H3H3 swallows the whole red pill

You all said that ethan from H3H3 was a scheming jew, well look at the video that he just droped

This shit is so goddamned redpilled I could not believe he made it.


>nigger makes poorly worded point
>"I think what he is trying to say is that blue lives matter is not equal to black lives matter because you choose to be a cop and can quit at any time unlike being black, you cant quit being black. which is what he is trying to say, which is an interesting point, but since its such a stupid poorly made fucking video all it ends up looking like is "hey I'm a token fucking black guy that the white person who made this video threw in to make it look more diverse""

Other urls found in this thread:


Hi Ethan how is your day going?

He would stab you in the back while shaking your hand for one cent.

That's what these Jewish backstabbers do, they backstab you in the back.

stop making this fucking thread. he's a scheming kike and you have no idea what it means to be redpilled. clearly you aren't so go read some fucking books or something you little faggot

Yeah, Ethan is an unfunny Jew and I don't know why he keeps spamming his videos here. That said I don't mind wasting 10 minutes every once in a while to watch this overly sarcastic unfunny fuck make fun of even more pathetic things on the internet.

But that's just me, and I don't recommend ever watching him.


I want to fuck his gf

Stop posting here Ethan its annoying now and we wont give you views you greedy jew.

Everyone hated that mtv video
Shitting on it is really safe.


love u ethan. just so u know, YouTube unsubbed me from your account like a year ago, this shit's been happening for a while

>has curly hair and brown eyes
>literal jew
>thinks he is white
yeah, so redpilled

Come now, Tom Green was/is trash.


Stop advertising

Many other youtubers have done videos on this already. All h3h3 does is take something that is trending and basically steal shit from other youtubers.

Why do some poor murican kikes think they are white. Do you think his wife thinks shes white? What the fuck was the point of the Holohoax over fucking religion? What the fuck?

Yeah but the difference is that Ethan tries to make his videos funny over preachy, and every video I've seen on this MTV video has been more preachy than funny.
Just me. I think Ethan is a great physical comedian

>mentions how great the Fuhrer aka Pewdiepie is in other videos
Is he our Goebbels?

>I want to fuck a kike

Offer her enough money and you're well in m8

>Just because you have black friends doesnt mean you arent racist!
So if you're racist and dont act on it then there is no problem

Huh, sounds like me with my black friends, theyre usually a bunch of whitegirl chasing monkeys but we get along and respect each other in a SHIIEEEEEET kind of way

>Jew tries to get in your group
>"Hey guys I am one of you guys!"
>Later destroys the entire group from the inside

This is what happened to the gaming industry when we let feminists in.

>tfw you will never have a Jewish girlfriend who is willing to abandon her family in Israel and come with you back to America

He reminds me of the "good guy Jew" at my boarding school that was never a problem until he got busted with weed by speeding like an asshole and forgetting he had it under his seat because he was bit beer buzzed and combative. He then tried to rat out anyone he could to save his hide but it didn't work because we wiped everything clean and flushed anything forbidden right before our "surprise safety inspection". Fuck off Sethlehem and I powerfucked your sister's ass when she visited you.

I like Ethan but saying he's white when he's Jewish is imprecise

hello Hila

Why are you idiots so obsesed with youtube nobodies?

>hating on h3

he's one of us

I remember him saying he hates Jews


>saying he's white when he's Jewish is imprecise

^^^Jewtell right there.

Not sure if this is how he actually feels or just pandering cuz he knows his viewers are Trump supporters

when you get that many subscribers do you even have free agency or do you just become a slave to what your viewers want

she's literally the other half of the H3H3 act, just look them up.

She's cute in a not cute sort of way. She has symmetrical facial features and some nice eyes.

He doesn't hate Jews, he hates the Super Jews and Israel because its a shit country filled with horrible people.

not being a complete faggot doesn't mean that he is redpilled

and just look at him, everybody of this guy screams: "I'm Jewish"

Fuck me she looks incredibly Jewish

He's always been someone who thinks before saying shit and tries to acknoledge other points of view. He's left as hell but also the prime example of why being political black and white is fucking ridiculous at this point.
Also he hates Israel and doesn't like zionism.

fucking jewface if I ever saw one

Fuck off kike.

Hi, Sam. Hope you a had a nice Christmas :)

The exact moment he gets redpilled:

>he doesn't like the one redeeming features of Jews
>he doesn't support an ethno-state

Again. Fuck off OP.

She has her good moments.

>unironically supporting Israel for whatever reason
Gee, I wonder ...

I'd fuck her desu

>Fuck me she looks incredibly Jewish

She's half-auschwitz already.

Her accent is so bad and she seems like she's always high.

oh look a youtube """content creator""", i wonder what trending videos they have stolen and added thier intro and opinion into today

Not an accent, it's a speech impediment

She talks like that in hebrew too

stop samefagging and spamming your own videos, ethan

Do you think HIila and Ethan will stay together for a while?

I feel like even though Hila is autistic, she married him for the US citizenship and the mad Youtube shekels he makes. Once they fall out of existence, which quite honestly seems to be happening right now since his videos are half shilling these days in addition to his other videos, do you think they'll remain married and happy?

Not trying to talk shit to Hila, but seems pretty convenient how all this shit just fell into her lap from Ethan. Plus, she's cute in a weird way and Ethan is a fat out of shape dude.

>implying he isnt trying to cater towards Sup Forumstards

>not supporting the very same ethno-state that pisses off Soros and lefties.
Yeah I really do wonder.

Well someone's jelly

He'll put a baby in her and then they'll be stuck together.

I don't think Ethan was out of shape when they met. Love can make you be forgiving of a person as they age. She does look at him like she likes him.

That said, fuck these guys. I haven't clicked on any of their videos for months. So bored of them.They never talk about anything I haven't already heard of.

It helps more than hurts,

He's just pandering to his audience with popular internet opinions. He's still a libtard jew.

I wish I had a cute jewish gf

how do i get a qt jewish girlfirnd friends?

They're like the holy grail

and if you have kids it means they'll be jews

>She does look at him like she likes him.
I dunno, I just get this vibe. Like they never really hug or anything. They seem more like friends goofing around than a young married couple, not that you can't be both. I don't think I've ever seen them kiss.

I dunno, maybe it's just that they don't want to do that on camera or whatever. Just a vibe I got.

as long as she believes in the bible who cares?

marx said the same thing and look at all the shit he caused

damnit nu/pol/ you need to be more careful about jews

It's a good thing m8

You're kid will be the elite and you can mooch of him

You're a fucking idiot. Even liberals hate that video.

>marx said the same thing and look at all the shit he caused
That's exactly what a Jew would say, you fucking yid. All antisemitism is good antisemitism.

Jdate, you fucking leaf.

suuuuure they do

Angular faces require angular short haircuts. Her overly long straggles just bookend her face.

>egg girl


Case in point:

Skip to 4 minutes mark, he's defending the cunts who ambushed Mike Pence at the theater + talking shit about Trump for rightfully condemning what they did.


Man, i remember when they're just making youtube poops

That piece of shit isn't even white. Fuck you op for linking this faggot and his just fuck my shit up senpai hair.

How is he not white?

Because judaism is a religion. Sure the jewish groups like ashkenazi, which I think Ethan is, are genetically distinct but so is every other white ethnicity.

You're just mad because he hates Israel Schlomo.

Some girls just aren't into fucking and don't care about that shit and Hila is one of them.

kikes arent even human

His skin is fucking olive m8

He's White by American/Canadian standards I guess.


he's literally funnier than anything Russia has ever put out other than fetal alcohol syndrome

Shitting on SJW bullshit is just common sense, it's the smallest, tiniest redpill there is.

youtu.be/EMaaMq8T7Cg theyre very close in my opinion. No sane woman would allow a man to repeatedly cough in her face if she didnt at least like him

I don't really care about that. I just hate seeing jews with liberal opinions influencing millions of people.

>sasy the jew

>she's cure in a not cute kind of way
Couldn't say It better

He looks mizrahi but his parents are definitely ashkenazi. Hila is straight up mizrahi though.


>liberal opinions

all he does is shit on douchebags and told all the raging liberals to calm the fuck down and respect trump after he won.

fuck off plebbit

2017 resolutions for black guys: get a job.

wtf I love jews now!

Many liberals did that in attempt to appear sensible. See what he did after

>she married him for the US citizenship and the mad Youtube shekels he makes.
She's not an US citizen and they were married years before the Youtube thing blew up. In early videos they talked about how they used to go dumpster diving and got evicted once because they couldn't pay the rent.

he's just riding the wave, like usual

Hi carter.

anyone else think that jews just have a very "intelligent" look to them? She just looks very smart

>White face

fucking lol