The comments are so pathetic I almost feel bad laughing at them
Other urls found in this thread:
Ducking lefties
fat chicks are not in demand
pic related is the fat cunt who wrote that "article".
hahaha look at that fat glob
I'd rail her based on the picture on the left... Right on top of that coffee table.
he's a leaf, they fuck dogs up there
Picture on the left looks thick and slutty.
No, I didn't fuck your mom when she came to visit.
benis in anus
Another washed-up bitch who fucked dozens of guys in her 20s, doesn't take care of herself anymore, and now expects some rich Chad to settle on her as she balloons into one of those 300lb monstrosities you see scooting around Walmart.
Why did you post a botnet link?
The wall is a beautiful thing.
Some of these comments actually include "taking 10 years off from dating" and "always have been repulsed by human touch." And no botnet because I want this to get popular so normies see it.
it's really funny to me that the virgin neckbeard stereotype has videogames and anime or whatever other bullshit to keep himself happy while the catladies of the world have absolutely nothing to keep them occupied besides misery and posting trigger warnings online
foreveralone jezebel feminists and Sup Forumstard nerd virgins are a match made in heaven. Two huge pools of rejected singles who will never find anyone unless they put their political differences aside and fuck each other.
Looks like my ex before/after. Left her once she gained weight. Currently fucking a Korean qt
This actually makes me sad as hell. Everyone was sold this narrative that they could be a disgusting blob and some 10/10 would love them for it.
>put aside their political differences
There's a bit more going on here than political differences, there's a massive entitlement complex and a complete unwillingness to change one's own behavior in any way.
>it doesn't matter that I'm 400lbs, drink a fifth of vodka a day, and refuse to bathe! My true love would look past all of that and see my amazing personality!
I should give her some sympaty, but i won't.
Boys have it 10x worse. Somehow it became new normal that guys do not even fuck untill their middle 20s, not to mention complete lack of everything even slightly romantic.
Tfw 25 and a virgin.
Is that a woman, a man maybe some sort of sea mammal? I am really confused.
>see my amazing personality!
That narrative was pushed in movies and books for over a decade.
This is the type of lie that wrecks people's lives.
What's funny is I fucking guarantee you this woman has made fun of various online communities of men in her position. Still I do feel bad for her, she's just going to get fatter and older and think it's a mortal sin to say she deserves anything less than a rich guy with six pack abs.
Doesn't your country have legalized prostitution?
Isn't it ice cream and binge watching netflix?
Aren't pierce brosnan and hugh jackman married to fat women?
>Be fat guy
>Literally never once in my life feel discriminated against
>Realize that being fat is a result of my own poor choices, and that only I can fix my problem
>Diet, cardio, lose weight
>Live happy life
>Be fat woman
>Do not go quietly into that calorie lite
>Rage, rage against the diet that is right
>post on tumblr and blame everyone else for your mistakes
>Scream that any man who wont slam your ham is a shitlord
>Die fat and alone
when you get that fat all secondary sex characteristics disappear and your genitals become a vagenis.
It really did, "personality" is to women what the "nice guys" thing is to men.
Those fuckers aren't worth the clicks.
millenial women are disgusting, that's why I want to marry some red-pilled thai or japanese girl
>“So what’s going on in your life? With romance?”
> I was feeling vulnerable and open after consuming so much home cooked food. And beer.
>I answered honestly “I don’t really know if I’m ever going to date anyone ever again.”
Me jelly
Just get a high quality escort to fuck, I've heard they are incredible
When she aborted her first baby, she can assume she'll be forever alone. Smart men stay away from haunted pussy
>Waaaaah i'm so lonely :(
>millions of betas swarm in to support her
Fuck women, fucking fuck them all i hate them so much
>Two huge pools of rejected singles
>live in the age of ultra hd phone cameras
>still post blurry shots to create the illusion of any semblence of attractiveness
But I'm already married. Why would I want to downgrade from a level headed woman to some trash feminist?
>haunted pussy
This never fails to absolutely fucking slay me.
>wahhh I haven't had sex in 3 years
>haven't been in a relationship for 6
>To roll on the floor drunk-sobbing about being single at this point would be ludicrous
this shit is pathetic and its very hard to have sympathy for a writer at jezebel
Wow, who would have thought following feminist advice on Jezebel could lead to being an obese, unfuckable cat-lady whose biological time clock is two minutes from midnight before you realize how miserable you've made yourself? Really charges up the ol' gray matter.
>Why did you post a botnet link?
Why did you not post an archive link?
fucking newfags
>You hit the nail on the head. I’m in the exact >situation. I would love to be in a relationship >and to have children. Unfortunately, I haven’t >been able to meet someone. I’ve been single >for three years and I’m 35 - I’ve done the >singles meetups, eharmony, Tinder, new >hobbies, etc. There is NOTHING wrong with >‘wanting’ to be single, that just isn’t me. To >be honest, every Christmas, I look forward to >hanging out with my nieces and nephew and >little cousins because none of them ask me >about the job I hate or about my personal life.
"I want a family, I want to be single"
Guaranteed this hambeast is at least 400lbs with aqua hair.
>do not go quietly into that calorie lite
Stop, my sides can only take so much
Laugh it up shitlords
Shell be having the last laugh when you have to show up for your government appointed date with her.
oh.. wait.. hillary lost
>caring about women
>current year
Kek, I'm 25 and was getting this 15 year old loli and her parents were willing to give me a car and all the stuff you need but I refused because women are worthless and so are the kids, live your life by your rules, marriage is a slavery.
>government appointed date
I'm laughing, but horrified at the underlying truth that some women would actually support this.
>not happy christmas
Why are fat people so shitty
It was from some meme about a fat slob cow raping a guy on a pile of corn husks, government abducted him and drugged him until it was too late and she was already ontop of him by the time he came too, she said "theres nothing else you can do now but sit back and enjoy the ride and maybe chew on a corn husk"
Dude what
Criminally under rated
>turning down free loli
based apu
>This is acceptable
>But permavirgin whining on /r9k/ isn't
fuck society
>rage, rage against the diet that is right
>I’ve never identified with a Jezebel post so much. I’ve been single for 15 years (I’m 30), not for lack of trying. I’ve given up trying to talk to my friends and family about how much it sucks and how much I’d love to have a partner because the reply is invariably “try harder. Lose weight. Join a club. Lower your standards, give online dating a [millionth] shot” or a slew of platitudes “Love happens when you least expect it”, “being single is a great time to find yourself!” etc etc etc. They’re all in relationships and have never had trouble finding them. It’s exhausting and while I enjoy spending time alone I’d really love to share my life with someone. And at 30, the possibility of finding new love feels like it holds the same likelihood as winning the lottery.
I feel like I'm reading a fucking caricuture of real life. How are these women so oblivious to the fact that the reason they can't find a guy are because they are FAT. Literally all they have to do is lose weight and they'll end up finding some schmuck. Literally throwing their lives away because they refuse to change the most obvious fucking this in their lives.
This is actual poet-tier lad.
more cushion for the pushin desu
>The ones that told you to lose weight can go fuck Ted Cruz.
kek. One of the comments
>that entitlement
>that hypocrisy
>the blindness to both
From that npr article:
>On what she means by "single by choice"
When I say "the choice to not marry," that doesn't always translate into "I am a woman and I am deciding that I am not going to get married," or "I am rejecting marriage." The choice to not marry can also mean: "I would really like to marry or to fall in love or to meet someone, but I haven't met someone who I feel is going to improve on the life that I am building and making on my own."
The worst part is even fatties tend to snag themselves a husband. My brother is married to a landwhale and she's only ballooned further ever since they got hitched. Frankly, a woman has to be really fucking reprehensible to be single if she doesn't want to be.
Fucking poetry bro.
I hate the buzzwords newseak of incel and all that. Just fucking say you're single. Rather than 'voluntarily single' or 'celibate' to try and dress it up.
Lol beta cuck leaf
Nah, I see fat women with husbands all the time. There's something wrong with them if they're still single. Probably they're crazy cat ladies
>marriage is slavery
>but The nuclear family produces the most productive children in society
>In developed countries sub-replacement fertility is any rate below approximately 2.1 children born per woman
kys pajeet, if you're white you should at least be having 3 children.
>destroy the family
>complain that you're alone
>haunted pussy
best post on Sup Forums in fucking forever. based poo in loo.
reminds me of your digits. check these bad boyz tho
>There is something wildly cathartic about going nuts immediately after love ends, eating tubs of ice cream while watching TV, leaning on your girlfriends for emotional support, kissing the wrong person some drunken night out on the town. Then as time goes on and the kisses end, you’re just someone eating ice cream
very nice
I'd wouldn't buy a house that has a murder occur in it unless it was perfect and gorgeous. Same goes for pussy.
>mfw a feminazi hit the Wall near me
Enjoy depression and cats, cunt
Feels good :^)
This person is my friend, please leave her alone
I had to dump my ex because she got so fat. Of course I get painted as an asshole, but seriously if you love someone don't make yourself unattractive to them.
She couldn't do the simple thing and watch her caloric intake and exercise once in a while. I don't even have high standards but walking around with a fat hog was mortifying.
But fat is beautiful, remember, I read it on Jezebel so it must be true
I wouldn't admit things like that.
Every time I see this I imagine it's like chris chan and his sonichu pendant. It never takes the suit off.
>"women are so conditioned to believe they have to be primary caregivers to everyone in their household they frequently don’t even think of it as a problem — always make her feel a lot better about her own life."
More like biologically programmed.
Also, women dont even know how difficult it is for men to get into a relationship.
Here is the difference between men and women. This woman public displays hoping for sympathy and attention. A man just becomes Elliot Rodgers
>posting clickbait without archive
>posting clickbait without archive using a google link
You deserve the worst death.
I do comedy in NYC and she's actually very cool. A libcuck but that's to be expected. Not everyone can shitpost on a Mongolian karaoke forum for a living
>My true love would look past all of that and see my amazing personality!
>But if he's not Brad Pitt's richer and sexier cousin then I won't even give him the time of day
Disgusting. Look at those cottage cheese arms. This bitch is probably 200 lbs and will continue to gain weight until she dies at 52
Is cool code word for fat?
Sup Forums is not always right tho
shot story in nice greentext format
>be me
>high school
>fall for a chick
>she tells be she wants to be friends
>be me
>a couple years ago
>more than a decade after high school
>got a nice job, car, two apartments, gym body, friends, sense of humor, you name it
>almost chad tier
>see same girl
>try to get her again since old love never dies
>she tells me she wants to be friends and nothing more
Sup Forums told me single women after 30 are desperate for relationships. That girl told me to fuck off even tho I was a prime catch and she was single and over 30.
Sup Forums was wrong. Thanks for the fake info lads.
I vaguely remember that one, some guy made poem to tumblr/reddit about govt. set up dates.
Even the hot leftist women have unrealistic expectations... they want to have their cake and eat it too - they fuck chads occasionally, but almost always never date them because their fat and horrible ""friends"" (who are miserable and have an interest in maintaining that misery throughout their circle) insist that the man is bad because of xyz... guys they like are constantly beaten by their friends as unfit for dating/marriage because of xyz. A co-worker of mine broke up with her bf (of 3 years) because he wouldn't support hillary clinton or watch the daily show.
They read fifty shades of gray, want a man to fuck them hard, take care of them, etc., but these are all pretenses for "the patriarchy" and "misogyny" that their friends will exploit CONSTANTLY until they breakup with the chad or stop fucking him.
Do you see now how this cycle ends? All of them, friendless and alone. The hyper liberal women in my life, ALL OF THEM, are all lonely and unfucked for years. Its their friends doing this to them (and they to their friends).
Society is the book of women, and today's society is POISON.
>tfw saw an escort last week
>couldn't get it up
>Sup Forums was wrong
Nope mate you were wrong, wrong anout her. And what the hell are you doing asking out post-wall grannies?
Eh, people in comedy are pretty chill. We get drunk and do bits. If youre funny nobody gives a shit
Evolution will weed them out. Liberals have very few children, they are going the way of the dodo.
what girls really want