WOOOW Your kid looks just like you !!! XD XD :) :)

WOOOW Your kid looks just like you !!! XD XD :) :)


How do we stop flushing our genes down the toilet?
If you are ever going to pump nigger do it and dump her just to flush down nigger Genes but never stay with her, find white wife and make white kids.

Other urls found in this thread:


She is far more attractive than he is.

He'd never be able to get a white girl that pretty. He steps down, she steps up - it's win-win for both of them.

The problem is not that he's fucking a prettier woman than he could find in his own race.
The problem is the turd they produced.

what the fuck? they're australian?

fuck sake

God he's fucking hideous.


what thr fuck ausfailia?

>Those eyes...

>"The face on the outside is the Schizoid Man, and on the inside it's the Crimson King. If you cover the smiling face, the eyes reveal an incredible sadness."

holy fuck that woman is so damn black it's not even attractive, like an albino peson for white people


the baby that jew is holding looks like a 30 year old midget lesbian with multiple felony convictions.

that nigglet has downs, someone should tell the melbourne cuck not to mix with nignog sambos

Another portion of the gene pool flushed down the toilet.

>first comment
>"I'm from France by the way"

Damn that looks like a crack baby


he is asking for a bullet.

Let the man be
He made a baby with someone he likes
There is nothing wrong with what he's doing

No wonder no white woman wants to breed with such a weak, whining man. His eyes and face look like he is permanently crying.

Lol it's the "they taking our queens" couple

drill the oil, ___ the ____

The guy is ugly anyways, no good genes were lost.

The wife is crazy hot though. I mean model-tier beauty. This is one time when I can't actually blame him.

You will pay with butthurt for all the shit you posted, aussie

Drill the oil, live in turmoil

come on, mate

How long until that guy gets cucked? I already feel sorry for him making whole channel about interracial promoting. What then when divorce happens, will he delete his channel or go full cuck mode collecting monies from it?

drill the oil, fuck the nigger

get the herpes :^)

Well, you know, I wouldn't, but I can see the appeal. Still can't shake that the kid looks like a monkey though.

mixed babies are ugly

they always have this look on their face, like the whole world owes 'em something

the darker the chocolate the more dominant the gene

das rite, only self-entitled people racemix and the baby turns out ultra self entitled by instinct


she looks really hot (aside from her really dark skin colour) from the front, but pay attention to her side profile
still looks like a monkey

even though there are quite a few whites who have this feature

That kid has turkish eyes

Look at those droopy nigger eyes,you know the kid is stupid!

why? he can still marry with white woman and produce white kids. we just need to redpill him

>numale with niggerette
This pleases Shlomo.

Scorsese is a faggot IRL.

Yeah, I noticed when she was playing with the kid. Very monkey-like. Still would fuck GLADLY, but kids... no.

he did everything right. who the fuck want to marry fat bipolar blond whores.


I guess it all comes down to the glass half empty or half full type of discussion.

You could argue it's bad because she is 50% nigger or you could say at least she is 50% white.

>takes care of himself, nice skin and haircut
>masculine voice
>good father

>"n-no white women wanted him"

Alright, what is the story. Did he get cucked or did he ooga a booga?

That is one dumbass looking baby.

>Father is white.
>Kid is black.
>Mother looks burnt.

You don't understand goy, when this interracial thing becomes standard, black women will be worse than bimbos.

>You could argue it's bad because she is 50% nigger or you could say at least she is 50% white.

That baby is not 50% white. More like 10% at the most. Black genes are dominant. You always much more black than white when you mix.

The problem is that most mulattoes take on nigger culture.

What an ugly kid

That baby is fucking hideous

Egg face sloppy eyes = 10/10 in UK

>look at the YouTube comments
>full of pol virgin Autists

You cunts stick out like a sore thumb, pitiful

you sound like a poof lad

t. pakis are brits!

Why do you care about what happens to the genes of that pathetic idiot?

First we need to clean out the """education""" system. the neo-commie leftist scum owns it. They indoctrinate the youth into there twisted evil ideology of race mixing and 14 genders.
Then, cuck-males with beards must be made to feel fear again that way they either hide in silence like the closet faggots they are and when we discover them, we kill them. or they openly scream they are cucks in defiance and we kill them. either way all cucks must be exterminated.
You can identify the cuck-male easily by there beard. they grow it to make up for there lack of masculinity, to conceal there latent homosexuality and weakness. this is a dead give away. The thick black problem glasses signify there desire to consume thick black cocks. They almost certinaly have a debt slavery certificate, AKA college diploma, and walk around screaming to the heaves that they dont believe in how EDUCATED AND ENLIGHTENED they are when in actuality they are the most close minded dumb faggots on earth. They need safe spaces in order to survive. be it a safe space on campus, there's mothers basement, underneath tyrone's ball sack rest assured there is a safe space sustaining the cuck-male. Most are NEETs.
there is more i can tell you, but i think most of you know already seeing as most of you are cuck-males and NEETs.

The kid is hideous but the mom is actually pretty cute.

white woman have different standards
its a buyers market when it comes to them

>Why do you care
maybe because our countries aren't based on race mixing like your nigger country?

>it's a Sup Forums doesn't know what true love is since theyre virgin NEETS that sit in their room all day wanking to BLACKED

the wife is a hottie, but the kid looks nothing like the dad.

>our countries aren't based on race mixing

great joke, Ahmed

>le redditor "lul, y'all just neckbeard losers" episode

thanks, fripp

Just homeschool the kids.

WMBF has a low divorce rate and unlike her he'll be able to procreate until old age. It's not ideal but there's worse since unlike her womb his sperm isn't "used up" by the process.

>he really thinks that Brazil is whiter than ANY western state
the delusion is real with you
maybe you should leave your gated community from time to time

>teenagers, college, fetish
>true love
pick one
Go look up statistics on divorce for people in that age in this decade, is there even 10% chance?
You associate true love with physical attraction. True love = clicking Sup Forums board every day.

"true love" is a small consolation to the children that you bring into this world through carelessness and lack of discretion.

grow up. 'true love' is a childish notion.

>le just homeschool kids so they can become virgin Autists divided from social interraction and can become lonely like me


thats a rarly good looking black girl.

enter the soil

Girls here are less obsessed over Paki dick, that's for certain



actually, make it "lay in the soil"

T. Virgins

I find it so weird to film your life like this and put it online. What's entertaining about this?

The baby is mouthbreathing, eating solid foods way too early. She's going to be ugly. Children need to be breastfed for 12-15 months.

Can confirm. I'm married to a Viet girl and when I travel Vietnam with her people always mention how handsome I am to her. Meanwhile, never even had a girlfriend in Sweden.

He bleached the negro out of that little girl.

Oy vey! There's nothing wrong with racemixing goyim!

It's brave to end thousands of years of genetic progress.

>Ahmed wants to fuck virgins
>calls other people virgins as insult
You sure are confused.

>Child of turbonegro and beta faggot face aussie is goign to be ugly

No shit

More like
>cuck beard
>cuck hairstyle
>cuck face

He shouldn't have bred at all, never mind race-mixing

is there anything tastier than a wyte grill
paki in the middle knows whats up

what does he do for work?

Because you're exotic to them

I have no idea what you are talking about, stop wanking to BLACKED and go outside and socialise for once

oil drilling must be a mental illnes, there is no way you can acept that as your baby, there is no way somebody could look at a negroid and say "yep i want my childrens to look like that".

boat people?

>he thinks that's what homeschooling is

Is it your goal to be the most retarded poster in this thread? Just look at you go.

youtube bux, for some reason vloggers get crazy views.

He's better looking than you


I think your just a ugly cunt mate

go to uk
> british girls love my dark hair and green eyes , get laid alot

Go to ireland
> girls like my accent , get laid alot

Go to germany
> every guy is like 6 inches taller then me, girls like my tan skin and accent, still get laid alot

Be in spain
> have coloured eyes, get laid whenever i want

Have fun with your asian wife lmao

what a clickbaiting racebaiting faggot

the doctor asking how they're related doesn't mean anything, why he had to see it through the race lens?

>calling that cute little girl a turd
you people are the worst, seriously

>knows porn sites by names
I socialized more than you ever will in your shitty smog city full of migrants. Socialization isn't cucking. Go try go for a swim or camping. All you bongs do is cucking and getting drunk, that's not socializing, that's degeneracy.

drill the oil, ghetto lobster will boil.

Nah, wen't on a dating site to find a girl that's not western, I was aiming for a lasting marriage unlike literally everyone else in my family and extended family.

>le homeschool means they never have social interactions maymay

Holy shit, Brit, the commies did a number on you. It's literally as easy as just letting your kids go to church and doing extracurriculars.


>being triggered this much
>projecting this much

Looks like a triggered a nerve deep down