What the hell is wrong with White women?
What the hell is wrong with White women?
Absolutely nothing. Black cock is the patricians choice
>tfw black
Where the FUCK does Sup Forums find these girls?
That's from cockfight tourney in Romania. Black one was the crowd's favorite.
photoshop, mostly
maybe its just some type of blackend chicken dish they love in france.
Photoshopped. Real picture is "French girls love all blacks" (new zealand team rugby)
France, you fucking stupid nigger. Holy shit are niggers the most stupid animals ever.
somehow that's even worse
Shhhh, don't question these threads :D
They are all 110% true :D
Ebin :D
Do French girls love brown cock?
Let me tell you a secret: women never ever grow up. They stop developing in a mental state of an annoying 14 or 15 year old brat constantly provoking and testing their boundries. As long as noone puts them down one or the other way they are going to continue.
Thank fuck...
Not like they have a choice, amirite?
do pakistanis love french boipussi ? :^)
No one likes sandnogs thats why you invented islam so you can force women to submit
Still haven't gotten my 9 year old loli
Buy one then.
Have women stopped pretending refugees welcome is about altruism now?
Can't. This ain't ISIS territory mate. I am happy with my waifu.
Yeah they lost to fucking Ireland of all places.
Wait, so you are telling me that you have not a hot virgin wife your parents gave you basically as present and at the same time are not allowed to eat bacon and drink alcohol?
Shit man. That sucks big time.
Nah. I am still a weeb virgin but, I do drink alcohol. Love me some Vodka.
Daddy issues.
Why u have no waif? You're a muslim. The sole fucking reason to bow down five times a day and have the tip of your dick's skin cut off would be a fucking fucktoy wrapped like a present from 1000 and one night!
Why don't you have a muslim wife to fuck 24/7 and pop out your little pakianons?
Explain it to me. Are your parents just lazy bums who did not give a fuck and did not even reserve some cousin girl for you?
I prefer Ale, Mead, Cider and a beer from time to time. Grog in wintertime.
Because I am an atheist
Sooo you choose the worst aspects of both worlds. I see...Whatever your endgame may be. Good luck in 2017 and Merry Christmas.
>Not cheering for your national team
Women were a mistake
That's why qt traps are best. They can make wombs with stem cells desu.
Just wait till you can impregnate your trap waifu.