TV showing a statistic of people that choked with food to death (upper graph) and killed in terrorist attacks (lower one).

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Really, you are hitting a new bottom every day, Krauts.

State television shouldn't be allowed anyway. Even though the private-owned channels are propaganda as well.

What the fuck I hate food now.

What about injured by terrorism?

So it went from "there won't be more terrorist attacks you racist" to "so there's a few terrorist attacks, but terrorism has no religion" to "terrorist attacks aren't that dangerous anyway"?

I like the crab walk from "no risk" to "this is just the way it's going to be now" too.

Do they realize their headlines were THERE'S NO CONNECTION BETWEEN TERRORISM AND REFUGEES just 2 years ago?

Are people just supposed to have forgotten?

>graph stops at 2014

its true tho innit?

terrorism is the retards' boogyman.
the real problem is uncontrolled immigration, cultural/ethnic tensions and criminality


> Food is a natural part of life, and therefore a risk we take
> Religion and immigrants are not

It's like they cant think for a second

>These deaths due to terrorism are acceptable because people choke on food



t. Merkel

as much as I hate the state owned channels, the private ones are literally american hollywood garbage (much much worse)

also the most interesting channel is 3sat, which is state sponsored-ish

>food = needed to survive
>Islam =/= needed to survive
The falsest of equivalencies.

Its true though. In the end, talking about terrorism is stupid when we need to talk about immigration.

Remember: germans are not as stupid as americans.

You're right, they're much stupider.

they imply importing terrorists is as important as eating. many such cases. sad.

they talk about the lives lost to terrorism as if theyre just numbers, completely disregarding they had families and lives and would still be living today if it wasnt for merkels policies. making it into a graph to watch your own back completely takes the humanity out of them. scum

Think how many people die of old age, disease and accidents. Loads! Much more than muslims manage to murder. Therefore you should be happy that muslims kill you relatively infrequently. You should say 'Thank you Mohammed for not being our number one cause of death, please flood my country and rape my children, and if I say otherwise'. Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember, you have been provided with a right wing party, the CDU, if you intend to vote for anything further right than that, you are a nazi and must be jailed.

Then why ban guns or any other dangerous activities? Disease and traffic accidents are always going to kill way more people than those things will.

I know all of the German channels, some got good programmes like ARTE or 3sat but I don't think people should be forced to pay fees for propaganda (like in the OP) channels they might never watch.
We got state television here as well (three channels) because of the plurality of information reasoning apparently.

What if I choked because of a terrorist attack?

Well they have a point. People who are murdered by Muslims are literally irrelevant and should be forgotten immediately for the greater good of the country. In fact, you might as well murder their families completely while you're at it since that'll just be a blip compared to the number of people who die of cancer.

>rise in terror when rapefugee crisis started

wtf i hate food now

What a minute, there were deaths due to terrorism in 2007 and 2009 ?

Why aren't we allowed to apply this same logic to shootings in America though? To counter the ban guns shit, I'm sure more people choke or die in car accidents than get shot, so why worry about guns?

And 2011 too, I didn't see (I assumed it was for Berlin).

Any german can tell what happened ?

Because gunz are useful

where is the native germans vs shitskin crimes graph?

suffocating are accidents. terrorist attacks are not. even more so that the increase in deaths by terrorist is directly linked to the actions of the ones in power. just more fake news spread by the lying media.

>hehe look at this graph purposefully comparing a purposefull cherrypicked frequenr cause of death with the terrorism , with the graph incidentally stopping the year before the 2years of terror where muslim commited an attack every month

Russian propaganda , my ass. Ive never seen such blatant shit-in-your-ear propaganda like in the west, especially germany.
Just wait. Theyll pay with a muslim boot to their face in 15years max.

Why cant german women dress for shit?
Look at that used up cumdumpster. The only worth a woman has is her femininity and looks and german women dress and act like giant potato sacks filled with shit.
Look at her ogre face, poor makeup, bad posture, shitty haircut, ill fitting pants.

>sets up facebook page to talk about immigration
This is an old image Since then, Merkel has stepped up the policing of solcial media.
The stupid americans have the first amendment, you clever Germans don't. You need to stop worrying about being cleverer than the americans, and just start talking about it, immigration or terrorism, whatever fate throws your way.

exactly, and still majority of the population just eats it up, despite everoyne thinking how enlightened and intelligent they are. most people think they are too smart to be manipulated

Americans elected Trump, you will elect Merkel once again


>also the most interesting channel is 3sat, which is state sponsored-ish
Its not sponsored-ish. It's full blown commie marxist state tv

>stops at 2014

>germans are not as stupid as americans.
Yeah, when I was in the 10th grade I thought the same.
Then I actually travelled the world and realized the average german is pretty much the dumbest, bluepilled piece of shit on earth.
Thanks to 60 years of marxism on both sides of the border

More people die from fridges falling on them than from terror attacks but I don't see you get PTSD from them as you do from muslims. These kind of comparisons is just to show how fucking baited and retarded you are in hopes that you will come to your senses and stop being a hate mongering scared cuck that gets riled up by fucking tales of terrorists and then take it out on a whole group of people not responsible.

Technically more people died from natural causes than from the holocaust.
I guess being a nazi is not a big deal anymore.

This will make the people only more furious.

How much money does the German government spend on counter terrorism? What about food choking prevention?

Really makes you think...

True, looks like you guys are off the hook.

Actually, if Soviets entered whole Germany, nor just eastern part, you would learn not to trust a fucking state tv, like we did. I guess that in the long run communism will be a true savior of eastern Europe

just nuke us already

Very wise. I like how Germans debunk the kike-propaganda about "global terrorism"

Let's nuke Israel, USA and UK instead.

So they chocked during the terrorist attack? What are the odds?

The difference is, that I need food to survive, I don't need islam though.

>Getting run over by migrants is perfectly natural, goys!
Good job trivializing terrorism, you fucks.


You know sweden is iredeemably fucked when even on the most un-pc place on the web , swedesn parrot their state media brainwashing.
Never change sven

Is that true though?

"Kurz Erklärt" really is some of the most blatant propaganda produced by our state-owned media. They even did one on fucking "mansplaining"

>Actually, if Soviets entered whole Germany, nor just eastern part, you would learn not to trust a fucking state tv, like we did. I guess that in the long run communism will be a true savior of eastern Europe
I'm talking about cultural marxism in the west and political marxism in the east.
Also germans are dense and will literally believe anything television and state tells them.
So its an easy people to brainwash but hard to redpill because 90% of germans come from long family traditions of being serfs and clapping while the warden fucks your wife because you harvested an ounce grain too little.
So its genetically imprinted in germans to weasle out of any confrontation with authority or just people higher up on the food chain.
You need exceptional individuals like adolf hitler to move that dormant biomass and shape it into something great.

Youre comparing a 90+%white country to a 60% white country.

>You need exceptional individuals like adolf hitler to move that dormant biomass
Or you need a 123 years of constant germanization, russification and then another 6 years of both and another 55 years of sovietization. You should try that once in a while

Forgot the pic.

Can we save germany?

From blatant 'terrorism' probably. But its not counting rapes and murders by 'fugees as terrorism.

Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall mein Freund.
Anstatt dir hier so einen abzunegern wie wenig Weiße es in den USA gibt solltest du dich lieber besorg um unser eignes zeigen und aktiv werden.
Die Amerikaner haben 200 Jahre Erfahrung mit Segregation von Negern.
Deutschland nicht und Deutschland wird überrannt während die Neger "integriert" werden, also in den Volkskörper absorbiert und ihn wesentlich mehr schädigen als wenn sie irgendwo in einem Ghetto hocken.


Same. I began actually despise them, especially when I realized it (after reading history) wasnt due to marxism but a national trait:
Total obedience to quthority and ultra-collectivism up to the stage of outright denial of reality.
Unimaginativeness and robotic thinking, similtaneous with an superiourity complex and acting is another one.
A german can be an physics phd but will seriously laugh at you like the biggest moron because the information presented to him wasnt what he read in der zeitung aka forcefed by the goverment.

Love the absence of 2015/2016 data.


>deaths by natural causes makes murder okay goys!

Yeah, well summed up.
The more I learned about the world the more I felt like germany is some kind of north korea tier suicide cult experiment.
Modern germans are so disconnected from reality, its absurd.
Like brainwashed to degrees impossible to even describe.
Thats why germans need a strong, responsible leader, because they cant think for themselves.

Nein mein freund, du bist der trottel hier.
Ich sage: Immigration = Schlecht.
Du sagst: Terrorismus = Schlecht.

So what you're saying is whites are stupid?

>Death is acceptable so long as there's some form of death that is more frequent.

According to German media all forms of homicide are now acceptable, so long as they remain below the number of deaths caused by heart failure. Remember, it's OK to kill so long as more people die from other causes.

Fuck this gay Earth.

>superiourity complex
So much this.
>hurr durr we are the Germans, we can fight against UK, USA, USSR, France, Poland and another dozen countries at the same time

Fastforward 80 years
>hurr durr we are the Germans, we can accept half of the Africa to our country


>le ebin 60% maymay

you do realize that america is slightly larger than germany, right?

there are still 221 million white people in the usa, while there will be less than 10 millionen whites in germany in 80 years

hmmm, I guess getting shot by a stray bullet is also not a problem now. Much, much less cases than people dying in their cars.

Sorry i posted my response in german so this retard can understand me.

What im saying is: IMMIGRATION is our problem, Terrorism just a symptom. You cucks will not understand because you also talked about 'illegals' and 'criminal mexicans' only.

comedy gold

I don't even care, how can one milk this shit to become king of the cucks?

people living in their bubble will readily believe media lies about immigrants.

see: canada, sweden and even some mid western americans

Even one death to terrorism is too much, I don't see what Krauts not chewing their food properly before swallowing has to do with it.

Du sagst erstmal garnichts, weil du anscheinend nicht in der Lage bist das gesagt nachzuvollziehen.
Wenn du nicht so trotzig wärst würdest du kapieren, dass es mit deinen "Deutschland 90% PROZENT WEISS" nicht mehr so lange her ist, wenn die Geburtenraten für ausländische Kinder in Städten bei über 50% liegen und die 90% Deutschen zu 60% über 45 Jahre alt sind.
Schau dir die Alterspyramide an, du Bauernschädel.
Du gehst in deiner Naivität davon aus, dass alle 82 Millionen Deutschen in deinem Alter sind.
Ist aber nicht so.
In Amerika hat sich das Rassenverhältniss über Jahrhunderte eingependelt und die Rassen leben weitestgehend getrennt.
In Deutschland wird es eine viel rapidere Vermischung geben, so dass hier ein Höllenloch nach dem Vorbild von Brasilien entsteht, wenn man nicht obacht gibt.

DAS ist das Problem.
Wenn du es ignorierst und stattdessen wie ein dummer Bauer auf die USA zeigst, weil die tatsächlich mehr Neger haben, WÄHREND dir hier die Neger in die Bude strömen bist du am Ende der gelackmeierte.


People are stupid.
Therefore, People are stupid.

If stupid people do something stupid and it turns out bad, then you don't want them to do it again.

You would fault a parent from putting a lock on the gun cabinet because children "have a right to their destiny."

It is no use arguing with the child over this. They are driven by emotions they cannot control, and have no inferential ability.

You wing nuts show us you don't belong every time you say someone else doesn't belong.

You need to worry. We are not going to unlock the gun cabinet; What we are going to do is take the fence down from around the Pool.

Enjoying your Opioids and Meth rednecks? Wait till we decriminalize them completely.

The flu causes 10k death a year in France... Stupid comparison.

Das is mir alles klar mein freund, deswegen sag ich zu dir: IMMIGRATION ist das problem. Was verstehst du daran nicht?

Ich will keine immigration, du willst keine terroristen.

And I dont even mean it in some self hating way.
I was a german patriot until I realized the very people you are trying to protect will pass you to the dogs.
I remeber s psrticular case when I was in school.
There was one nigger robbing people.
I said to my class , well we are 30 people why dont we best him up. The respose was
Wtf violence is wrong
Do you want to get reprimanded by the principal?
Just hide your phone and run away
Haha go alonw if you wanna get hurt

And these were young men, mind you not some numale csncer faggots.
I have never seen a germsn step up for his friends in a fight ever.
Turks wilm beat you up , and your "friends" will stand and POLIZEI RUFEN, and you will lay in hospital and consider their behabiour okay and continue being friends as if nothing happened because you would do the samw thing

>Ich will keine immigration, du willst keine terroristen.
Wie kommst du darauf?
Ich will ein ethnisch homogenes Land ohne das Neger und Kanakenpack. Ich würde auch gerne alle Dönerbuden einreißen. Ich finde es erbärmlich wie kulturell verarmt Deutschland inzwischen ist.
Was ist denn an diesen dönerfressenden, booster energy saufenden, jeanshosentragenden Untermenschen noch Deutsch?
Bis aufs ländliche Bayern sind deutsche Innenstädte fast nicht mehr von ehemaligen Sovietstaaten unterscheidbar. Ausser dass dort noch mehr historische Architektur aus der K&K Zeit steht und in Deutschland mehr jüdischer Betonrotz.

Now let's see graph how many people were raped by their food

>eating like pig and choke on your own

Well I still love german high culture and german history.
I've come to the conclusion that MODERN germans are culturally NOT german.
They are genetically german and legally, but culturally they are globalist serfs who only exist to consume and obey. There is nothing german about them, they dont know their history and culture and they dont want to.
They want to eat kebab all day and flush it down with sugary energy drinks.
They live in bauhaust marxist architecture and listen to globalist music. They dont read or think.

Recht hast du. Mittlerweile nehme ich an, dass die meisten Dönerbuden Geldwaschanlagen sind. Da rein wirtschaftlich es keinen Sinn macht 15 Dönnerbusen beieinander in einer Strasse zu haben


you mean that people who expirienced hardcore communism understand where it leads and have imunity against the evolved slow aproach.

Naja, weil du so argumentierst. Wir reden hier nur aneinander vorbei obwohl wir beide das gleiceh wollen. Bin im ländlichen Bayern btw., völlig alternativlos in deutschland.

Trump hats doch genau so gemacht: 'Wir wollen keine illegalen und kriminellen mexikaner hier'. Nächstes jahr wird er dann erst mal die legale immigration erhöhen!
Auf dauer gesehen ist diese argumentationsweise nicht ehrlich und zielführend.

Deutsche denken mittlerweile is sei gut, nicht mal definieren zu können was 'Deutsch sein' eigentlich bedeutet.

So only if the same amount of people die of terror, they have effectively doubled the number dead.

there was an excellent smuggie / liberal logic MSPAINT on this

>Let me increase your risk of dying from X because the risk of dying from Y is higher


So? Are you saying that "MUH FEARS OF TERRORISM" overrides actual data?

Terrorism is a non-issue for everybody who has half a brain and is educated enough to know that the number of victims is negligible.

That image is so retarded.

It should read:

"haha you are statistically more likely to die from X than from Y so why are you mad that I want to waste resources and focus public attention on Y instead of X?"

relativization at its finest, lefties are world champions at that.

One could think that the bottom would have been reached already...

because people have no control over Y.