Holy shit I just got robbed, what the fuck should I do...

Holy shit I just got robbed, what the fuck should I do ? I was hanging out with some friends at a cafe near Berlin when I got separated from my buddies and decided to go home, suddenly 3-4 immigrants come jump on me and one of them pulls a fucking butterfly knife(they are illegal here) and tells me in broken english/german " Gib uns Geld oder wir fick dich deustcher", I then give him my wallet and runned as fast as I could and I couldn't even fucking fight them, they all seemed to have knifes. I am fucking terrified, should I call the police ?

Other urls found in this thread:

frankonia.de/Pistole HK P30/Heckler + Koch/Ansicht.html?Artikelnummer=135644

God you nieder Deutsch are autistic as fuck

t. Austria

>butterfly knife(they are illegal here)
>should I call the police ?

My fucking sides


Don't call the police, racist!

Also nice trips.

Also nice bait.

Also lol, cuck.

deactivate credit cards, and anything and everything

sit there

and go to police

>being scared of a guy wielding a knife
t. german cuck

stale copypasta

no you racist

Warum trägst du kein messer? Ich habe immer ein 30cm Bundeswehr-Messer in der Jackentasche und eine Pistole im Auto

Was scherst du dich um Gesetze, du glaubst doch nicht wirklich, dass dich die Polizei beschützen wird kek

Heckler und Koch P30 +
= ca. € 1600
frankonia.de/Pistole HK P30/Heckler + Koch/Ansicht.html?Artikelnummer=135644


call the police, but you're not going to get anywhere

immigrant crime will all be swept up in the numerous reports.

Tell the police and make sure they record that it were foreigners. Similar thing happened to me, your never gonna get your stuff back or any kind of compensation, though you will soon realise the learning experience was worth more.

Remember to get all your cards reported as stolen / deactivated ASAP.

You'll be more aware of this stuff from here on out. Make sure to tell friends and family about what / how it happened and mention that they were not Germans.

That phrasing "wir fick dich" is hilarious, youll laught about it in the future.

Sorry this happened to you man! You acted well though.

We have this thread every week, please stop biting you newfags.

Come back with 7 friends and hammers.

You're a fag

You could have kicked him in the balls and pretended you had a gun.

call the brownshirts.

You only have yourself to blame, if that was me I would unsheathe my blade and kill all 4 in a single swing.

find them and handle them "death wish" style

You are the only one to blame for the robbery.

No, you should kill yourself cuck. This is the future you asked for. This is the price you pay for the refugees, its only a shame they didnt actually rape your daughter.

>talking like getting a Waffenbesitzkarte (not Waffenschein) was shall issue in Germany and not tied to ridiculous prerequirements.

grab a gun and genocide all the tanned germans Heinz, you know you want to


nice pasta, du hurensohn

stale af.

Yet you got trips.

So lets all pretend it's not rigid fuck pasta.

Get some friends and find the sand niggers.
The next part should just come naturally.

but at least I have a

It's a game, you fool, and this is my deck, I have two aces of spades:

kleiner wschein + wbesitzkarte

Look man, if they catch me, fine, the judge will probably sentence me to 1k in total, additional 2k for the lawyer, but that's it.

>Kleiner Waffenschein
Kek, you know you can carry pepper spray without it, as long as you claim it's for use against "animals" only? It's just wasted money.

>butterfly knife(they are illegal here)

nice try hans