In spite of the mainstream narratives, is today's woman starving for true masculinity?

In spite of the mainstream narratives, is today's woman starving for true masculinity?

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Of course. But somatic narcissism isn't 'masculinity'.

They're probably terrified of it now.

Yeah. The most masculine thing you can do is not give a fuck about the opinions of women though.

>fuck people who put in work and arent fat and ugly like me

I was thinking of that.

if they don't want white babies who gives a fuck what women want

Yes they always wanted it, but acting like woman and spending all of your free time on apperance isnt masculine at all.

>look at me! I take the time to drop my body fat to 8% instead of using my time to pursue other, much worthier skills!

No one likes a self involved faggot.

>true masculinity

Yes they are, they can't deny their base need. Whitey is all cucked these days. Why do you think they are importing a million muzzies into their countries in Europe because they're unapologetically men at the end of the day.

Anyone lurking who sees this shitpost. Women say one thing they do the other. Women follow, be a man and learn to know when they test you and they will never stop testing you, an example of a test is "why are you jealous when I talk to other guys" A cuck will say, oh I trust you etc etc a man will say "I'm jealous because I want you all to myself and I don't like you talking to other guys etc etc"

>hes such a useless lazy piece of shit he is unable to properly balance both intellectual and physical activities
Promise you haven't read a book in years and your "worthier skills" are crying in Sup Forums about how niggers are taking your women

Nail on the head?

They crave the masculinity, but this has always been the case. It's in their dna, they can't help it. It's like, no matter how dyky or militant they get, the second you grab them, flip em around, penetrate them deep, pull their hair back, and breath whisper in their ear "call me daddy, bitch" - they instantly do big cums.

Yes. Women literally go for niggers because they aren't brainwashed to be effeminate numales like whites and asians. It also works the other way around though. So many white women are brainwashed to be masculinedykes. That's why yellow fever is such a big thing.


Obviously if they've resorted to fucking niggers and their dogs.

Spotted the hairy nigger

>Not shaving your asshole for maximum projection efficiency

>race war starts
>all these "I got swole to protect my country" are as unfit as a 20 stone nerd who only walks to the fridge
>but muh gains

Fitness is more important.

yeah. this is why refugees welcome is such a big thing. same with the popularity of nigger culture.


Nothing wrong with sculpting your body Socratically, but everyone who develops a lifestyle based around the gym is an overcompensating faggot.

they're starving for my cock if thats what you mean

>vain preening faggots are manly

Height is the cornerstone of masculinity, if you're below 6'5 no amount of weight lifting will help you because you're like a poodle

The crazier women are, the more they secretly want to be put in their place. Unfortunately, men are becoming less masculine as women are becoming crazier. There is a paucity of strong men available to set women straight.

all the but hurt will come from burgers with the blood type dr pepper thinking it takes more than an hour a day of exercise and an ok diet to be in shape.

>true man says he's jealous
That would be admitting that we feel emotion. If a woman asks if or why I don't get jealous when she talks to other guys, the proper response would be
>unless you're on your knees in front of me, I barely notice you at all.

I wish people who use roids would stop using roids

but what if you have intellectual hobbies outside the gym as well? The gym is just a hobby for many people. It is undoubtedly a rewarding experience to watch your body become more muscular over-time, just like it's a rewarding experience to build a car up from spare parts until you can drive it.

>he doesn't shave his ass crack and gonads
>has a mutilated penis instead

No wonder nobody likes Americans.

>trump won white women overall
>b-but women just want nigger cock

I can't speak for other cucked countries but American women aren't as bad as you beta's thin k

Duh. Women are biologically programmed to be attracted to masculinity. Hell, look at the popularity of the Magic Mike movies among women, or look at any "hottest men of the year" list. It's just a ton of relatively fit white men.

100% of women who like guys like that are at least one of the following
>disgusting trailer trash
>coal burner
>cum dumpster who will probably cheat on you

Normal women don't like abs and giant muscles, you've spent way too much time on /fit/ and r9k and not enough in the real world if you actually believe that.

t. scrawny fag

You could always tell a trump supporting white woman because she was usually quite beautiful, knew how to take care of herself, and actually had self confidence.

t. american intellectual

he said abs first. that user is skinny fat or fat fat.

ITT: a bunch of overweight virgins who can't get laid, so they shit on people that do. 5 hours of gym a week is nothing. You probably spend the same amount of time in the washroom, and yet you wouldn't say you had a toilet centered life. Lift weights, fuck bitches, don't get so defensive Sup Forums. If you don't give a fuck about your body, don't get angry when women don't.

They want a strong man mentally, physically, emotionally and sexually. Not a roided up like getter on social media, a man who can think, feel, move and have sex effectively.

t. virgin

Is it somehow shocking to you that women would rather date a functional man with a normal body than an emotionally unstable child who looks like a gay pornstar?

This guy knows what's up

thats not roids. that dudes not even big. a body like that is achievable through low sodium and eating right.

They don't like it because it makes them self conscious. Women (and men) hook up and date down. Want to be happy? Date someone that knows they can't do any better than you. Guys today are so fucking lazy that having a job, car, apartment, and the ability to physically pick up a girl makes you better than 90% of them.

Before I got my gf, I could go to the bar and get three numbers just by talking, being on my shit, and saying I needed to leave earlier in the night because I had work in the morning. Sack up and talk to people. Most white girls hate niggers, but they're literally the only people that will come up and talk to a girl. Just wave after wave of niggers. And you get to be the one confident white guy. It's made for you to be Chad.


I got my 20 month old nephew a punching bag and a fisher price basketball hoop for Christmas.

No one is going to pussy him up while I still draw breath.

Keep telling yourself that mate. But hey maybe my 32 years on earth have been wrong and you're right. I'm open minded.

>a fisher price basketball hoop
>No one is going to pussy him up while I still draw breath.
You want him to be a nigger, instead?

>Mr Lauren Southern

yes. By the way true masculinity isn't being some super jacked cocky douchebag as 'alpha' wannabes would want you to believe.

Better a nigger than a pussy with a chinstrap and Jimmy Neutron hair

They are, most just don't know that they don't deserve it. Most deserve the beta males they've shunned because a cunty bitchy woman is the female equivalent of a meek beta male.

>Better a nigger
no, but I expected nothing more from 60% white.

>unless you're on your knees in front of me, I barely notice you at all.


do PUA alpha wannabes have any hint of self awareness? If I was a woman I'd laugh out loud at this pathetic attempt at sounding like a hardass

If those are your only two options, I don't think you should try to influence the kid.

But you do faggot

cant unsee that eye asymmetry...

Stupid feminist cunts can complain about toxic testosterone all they want but at the end of the day that's still all they go for anyways.

Never trust a bitch with what she says she "wants". Because she doesn't know the real answer to that question either.

To be fair, the other guy sounds more like a PUA, the way he talks about jealousy tests.


Lower bodyfat and higher strength is still a very good start though. Cardio doesn't take nearly as long to train up, and cardio gains aren't as permanent as long term muscle growth.

>strength and masculinity is too hard for me to achieve myself, so i'll fling shit anonymously on the internet at people more successful than me!
evolutionary dead-end leftists detected

>45 minutes-1hr 3x a week.
>"He's wasting all of his time being narcissistic while I'm focusing on better things!"

Yeah you're probably a fucking whale dude.

Quality projection

No. It's all femboys now.

>i'll project my own personal faults on people more beautiful and successful than me to make myself feel better about being an embittered, less than mediocre human being

My point is that what would you rather in the event that they say they're preparing for:
>bulked up hulk who can bench a couple of dudes but gets out of breath climbing the stairs
>guy half his size but can quick-march all day fully loaded up

I'm just putting their goals in the context of that situation.

Also leads me to saying that skipping is top-tier exercise.

Study a picture of yourself. We all have asymmetrical eyes

I feel my homo urges rising.

Masculinity is not giving a fuck what other people think. You ALL fail, because you're too caught up on whether or not going to the gym is going to make you more masculine.

Girls want someone with aspirations and potential earning power. Whether that be a guy who obsessed about his health, or a guy who goes for a jog three times a week to maintain his body while building and empire - is completely irrelevant.

As for body types, women have different tastes. They are not like men who share common ideals about female beauty. Just do what you want and dont give a fuck about females.

Makes sense. Thx hardy

>thread about masculinity; posing the question if women want it despite the narrative
>switches into bitching and moaning because a random guy on the internet doesn't appreciate your hobby

neck yourselves

I watched a guy humiliate a former slut by turning her down in public

Told her he preferred cleaner, more pure girls

Has women literally throwing themselves at him now

Married a 10/10 qt virgin

>Masculinity is not giving a fuck what other people think
Couldn't be more wrong.
But I'm not surprised, you're just a fucking leaf after all, what could you possibly know about masculinity, other than being attracted to other males?

Very good point indeed, women are attracted to status and resources, and someone who can be in control and handle things more than body-type I think (assuming you're not a totally disgusting obese person, but just normal)

I lift weights and exercise. But 'roids, tanning and waxing are George Michael tier faggotry.

Women care more about bank accounts and their friends opinions tbqh.

One thing I've noticed, women love shooting guns. It gets them feeling all "naughty" or some shit. Because their leftist brainwashing is literally being triggered.

Take some girls to the range gun-anons.
-Chance to get in close and "adjust" stance
-Her adrenaline pumps, gets her excited.
-She actually feels real power instead of meme strength.
-Redpill her and have fun at the same time.

The only thing women are starving for is attention

>friends opinions tbqh.
That's really understated I think, women really really care about this - one of the first things they'll do is show you off and get their friend's opinion on you.

A fucking leaf is right

The moment you start to care is the moment you take off your balls

It feels good to know the truth.

>Masculinity is not giving a fuck what other people think
Masculinity is self-reliance. You can shirk your manly duties to keep yourself excellent, not caring about what people think when you need to call Tyrone over to help you lift a microwave and then wonder why your girlfriend cheated on you with the BBC.

>skinny OP is NOT A REAL MAN!

i h8 bein a skinny man only fags find it attractive

>Masculinity is not giving a fuck what other people think.

But make monies and build empires to attract womenz. You contradicted yourself in your own fucking post. That's how huge a leaf faggot you actually are.

>PUA is a con bussiness
Said the retard.

You kids don't know anything about clubs in the 2000s.

It worked for years and you could have a lot of fun. I hate how it got mainstream and most of them raised their defenses.

Yes. I had a first hand experience just last night.

No. But there is something wrong with strongmen who pay Mexicans to do landscaping while they stare at their lifting buddy's ass in the gym for hours on end.

>Before I got my gf, I could go to the bar and get three numbers just by talking, being on my shit, and saying I needed to leave earlier in the night because I had work in the morning.

But getting numbers doesn't mean shit, you can get a thousand numbers but they might not answer or give you false numbers simply to get rid of you

I find it very cute how so many dudes watch PUA channels on youtube and think that those dudes end up fucking all the girls who give them their number

And Hue has a point here, too.

>have a norwegian friend
>he goes to tanning salons after the gym
>gets pedicures on his fingernails and toenails
>waxes his chest
>only buys designer clothes and sunglasses
>"Oh i can't eat fries im cutting the carbs, do you have any sweet-potato fries?"
>decaf late please!
>is basically a giant fucking faggot
>isn't even gay

I don't care if he's /fit/ he's a fucking vagina

You need many words to say a simple thing: masculinity is self-reliance, be it physical or be it psychological

>eww you're too ripped, veins are disgusting

Said no woman to a man ever. All women dream about is getting fucked by big veiny dicks while a muscular man chokes her

Also this, but there's a strong supply and demand issue here: give a lot and they'll not want it anymore, give sparingly and they crave it. Don't give it at all and they absolutely flip their shit

Yeah, but he's so alpha that he doesn't give a fuck if Tyrone fucks his girl in front of him.

humans have to eat to survive regardless of anything else. dropping your body fat is as simple as doing less of something you would be doing anyways.

if you aren't already working out a few times a week, you should be. proven physical and mental health benefits.

Erm, I feel like you said this because you're 6'5"

Anything 6'2" and above stands out to me


I have a theory that this is part of why women are choosing to import millions of savages into the West.

Western women, particularly but not entirely Whites, have successfully psychologically castrated their Western men.

When women demanded rights, it was a test. Men failed the test by capitulating and kowtowing to the Suffragettes, who you'll recall were almost always rich white women, who pitched hissy fits and protested and smashed windows and set fires so that they could vote without being drafted and get men's money from the State instead of going through the hassle of being a good wife and mother.

Fast forward over one century, men are pudgy or scrawny in body, weak in will, and sedentary. Boys are drugged to the gills for being boisterous, i.e "normal". They are told they are inherently privileged by being men, but also are inherently worse than anyone else for it.

Throw in decades of divorce rape, cuckolding, paternity fraud, false rape accusations, etc ad nauseum. Then to top it off, still hold men to the same traditional masculine standards as ever, but while refusing to give them the tools they need to meet those standards.

The result is the modern Western Man. Disenfranchised and disengaged. Women hate their lack of assertive quality and bravado. They hate not being put in their place and being guided by a Man.

What to do? Expand the sexual menu. Import millions of young, strong, violent, truly misogynistic men to OVER-correct for the lack of assertive men in your vicinity. Then, get fucked senseless by these savages and breed with the cost of flushing Western Civilization down the toilet of history.

But hey, they make your pussy wet, right? LOL XD

>more than body-type I think
It's absolutely more valuable to them than body type. I'm fat. Got pretty out of shape, but because I'm funny and confident, can still get girls interested in me. Started working out again and saw girlfriend get very appreciative, though. For all their failings, I will say that women are less vain than men when it comes to relationships. Hardship is what drives them away.

Watching a medical show with RN gf:
>Woman is badly burned. Face is fucked. Half her torso looks like a microwaved hotdog
>user, would you still be with me if something like that happened?
>Probably. I'm not going to abandon you when things get rough
>Would you have started talking to me if I was scarred like that?
>Honestly, I want to say yes, but I probably wouldn't have
>That's what I kind of thought
>What if that happened to me?
>I'd still be your friend, but I couldn't handle that
>Fair enough

Definitely not marrying this girl, but it's nice dating a girl with her own money.

That's the fantasy of homosexuals, not women's

Women fantasize about being raped by a world famous billionaire musician who is indeed in good shape but not necessarily a bodybuilder, right after he murdered at least 25 people in cold blood and who also has a 10/10 male model face and is 6 ft + in height

>But getting numbers doesn't mean shit
If a girl gives you her number, she's already decided you're fuckable or worth getting to know better.

I don't go to crowded clubs or loud venues. I go places where I can talk to people. People that are wittier or more interesting than they are good looking would be wise to do the same.

>Obligatory favela monkey comment