EpiPen controversy

Remember the whole outrage over the $600 price of the EpiPen? Did you know there was a generic Epinephrine auto-injector? Because I never heard that there was a cheaper alternative in any of those "news" stories.

Does anyone use this stuff?

Is there some reason why people who must administer this can't be shown how to fill a auto injector syringe with epinephrine?

Autoject 2 Self-injection Device
google.com/search?q=Autoject 2 Self-injection Device&rlz=1CAASUA_enUS622US627&oq=Autoject 2 Self-injection Device&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3j69i60j69i61.815j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=Autoject 2 Self-injection Device&tbm=shop

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Because most people are infatuated with drug brands (hence mass marketing in the US), and people want a story to bitch about so they're going to believe "Epi-pens are the only way you can use or auto-inject epinephrine and they have a patent on them, and they raised the price because they're evil corporate scum!"

It fits confirmation bias, so the facts don't matter.

Nah shit is still fucked and your government is evil for letting this happen

isnt it paid for by insurance anyway?

For the majority of people I imagine so

Depends on what kind of insurance you have. Maybe people have a high deductible so insurance doesn't kick in until after the first $5000 for example.

Literally every news outlet i listened to during the controversy said there were identical generics for a fraction of the price just days aftet the story broke.

Sup Forums is actually so fucking retarded in the past few years this place needs to be temporarily shut down or some shit

in canada they cost 20 dollars.

>Literally every news outlet i listened to during the controversy said there were identical generics

If they said that then there would have been no story. You're roll playing too hard.

Paid for on the backs of Americans.

>people want a story to bitch about

Except that one of the board members of the company has direct ties to the US Congress and the price increase was only following legislation demanding that every school hold epipens in case of emergency.

>price increase was only following legislation demanding that every school hold epipens in case of emergency.


No retard you're wrong see Fucking nu/pol/ faggot go kill yourself

Yup... there are few alternatives for auto injectors. (((MSM))) didn't cover it cause well.. fucking guess why?

What's more worrisome is the sheep that don't do their own research on these stories. Sheep at work crying about this and they don't even need a damn pen. I got allergy shots years ago so had to carry one and have one at work.

Remember not covering a story properly still isn't fake news, so the narrative will always be skewed. So they can and will continue to do it like this.

>Did you know there was a generic Epinephrine auto-injector?

there wasn't at the time and currently that "generic" isn't much cheaper

Yeah if you buy them from the garbage dump. They cost over $200 at my local pharmacy

god damn i'm a bioengineer and i could literally synthesize adrenaline in my bathroom, 3d print a spring-loaded mechanism to inject it using a syringe and sell it at a profit for $20. what the fuck are pharma companies doing?

so why aren't you

I think Epipen has a patent on the injector that it uses so there must be something that distinguishes it from normal injectors

the FDA


you don't know the monster that is the FDA, then. We have an administrative office at my company that deals solely with the FDA and that agency is always the thing that slows us down in our research and trails. Always. They drag their ass so much it's unbelievable.

great story

thx mate

What the hell is this for and why should I care about it?

The Pharmaceutical companies are buying up any stem cell and genetic research that might cure diseases just to keep them off the market.
They don't want some cheap cure undercutting their outrageously overpriced "pill" treatments.
