How to stop giving a fuck about degeneracy?
im literally shaking when i see liberal media push poliamory, people in night clubs fucking with each other, germanistan hide rapefuges crimes
life in constant stress is unhealthy and unhappy
How to stop giving a fuck about degeneracy?
im literally shaking when i see liberal media push poliamory, people in night clubs fucking with each other, germanistan hide rapefuges crimes
life in constant stress is unhealthy and unhappy
strap up
if you exterminate the degenerates you wont have to worry about it anymore
Divide the people into "can be saved", and "already lost" groups. Its much easier to tolerate degeneracy, and even laugh as they die by their own hand when you already considered them doomed.
Things were always shit.
Chill the fuck down and live your life poland bro. You have a beautiful country.
i just cant stand this
our media are in 90% liberal and jewish
every fucking day they post articles like
>raising children is hard, sad and ruin your health
>more polacks cheating on they parnters than year ago
>divorce is good way to get your life back
and i just go insane, they are killing us bit by bit, we are finished
Then fight back and resist. But remember, resistance begins first and foremost from you yourself.
get a waif, get gits, stay loyal. And be the change you want to see in society.
why would you want to stop giving a fuck?
do you realise you are asking to be degenerate
you are angry, because these things provoke anger
you are asking for drugs.
you should be happy your brain still functions.
put your anger into physical training.
>always shit, even when we were burning whores at the stake
Just find a nice rural, white village, marry a white, submissive Christian woman with an intact hymen, and settle down. She'll stay at home, raising the children where she belongs while you support your family and community. Cut off Television and Internet from your home. Life will be good.
Become mentally strong
watch the holographic disclosure
don't forget the liberal talking points designed to appeal to polish sensibilities
>jesus was a refugee
>we wuz multicultural b4 WW2
Yeah but look at your flag, what the fuck is that? i doubt you have to worry about the stupid libs taking over your country and putting your life at risk
It's ESTII, you neckbearded mongrel.
average relationship column
>the angry male: how to restrain from violence
>divorce isn't the end
>12 reasons why she didn't text you back
>introducing the new couples: polyamory at action
i swear i didn't believe pol until then, then it started to reek
Either you can handle it or ypu can not
I couldnt since i was diagnosed with a heavy depressive adaption disorder last week
I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow and we will discuss which meds are the best for me
I have started numbing myself by heavy weed smoking in the last few months but thats gotta stop now
At least im officially getting anti depressants soon
Im literally taking the bluepill because my other option is death
I hate my life
I hate my people
Germany is dead and germans dont exist anymore
Hey faggot, I don't know if you got the news but we won.
It's time to man up and make ourselves great.
Stop paying attention to mainstream media. With the availability of the Internet you can watch/read/listen to whatever you want, you're not constrained by the MSM anymore...
You can always come here, the pharma-jew isn't going to fill that hole.
Live as self sufficiently as you can in the countryside, improving yourself and your skills so that you are prepared for when the breaking point is reached and civilisation comes crashing down. Use technology minimally so that you don't miss it too much when the electricity runs out.
>>we wuz multicultural b4 WW2
Lol, you "wuz" almost a quarter of your population was Jewish before WW2.
By comparison today you're ethnically homogenous.
Say "thanks Uncle Adi!"
t. Polish Jew living in Cucknada