In the same way Mecca is sacred to Muslims, what do white nationalists/ western civilization have as their specific most sacred location?
Most sacred location for white civilization
Right here.
*unzips dick*
their mom's basement
there might be some in america, the monuments in washington for example, roman and greek ruins in rome and athene.
Why not Rome?
Sup Forums
Their job
We have many because we are not savages.
Mine is a 4000bc ceremonial axe mine on the top of a crag overlooking a lake.
Constantinople was never white
Rightful Ottoman clay
Where bro?
i don't think we have one. maybe the vatican, but that's only cathocucks
>t. Abdul Papadopoulos
Fuck off t*rkroaches.
Because it's about to be btfo by your super volcano. Pastaniggers about to get Vesuvius'd.
München, Hauptstadt der Bewegung and Hitler's official residence.
>there might be some in america
No, they are all in the old world
Rome or Athens
Sup Forums always hating on catholics
you people don't know whats good for you.
kek agrees
they are mary worshiping heretics and don't even do fun things like crusades anymore. your pope is literally a spic commie fuck who is morally corrupting your church
Megalithic structures. The structures created by the early homosapien-neanderthal mixed peoples.
Roman Catholicism is ok.
But it's a well known fact that Orthodoxism is the best sect of Christianity. Literally no one can compete.
0 of of 0 results
Ok I guess shitstain metropolises are preferable to the eternity of the European Himalaya
Stay pleb (((Sup Forums))) I'll enjoy my hot drink and yodle while fucking outdoors as a free man in a dying world
Fuck off nordroaches, don't you FUCKING DARE appropriate Mediterranean achievements.
Nah. Teothicuan has statues featuring white men.
This board is literally only 50% white
>western civilization
Which one. Unlike mud races we have dozens.
Western Russia Siberia. cities like Novosibirsk or Tomsk looks comfy.
nordics carried on mediterranean culture though. you're literally the descendants of sand nigger rape babbies who have been corrupted by sand nigger "culture"
Its obviously Home and Hearth you fucking queers
All of it.
russkies are nords and are the rightful heirs of byzantium and tzargrad.
why do turks always pretend their descendants of old-greece? the original inhabitants of your clay are long dead, you are a turk roach.
Washington DC, obviously
>black robed Mafia
"nords" did nothing. Name a scientist with either blue eyes or blonde hair.
Every important person of note is a mediterranean.
Turks are based and white
That makes no sense then idiot. For the swiss it would probably be the city of Bern.
For the italians, rome or venice.
For nordick trash probably whale fat.
it depends on WHICH western civiliztion you ISIS memebr trying to fish for targets
Truest post in the thread.
Vatican ?
Ive got bad news for you hanz
I really don't think you want a den of paedophiles as your mecca
Also there's plenty. Each European sub group has its own. In England we have Stonehenge, St Paul's, Canterbury Cathedral and lots more. London should be the white city but it's fallen and must be retaken. Scotland has some beautiful and straight magical places that send shivers down your spine when you visit. Wales has some very ancient lore filled places aswell. Can't speak for Ireland.
That would be fucking stupid?
>unzips dick
Read a history book for once you retarded stormfag. The balkans are not even 1% turk.
Stormfront, Sup Forums and whatever shithole you lurk into aren't good sources of information.
Guys, are you joking? It's Parthenon
Turks are white and based
I'm literally Greek dude. I was saying Greeks are white and t*rks aren't. T*rks also aren't Mediterranean, they are just mountain kebabs who stole rightful Med clay.
Should all be gassed.
>The Angry Turk
Wrigley Field.
>Being this autistic
Of course not, you mong. Nationalists have their own countries and nations have their own landmarks.
>I'm literally Greek dude.
>checks flag
Aaand this map is shit.
turks are baby faces now guys read the "fake news"
>he believes that crackers and wine LITERALLY turn into flesh and blood in his mouth
Disgusting wannabe cannibals, the lot of you
Maybe Sup Forums is the sacred place of whites.
t. gayreek
city of london. nice and small. comfy (soon to be upgraded) ring of steel. almost 90% white. historic as.
Not at all
Damn it,
We need to pick one!
Naturally it should be the capital cities and sacred sites but those were the very first things that have been desecrated by (((them))). Amazing how people don't want to see (((their))) head on a spike.
>white civilisation is the freedom of the individual over the authority of the state
Then it's Runnymede.
>"At Runnymede, at Runnymede,
>Your rights were won at Runnymede!
>No freeman shall be fined or bound,
>Or dispossessed of freehold ground,
>Except by lawful judgment found
>And passed upon him by his peers.
>Forget not, after all these years,
>The Charter Signed at Runnymede."
A runner up could be Independence Hall in Philadelphia, but it's here where the idea of "The West" as we recognise it today began.
sporting arenas.
to be honest, it would be hitlers birth place
Kek monkeys trying to fuck a ball
>white nationalist
Mecca is sacred for religious reasons, not ethnic you fucking moron.
Apparently neither is the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
anglos are so retarded, wow
All our holy places have been desecrated.
when will you plebs start putting roofs on your stadiums
It's called Faux Turkish State of North Cyprus, Estonia
that's a stupid question
The Somme
Sorry for not falling for niggerish bling-culture when talking about an idealistic location like, as OP says, Mecca.
Said white
Nice try pastanigger
said western, nice try ahmed