Lauren Southern has a new book

It is VERY good, I seriously recommend that you all buy it. It does a very good job of explaining the crisis that our generation faces because of immigration and Islam. It talks about all of the issues that most people are too scared to talk about and that is only one of the many reasons that it is so great.

Other urls found in this thread:

t. Lauren Southern

Women shouldn't be allowed to write books or have any job for that matter. Their purpose is for breeding and raising children. Lauren is a traitor to western society

Is it really though?

I listened to a 40-minute podcast where she talked to some libertarian guy about the book.

The guy directly thanked her for
>targeting a demo that's out-of-reach for middle-aged men

She makes some good points, but it's all common knowledge on Sup Forums, and her understanding seems a tad superficial, be it in regards to politics or history. I wouldn't consider her an authority speak on these things, but more like a stranger who voices their opinions on a printed medium.

Here's the link.

that's what I imagined

Your fucking leaf flag is VERY CONSPICUOUS.
>earnestness on Sup Forums
Seriously though lauren you're pretty cool and I'd probably fuck you

more like a leaf larping as lauren southern larping as a leaf

meant for

Lauren is a leaf, you lotion drinker

Lauren if you want to sell your book here just post a pic with time stamp

>thinking i care about what some dumb bimbo "wrote"

>post a pic
post tits. I will buy your stupid book if you do.

Post her legs

Does it talk about JQ and the importance of genes though?

Lauren (((Southern)))
Post your tits kike bitch.


>muh French philosophers did it
I get you need to shill on yt but on Sup Forums of all places?

no u

You never wrote my twitter proof on ur twitter. Don't come back to Sup Forums until you do you slimy slut


Advertising spam.

Holy fucking Christ post more

Let's all cum on pics of her face and tits then link her twitter to the thread

>tons of space
>shitty english
>looks like a regular pollack rant

fuck off

I don't need to hear someone repeat to me what I already know. That's why I don't like talk radio.

But damn I would fug her

Lauren stop, it's embarassing.

I could write i book like that in a week ...


She just wants money. Can't blame her. Will you give her money? If you do, she might let you fuck her...

>im white with no job skills and its immigrants fault not mine

Lmao the alt right is literally just racist progressives

So, this is pasta, Leaf. How many times are you going to repost it?

>obviously, as many times as she paid you to post it.

You know the rules, Lauren.

Tits or gtfo

Nah mate, i dont like her 4head.

Also, i havent bought a book in years while reading 1h every day.

this is a good book

You know the book is shit and has no substance if the author has to appear on the cover.

Still trying to finish Infinite Jest?

I'd shill her book if she paid me in bjs

>Only four more days of no fap December
What do? I could make a webm of my jizzing on Her and her sister and tag her in it with my spam accounts but I don't wanna ruin the streak...

Heres a book for you kraut

Lol, this picture makes the book appear like a 200-300 pager...

A Sup Forumsack posted his copy yesterday, and it's like a thin little pamphlet...

The biggest redpill one could ever receive is the one that dictates that anyone vapid enough to put their face on the cover of any book they wrote is not a person at all, but a brand, and shouldn't be listened too, in the same way you wouldn't listen too McDonalds.

post tits and i'll buy 50 copy of that book
we all know it you lauren , you're not fooling anyone

Can you stop Lauren? You already got BTFO'd last time


>It is VERY good
for fuck sake

the title says "how baby boomers immigrants and islam ruined my generation"

this is no different than those liberals who blame white privilege for their mistakes

let alone the book is like less than 60 pages

you call that "VERY good" ?
you been hit on your head leaf?

can't you guys sift through bullshit?

>a leaf
>a shill


shills of all colors and creeds:

go fuck yourselves

can't redpill normies with a title like that


>60 pages
>blaming french rather than jews
>that fucking title

The cringe

>How to fight back against BDS and anti-Israel activism

FUCK OFF, saged


Any book that features a full body picture of the author is a fucking joke. That is some Ann Coulter level bullshit.

>Buy my book, I'm an attractive white woman who needs to make it clear that I'm an attractive white woman so you'll buy my book.

she is so deliciously thick

Even Kek agrees with me

But I thought you assholes loved Ann Coulter...

>being superficial
Color me shocked.

pol is not the target audience. how thick can one be?

My best friend says he has lied about being gay on resumes to improve his chances of getting a job. Affirmative Action is a well known practice. They even talk about it on shows like How I Met Your Mother.

Canadian Ariana Grande HNNNNGGGGG

>because shilling now includes reverse-psychology, in which you badmouth the author to increase book sales

She's a vapid whore. Anyone who loves Ann Coulter is an unmitigated imbecile.

>shilling your own book on Sup Forums

>open borders
>bitch when people come into country
you are cucked beyond saving.


More ass please



yes, you did

You're replying to a claim no-one has made.
>reading comprehension, what is it

Sure thing vlad. How many rubles do you make per shitpost.

Quote me on it, you functionally illiterate fuck.

>She makes some good points, but it's all common knowledge on Sup Forums, and her understanding seems a tad superficial,


>that spacing

You're far too easy to spot, reddit fag

Fuck off Lauren. You are not helping the cause. You make all non lefties look like a bunch of angry edgelords. You are not winning anyone new over and are simply cashing in from your existing followers. No wonder no one wants to date you, you probably bring up politics every chance you possibly can in every conversation. Grow the fuck up.


There I'm saying she's partially talking out of her ass and therefore Sup Forumstards shouldn't buy it (despite OP's recommendation).



Only after coitus desu


yes , yes , blame us gentile , blame us
don't even look at your own country , always blame the french for everything , that's all you can do after all



even though i don't care about US presidents , i have to say Trump has always been a brand , so it's no surprise you would see him on a book cover


I'm not sure. Nowadays anyone can publish a book, it's not that expensive. Cheapest publishers in my country will make it for 200$~300$


>sips tea

Case in point. Awful book ghost-written by a Jew, sold only because it says TRUMP in larger letters than the fucking title and has the smug face of the God Emperor on it.

A book should stand upon the words contained therein, not upon vacuous branding.

She's butthurt about Quebec

>blonde dyed hair
Literally SJW for alt-right (new atheists)

Whether we like it or not People judge books by the cover user. They need a flashy cover or they won't buy it. You have to give the children a spoonful of sugar to go with the medicine.

It's eh.
Not bad, not great

srsly how did immigration and Islam ruin Canada again?
does canada even have boomers?

>Lauren is one of probably ten Canadians with the balls to publicly talk about the negative impact of Muslims and immigration
>b-but she didn't name the Jews though

i'm sure even the frenchs don't want Quebec , have you heard how they speak ? it's barely french (not that i want to insult but it's the truth any french will tell you that)
nobody even knows why Canada hates us , i would understand if they were anglos but they're not , so i don't know , plus most french don't even dislike them

>western society

You are mistaken. I was addressing the link you posted, not you.

>tfw Sup Forums is big enough in the public eye that shills come to advertise to us