Tell me about 100% of atheists

Why can't they understand a simple comic made for children?

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Is this the Christian version of pedobear?

why can't theists prove god exists?

wait, why does the son of god want that childs teddy if he already has his own?
does he need two to fall asleep or can he just not stand seeing other people happy?
Greedy bastard, it shows that he's a jew.

They can indicate its metaphysical necessity and lead one to the door of faith thay explains the rest. This isnt good enough for people who a priori decide this isn't good enough though. Weird innit. Almost like its a choice based on hubris or ignorance.

>strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof
>rather than proof

That has nothing to do with what I said. You didnt engage with my post at all. First explain to me what you think metaphysics means, and then tell me what you think lead you to the door of faith means.

Faithis always an epistemological lurch based on your lives experience of God. No Christian would claim otherwise. The other parts are subject to rational thought and feeling rather than just grace.

dude I'm just messing with you

my gf is a christian and I'm not religious so we've had this whole conversation a million times

I get what makes people believe in god, and if I had some weird religious experience that, after careful examination, could only be explained through god then well I guess I'd believe in god. But I haven't had such an experience and no other arguments put forward by anyone has convinced me that there is a god, so I don't believe. Honestly, I don't understand how someone could believe in a god WITHOUT having a personal, profound religious experience; however those who have had one I don't try and debate because I recognise that there's literally no way of faulting them.

It's ok. I have had such experience but I still like sticking my tongue in chicks' assholes.

Good lad.

Gf has had such an experience as well and she still likes me sticking my tongue up her arse.