Has the purple revolution that Sup Forums predicted began yet? How do we kill it in its infancy?
Has the purple revolution that Sup Forums predicted began yet? How do we kill it in its infancy?
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What the hell is this purple revolution?
Purple is the colour of the ruling elite Moloch worshippers or something.
>The Purple Revolution Must Be Stopped Before It Really Gets Started
Isn’t it extremely odd that neither the POTUS nor ex-Candidate Clinton
have tried to discourage the nationwide riots and protest?!
State of the Nation
Truly, it was only a matter of time before a CIA color revolution was staged right in America’s own back yard.
Soros’s “Purple Revolution” brewing for Trump presidency
As a matter of historical fact, the US Department of State in collaboration with the CIA, DIA and NSA has carried out so many color revolutions around the globe over the past century that it boggles the mind. Hence, the seeds of karma have been insidiously planted only to emerge as the tree of destiny now being experienced by every U.S. citizen.
First, Obama was permitted to execute a slow-motion tearing of the social fabric throughout the USA now known as the Obamanation. His creation of various Czars and installation of key appointees guaranteed that a Stasi state would be surreptitiously built. The resulting quasi-communist, part-fascist progressivism known as “political correctness” has taken the United States into a place not too different from the USSR. Had Hillary R. Clinton won the election, the USSA would have manifested as a full-blown socialist A M E R I K A.
The Soros-Clinton-Obama Crowd Will Not Stand Down
Everyone and their brother have always known that the Clintonistas WOULD NOT LOSE THIS ELECTION, gracefully or otherwise. That they would not tolerate a Trump victory even when he won by an electoral vote landslide. Paid fanatical anarchists and agents provocateur simply don’t have to accept the democratic result of a free and lawful election—just ask George Soros.
Infowars video on it
>this is what Hillary looks like now
Is UKIP part of a Soros plan?
Why must they steal all the good colors, the commies took red and now this.
I fvcking love purple
purple is the color of Regality and has been in western culture since at least the Greeks.
the color purple was so expensive because it could only be produced by crushing a particular sea shell and this made it only available for the most wealthy, i.e. the Emperor or whoever was in charge.
Crooked Hill is playing on the subliminal power of purple and trying to tell the world that she is the ruler. 5 more days for 2016 to claim her though.
It's also the color of bipartisan politics in the USA. She is saying that she is the democratically elected candidate. She's a loon if she thinks she's royalty at this point. If she missteps the FBI isngoiing to crack open case files.
>lose the election and get humiliated by Trump
>turn into a dyke
I wondered about this. But I honestly think it's just represents bipartisanship, combining red and blue makes purple bla bla bla.
They're attitude is probably one of:
>If it also represents regality, good!
that makes more sense. the unity of both sides.
Latest Soros AstroTurf.
>The people must revolt against tyranny!
>Lets choose purple, the historical colour of monarchs, to rally under!
>You can see the fucking pain in her eyes
>She hasn't tweeted since November 26th
God this is the best feel. Ding Dong the witch is dead, and I got to help kill her.
She gives good head.
Astroturf alliance between liberals and cuckservatives to unseat Trump and replace him with the same brand of globalist illuminism that has ruled us since JFK got shot.
>democratic result
>lost the popular vote by 3 million
pick one
Day of the Rake when?
The purple started after she lost.
Purple hearts are medals US soldiers get for being injured and discharged. She's trying to symbolize her loss as an honorable defeat, that she really was fighting for us. It's juvenile and petty.
It's over. I will see pure red if this old piece of trash tries in 2020.
Fugg, that guy even looks like a cuck begging to be robbed in the street.
There was also purported meaning that it was 'the unifying of both parties'. It's all bullshit though, and it really is a secret dog whistle against Trump
More evidence:
notice the pinstripe color
This was the video I meant to include
Some Soros funded astro-turf 'revolution' meant to delegitimatize a democratically elected leader and install a globalist puppet.
Ukraine 2.0, basically. I imagine they're fixing to implode the economy the minute Trump gets in to ramp things up.
God dammit pol. You people are all fucking whackjobs reading way too hard into nothing.
>choosing to ignore obviously intentional and re-occurring details
Im just here to relay information and gather more details, to be honest if any movement was in the works i doubt they are still trying to fund it as we arent seeing it that often and protests against Trump have largely died out, doesnt answer the question of Hillary's sudden obsession with purple though
the Hamilton Electors BS that suddenly appeared was purple too
There's that fucking word again.
Is there even any evidence that "subliminal messaging" actually works, ESL teacher?