Oy Vey, look what you silly goys got trending on Twitter. Shut it down now!!! U racist bigots!!!!
White Genocide is trending in twitter
Other urls found in this thread:
We did it.
Really gets the noggin jogging
Libs are twisting it into
"Aww look whity mad and thinks it's real"
Instead of the fact a professor was advocating it.
Since this might turn into a shitstorm do you think he ll be fired?
Stealing that gif m8
Was this our goal Sup Forums?
Lmao good goy. Making white babies is inbred like those le dumb southerners
Could you imagine if a professor came out and said "All I want for Christmas is Black genocide"
The preservation of the white race. Without whites, the chance humanity leaves this planet and carries our torch throughout the universe is slim to none.
Rei is shit.
we took some cuck professor with a ironic tweet and made it into a news story with 20K tweets trending in america, the cuck got his shit cucked up son
you're just a jelly turkish rape baby
History, Professors and other role model figures advocating genocide has always led to genocide.
I'm Croat, Jovane.
At least we are spreading the awareness of white genocide.
True, that's what happened in Rome and Russia
Failed attempt at sarcasm.
I advocate the total genocide of all Jews and the confiscation of their wealth for redistribution to impoverished white people.
>History, Professors and other role model figures advocating white genocide have always been Jewish.
Jesus that lady sends chills down my spine. The mix of the female brain and Judaism forges the ultimate serpentine sneaky evil human.
>Mfw when I impregnated a white girl
>I'm Hispanic
>I told her I want nothing to do with the bastard
>I'm helping (((white))) genocide
The lack of condemnation by the Left, betrays their real intentions. Right now you only sporadically hear this on social media, soon you will hear it on radio/television and lastly it will be spoken on the state of the union address.
I love the fact that lefties both mock the idea of white genocide AND argue that it's a good thing that should happen/is happening.
Anyone got that joke pic "when you think the holocaust didn't happen and wish it'd happen again" for Sup Forums?
It's that, but serious, for the left.
Day of the legdrop is upon us.
The Jewish female must be our primary target. We must seize the means of Jewish baby production.
Race war is coming troll. I'll have your head on a plate.
It was Ebaumsworld
Lefty Kike White Genocide Porn:
That's the most baffling part.
This dude is basically Bizzaro Pol yet he's an associate professor at Drexel? I'm glad I studied autismo shit instead of humanities. None of my professors openly advocated for genocide.
What did he mean by this?
was it justaprankbro like they're all saying?
Day of the Top Rope, kid
lol nothing will happen. Once white people are gone this world is fucked and will start going backwards
Poo in the loo until our great works crumble to dust.
if u dont copulate with a rodent ur basically inbred m8
real talk
His other tweets were shit like: When the Haitins killed whites, that was a good thing.
Notice how the shills suddenly vanished.
Made one for you, Sven
another question: why is it only place #8 when it has ten times more tweets in total than some others?
Bigot is spelled wrong. Fix it krautbro.
I can't believe this caught on.
All good! Saved.
KEK ebaumsworld did it again
>White man asks a relenting nigger to racemix
Is this the world we're living in?!
What have we become?
>im hispanic
As long as youre not a full inca or aztec and mostly a Spic rape child (which most hispanics are) the kid will still be mostly white. Thx Pedro, ongoe anglay arriba
He's white maybe he should kys, or someone help him.
Brigade Drexel's inbox about how he should be fired for being a racist
>impregnate someone
>not being a man and raising your offspring
for what purpose
>Without whites, the chance humanity leaves this planet and carries our torch throughout the universe is slim to none.
This. If i wasn't such a fan of sci-fi i'd probably not give too much of a shit. Humanity has declined many times in the past.
where can i buy that shirt
kys chink
Turk overlord fucked your mothers while your fathers walked around the house with their shoes on their hands lmao.
dub if true
Dub or not let's make it happen. Gas the kikes race war 2017!!!
It's a start, last year most schools would have ignored it or joined in with him.
Then ask them why he deleted all if his tweets?
Wheres the archives for it anyways?
Are you unironically communist, or just shitposting? No hostility if you are, just curious.
I'm unironically NatSoc.
Female Jews should be our first priority. They are living, breathing kike production factories. Their wombs most be destroyed by big black cock.
Now there's a form of socialism I can get behind.
Yes. See, we are no longer children here. The Jew's objective is the total extermination of the White Race. Therefore we must fight and we must win, and by win I mean all our enemies are dead, no negotiation, no surrender, no prisoners, no concentration camps and no rest until every single kike on the planet is eradicated.
They're obviously talking about clearing the snow.
>Aaaahhhhh, there's SO much snow, I can't get out of my driveway.
>Get the shovels out, it's time for a #WhiteGenocide
I think you should simplify it to something like "when white genocide isn't real but you want it to be".
they are only pulling the trigger on men rest assured
they, come out fine here
No they won't They'll be murdered by their mongrel spawn.