>First county in the world to legalize gay marriage in 1989
>Country know for its legalized prostitution and drug use
>One of the first countries to legalize euthanasia, people hate themselves and don't value their lives
>Only famous artist was a degenerate who self mutilated himself because of a prostitute
Is Netherlands the most degenerate country in the world?
Other urls found in this thread:
they're nice people tho
shut up
Only the eastern cities, together with Groningen, are disgusting as shit. Filled with liberals, numales and shitskins. If you go to the smaller towns you most likely find more white Christians with traditional values.
One day we'll cleanse this country.
Western cities*
It's a known fact all dutch posters are open America haters. All countries harbor a negative attitude towards us, but only the Dutch like to show it as much as they love showing their gay pride
The dutch are the saltiest people on earth. Anytime you see their flag on Sup Forums they are angry at America. The netherlands will never be as relevant as the U.S, China, or other European powers. Their "golden age" is represented by conquering what is now indonesia, an island country with hundreds of ethnic tribes, none of which have ever accomplished anything significant. As much as people laugh at France for being surrender-monkeys, remember that the Dutch are just a welcome mat on France's doorstep in the eyes of Germany. Even the lost British and French empires have done everything 10 times better than you. You are dirt. No, you are less than dirt. You are a dog's filth left on the bottom of a dead kraut's boot. You ridicule all countries above you because you think that your words are worth something, that nations of all sizes which can trample you in an instant might hear your pathetic shrill all the way up on their world's stage. Windmill niggers are the betas of western europe. Kill yourself, but before you do that, tell everyone in your god-forsaken country to do the same.
>Richest country on the world for a good while
>Centre of trade, art and scientific development
>Biggest city for quite a while
Delusional fettie
The Netherlands may be a dumb piece of shit country, but it's most important artist was not a degenerate. And not even really native Dutch, so maybe it doesn't count.
Netherlands is nice
It's SJW the country
Half of this is true
>Who is mc Escher among several
We don't hate ourselves. Most other countries have a higher suicide rate. We do it the civilised way. Drugs are legal yes
QQ buttmad fucking yank. We hate you because we're redpilled. Redpilled people hate america end of fucking story
>Syntax intentional
t. Fat Ameri-Mexican manlet
Wtf I hate americans now.
Another faggot that can't into Europe. Stay over there gramps
>the netherlands will never be relevant as countries that are 200x bigger
Oh nooo, that sucks
Ive never seen an extreme SJW here even in the big cities. America is the biggest SJW shithole in the world.
It is also one of the most corrupt places in Europe, with most being unaware of this fact.
I would really appreciate it if the other Amerifats on this thread would shut the fuck up. Yall aren't throwing stones in a glass house anymore, you're launching them out of a fucking howitzer into the neighbours dog and trying to sue your neighbours for pain and suffering.
We're not too bad off. A while back a black girl told me and a group of classmates about white privilege, we basically all joked about it and no one believed a single thing she said.
SJW are crawling all over Amsterdam, at least. That, and niggers who want to sell you cocaine.
I left it almost 3 years ago now. Couldn't stand the hypocrisy, immigration policies and being the EU's bitch any longer.
Inb4 Canada is cucked too. I live in Alberta. I shoot guns and the nearest POC is a 90 minute drive away.
Forgot to add, we didnt take that many refugees, we have no terrorist attacks, not much crime, no ghettos or no go places. It is honestly not that bad here. I never noticed all the leftist / SJW nonsense until I heard about it online. People here just dont really care.
Ive been to Amsterdam a few times and nothing happened, everyone was chill and was minding his or her own business. Also Amsterdam is literally the worst place in our country, every part of our country except for some big cities are fine and not cucked. People here are a lot more anti-immigration than other European countries and we're like 86% white.
i've never been to a place where bisexuality is so common.
>Country know for its legalized prostitution and drug use
Drugs are still illegal, only cannabis is decriminalized.
>What is Theo van Gogh
>What is Hofstadgroep
>we have no terrorist attacks
you fucking monkeys like it here though
i see you, in your little cars scooting around burglarizing homes and selling drugs
fuck you and your shit genetics you cockroach
Those things are done mostly done in a sort of classical liberal effort. In other words to have the goverment not involve itself into things that do little harm. So all in all it was never the case that people cared that much about gays but more of a freedom issue.
Or so the idea goes.
They gave us AvB, Tiesto, Showtek, and many others.
Whatever they're doing is working.
those all sound like good things to me.
>people hate themselves
Highest quality of living in all of europe if it wasnt for the eternal Dane
Not as degenerate, they just have a "eh fuck it" attitude towards negative things and tend to avoid it. The Cities are mostly shit due to immigrant but country side is great.
Plus, it's mostly foreigners who focus on the weed and prostitution. Dutchbro's aren't that fazed by it tthemselves and benefits alot by the tourism created by people like you.
And they're friendly as hell, fok jou doos.
>legalizing euthanasia
Just another ignorant fuck that thinks Amsterdam represents the Netherlands.
In all honesty, I was planning a trip to Amsterdam sometime in the New Year simply for the sake of losing my viriginity to a prostitute (it's hard enough to even land a 4/10 in leafland) and to smoke some good kush. Could any Dutchbros please tell me of a good brothel that I can get a qt3.14 hooker?
>Seriously thinks the hookers in the Netherlands are Dutch.
The hookers are from eastern europe. Better book a trip to eastern europe. Goodluck.
See, right there, dollars in their pockets. Why fuck a chink when you can fuck a germanic hooker while being high?
Yes, my grandparents moved from Holland after the war because they were all degenerates over there.
Get raked.
Truth hurts you meth addicted brabant nigger.
Thats a bobby cap, that isnt in holland you stupid motherfucker
So not only did you run away like some shitskin, but you went for Canada. Wow...
>for its legalized prostitution and drug use
And everyone is still jelly.