Nigel Farage on his boxing day hunt. "Man of the people"

Nigel Farage on his boxing day hunt. "Man of the people"

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Look at the smug
Faggot didn't realize based Nige thrives on such petty provocations

God bless farage!

This encounter only made him more powerful you impotent potato.

>just another day in merry 'ol England
Christ, it's so picturesque but so gloomy and depressing too


got a sauce for the guy that posted the pic lol? prob some raging numale lel

So what's the next step in your master plan? Potato nigger

Already saw this on Zuckerbook, lots of sneering middle class Londoners who have no idea what the country is like making self righteous bullshit comments, I mean for fucks sake, wellies and tweed, have these fuckers never seen last of the summer wine or anything else that references country folk, my dad used to dress like that for hunts and he can't even fucking read.

wtf i hate farage now

So brave
Now try it to an imam in a Muslim controlled area potato faggot

It just adds to the atmosphere m8

I like the rubber boots. It's like he expected to walk over mud and feces all day.

>Implying potatoniggers can barrage the Farage

Why is he being rude to are Nige

>every irish shitpost
God damn it Patty, put down the bottle.

Imagine being so pissed off at a human being, that you move in close to them, flip them the finger, while simultaneously lining up your mobile telebong with said finger, in order to take a somewhat blurry image.

Must have looked pretty awkward if i'm honest.

Because Nigel lied about the EU, it's a great organisation with literally no downsides.

>peace In the EU

it exists and has an identity, ENGLISH~!

> not harboring racism

>Be Irish
>No potatoes


92 national average IQ



The EU's environmental action is complete bullshit because most of it is based on biofuels. As it turns out, the vast, vast majority of what the EU burns as biofuel releases more CO2 than coal does and the emission reductions they're claiming are a scam because they, for whatever reason, aren't counting the biofuel emissions.

The EU is also letting in hordes of backwards religious zealots and if you think they don't hold some racial prejudices you're a moron. And we'll see how long peace lasts with them coming in.

Why do I think this man is so funny?

I can not look at him without smiling, he just has this thing that makes him funny idk if it's his clothes or his face but there is something about him.

UK is 100 IQ on average.

How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?

>Irish people

He's talking about Ireland. Having said that, Irish Catholics in Northern Ireland are consistently the best educated in the British Isles.

Right before based Nige beat this sad cunt to death.

wtf i hate nige now

i like him

Farage with no security. This fucker is mad based. I mean, I know faggot bongs don't have guns but still.... allahs snackbar hands out knives and machetes like falafel these days

That pic needs to say Allahu ackbar.

The only time he even had to have a police escort was in Scotland.

This is one of the many reasons that we don't like Scotland.

Are you Scottish?

Mate this is the United Kingdom.
We aren't savages.

Biofuels are nominally carbon-neutral since any carbon released was necessarily absorbed by the plant when it grew. They're not technically neutral because of things like incomplete burnup and releace during fermentation but they're better, in this regard, than fossil fuels.

The EU's environmental policy is poor but this aspect is reasonable.

No, I was being sarcastic. The image made that obvious I thought.


I bet Nigel packs a retractable police baton

Why would you flip off such a proper gentleman? Stupid faggot.

>We aren't savages.
>United Kingdom
Scotland is still apart of the UK m8.


>mfw someone tries to barage the Farage.

yes, that's why they account for it like that

but get this: the same thing applies to oil and coal. They come from living things and are full of carbon, and burning them releases it.

The point being: if you don't burn the damn plant, the carbon stays absorbed. Yes, if they're deliberately growing more of that plant, then the new ones will absorb that carbon back out and be neutral.

BUT, most of the EU's biofuel does not come from plants that are deliberately grown for this purpose. As it turns out, the EU is cutting down forests, burning the wood, and counting it as carbon neutral because it's a biofuel, even though the forests aren't growing back fast enough for it to actually be neutral

desu I see fuckers in their hunter boots on the tube

Niggas wearing wellington boots in suburban london. Makes me kek, then angry, then horny.


What does he mean about the Canterbury thing?

>feel like pure shit just want the eu back

He was critical of Brexit and Trump, indirectly.



I want to see what he has to say

Countryside user here, what pissed me off the most were all the comments on fagbook from middle class city dwellers.

"Wellies and tweed what century dose he think this is"

"Why is he dressing like toad from wind in the willows"

Fuck sake have they never left London this is standard countryside attire for this time of year especially if your off hunting.

Link to the Facebook post?

Tweed isn't unusual in London last time I checked.

And everybody has a pair of wellies, right?

>ywn go pheasant hunting with Nige

Not if you're a city faggot. Most don't even Own boots except those who use them for "fashion statements"

This is the original source afaik, similar replies underneath.

>Tfw my wellies are a size 6 because the last time I needed them I was 10

Same with the whole fox hunting debate. So many people on Facebook posting pictures of cute and cuddly foxes, saying "what kind of heartless person would want to kill this", when in reality, they cost farmers a considerable amount of money when they kill their livestock.

Basically inner city people want to dictate how everyone else lives.

funny isn't it

Try going outside - beyond Morrison’s you fucking hick.

Then get your mummy to buy you some wellies

All the Irish are retarded worthless potatoes

I find it hilarious that people that have never left London think they know better than the country folk that have to go 5 towns over to find an asda

Somebody needs to introduce Londoners with wellies, It'll blow their minds the next time it floods.

I have work boots that do 70% the job of wellies, and I rarely need anymore than that. When your job is pulling land rovers out of fields boots are all you need, since you'll be back in the van in 5 minutea


I'd love to kill a fox, specifically the annoying little shits shagging outside my house at 4am each morning

Funnily enough I've actually heard "people" ask when "that" sound is, I didn't even know a lot of people have never heard the racket a fox can make.

I don't speak illegal, sorry m8.

Uhhh fuck these comments are massively carcinogenic

Subhuman hand, yeah big loss there, thanks boys /thread

>this profile pic

>Nigel just standing there not giving a fuck

Based Nige.

whelp, time to starve the irish again...

Funnily enough hardly anyone knows hedgehogs make a fuck load of racket.

Pro tip there is a reason why they have hog at the end of there name

>city people think hunting or any other land activity is a posh person thing only

Why don't we just burn London down again?

>When your job is pulling land rovers out of fields

I'm sorry about your job senpai.

because we make money to subsidise your shitty NHS - whilst having private health insurance as not to burden said service.


Dissolution of united kingdom

>peace in the USA

El oh el
How many people in the USA have been raped or killed in the last 12 months
How many violent nation-wide riots have you had

It's pretty good actually, I love my work

>get paid hourly when most of my time is driving to or from the garage
>work van with fuel card, don't even need to buy diesel
>some days get paid to sit around and answer the phones or do light mechanical work instead

That is false

It is though,its for the upper class,all the clothing,the equipment and the horses are not cheap,i dont mean just a farmer going out shooting im talking about the sport of hunting.

I dont support hunting but based nige looks dapper in that gear.

Shoudl the Day of the Rototiller come before or after the Day of the Rake?

Pretty go prep Mohammed for your wife, Britcuck,

England looks so comfy

The only thing that annoys me about hunting is that the upper class blood sport is defended, while the lower class blood sports of cock and dog fighting are despised.


Do you know how I can tell you're working class?



I'm 95% sure I got cheated on with a vegan that protests against fox hunting in britain. how pathetic am I?

>cock and dog fighting
Your ""rights"" aren't up for discussion, pikey.

Are the Irish any good at anything except digging ditches and recording shitty pop songs?

Serious question.

You do know that they used to be common in the working and lower class, don't you? That's my point.


Those are illegal.