Woah... Why christians are so violent?
Woah... Why christians are so violent?
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Christians are not violent. You just suck.
says the Turk
It's just that muslims can't fight
Woah, it's a fucking picture. How could I respond?
Oh, I have some too!
Go get burnt alive by isis
religion of """""""peace""""""" everyone
>being this butthurt because your religion will never be able to rule majority of the world
Sorry Turkey, but you can't be white if you're not christian. Religion is at the heart of implications about your worldview. It's like India vs Pakistan or east slavs vs west slavs. You could argue they're almost the same people, but worldview is deeper than state allegiance.
>conquered by christians
Daily reminder that every true Georgian hates you and will never consider as a human being
more like "religion of piss"
jew piss to be exact :DDDD
>Christian Conquest Battles
Wait -- why are you equating political wars with religious wars.
Since fucking when has Australia been anything about religious war?
>literally got no business in the middle east even
That picture ignores all of the Asia and Africa that got conquered from Christians by muzzies.
Also, Christianity spread mostly peacefully, with a few exceptions.
Because you're both Jewish religions that have to go back.
>We Christians is good boys
>We dindu nuffin
Probably because the knights templar had a 2000/1 kd ratio against inbred mohamdeians.
>could have killed every other country
You're welcome
>Christians have no business in Jerusalem
Never change Sweden
Fake Christian asswipes are just muslims in disguise.
Christianity, Islam, Judaism.
All (((Semitic))) religions. The same thing.
Accepting buddhism is the final redpill
>that image
kek, but can someone explain WHY that is?
In the final picture, all those purple countries should be green too.
Christians for the most part were smart enough to figure out that the best way to convert people is to absorb their pagan belief system into Christianity. A type of targeted conversion. Which worked remarkably well almost everywhere.
Muslims, being mostly shitskin culture; used brute force to get converts. Their method consisted of mass genocide almost everywhere they conquered.
Christians will use violence as a last resort, whereas it's the first choice for Muslims.
Also, worth noting a fundamental difference in the Religion itself. Christianity preaches tolerance, acceptance and altruism by a man who literally gave his life to save the immortal soul of all mankind. Yes, even the eternal Jew. Islam is a religion founded by a Warlord madman who fucked little girls had a lot of slaves and promoted violence on his fellow man.
Well you can't be a muslim and a human at the same time.
No, the muslim's first plan of action is to infiltrate and reproduce. You can see it in Europe and SE Asia right now. A relatively small number of muslims get into a country, then they out reproduce the native population until there is a Muslim majority.
Islam is weak, and the weak should fear the strong.
almost none fof those green countries are majority christian.
>somehow conquering the world
why are kuffar so deluded?
Incase you haven't noticed we're esoteric pagan Nazis here. Just like the SS and the core of Nazi Germany.
Muslim's will go to a market and blow themselves up for their religion
Christians are actively celebrating their customs being destroyed.
>implying the abos were even a battle
>Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Reminder that all non-Christians are Amalek and will convert or be purged by the sword. This is the true meaning of Christmas, Turk.
There isn't one country that has Christianity as a state religion, unlike Islam.
Conquering what? Your pretend caliphate got BTFO by the rustboat army of Russia lol.
You think demographics will take over the west?
Look at Europe history you will be genocided. Even now in pop culture the sprouts of legitimate nazism is rising.
You were tricked by the jew to come here, make us hate you and then Israel knows people will side with them and wipe you out, maybe confine you to Africa.
Iran is ok, if they stay in their borders.
Every attack
every rape
every isult
every sight of you disgusting regressive animals pushed Europe to the far right and racism.
your disgusting western culture is dying i find your countries disgusting your women are worthless sluts and behave like dogs you have no morality islam will be the saving of the dying west and you will convert or die as forseen by prophet muhammad peace be upon him revenge and final battle for the christian crusades against the holy land is coming
Not the same thing, European doesn't mean Christian, Christian doesn't mean European.
Go read the book of Matthew to see how cucked Christians are
>none of Europe is lit up
>probably because they are inhabited by FUCKING WHITE MALES
Much of Northern Africa and the Levant were in fact Christian when Islam came around and pillaged everything. Also why is northern Europe not marked under the conquests? Christians fought harder against their own pagan brothers and sisters than against Muslims.
Shittiest pope of our times.
Honestly I can't wait until he abdicates (would say dies, but that wouldn't be very Christian of me).
He literally denies every conservative quality of our religion. Unlike Benedict XVI, who abdicated because of """sickness""", huh... Coincidence?
What to the yellow and grey countries represent on that map, where there no Christian battles in Europe in fucking Italy? Bad shoop bait is bad
Conversion vs Conquest retard. Also, tell me about those countries today and how "Christian" they are. Empire brought light to the savage world. Look at the top countries on earth today, mine included. Look at your Muslim shitholes.
Much of Christianity spread through missionaries risking life and limb innawoods, trade and sometimes conquest.
Islam has always spread through the sword, rape and pillage. But Muslims are such weakling fags against western warriors that you are using immigration and "dats rayciss" to get through our military prowess.
>Christians fought harder against their own pagan brothers and sisters than against Muslims
>Christians, pagans
Christians fought harder against Muslims, by far.
>Defense against Islam
>Roman Empire
>Various Ottoman-European wars
>Barbary Pirates
Pagans were converted mostly by peaceful means. Bulgars, Hungarians, Avars, Goths, Slavs.. the Northern Crusades were taken on by heretics, the Roman Catholics which by that time had already split from the Church, so of course violence would go ahead with all that.
LMAO, revenge? YOU started it. Islam wasn't even founded until 600ad.
Then yo proceed to slaughter-conquer all the way to India and southern france.
You are the agressor and your sandnigger fairytales won't help you.
Islam is weakening as we speak
Many leave your religion of fear and hate for western values as they are clearly superior.
Manwhile Europeans are everyday realizing more and more what we are and how we hate Islam and low IQ animals.
Racism and European identity is making a comeback and you will not win this fight.
>leaving out all the conquest battles of the franks, for example against the saxons
get your herstory right