Sarah andersen edit thread
Hey Sup Forums let's Sup Forums-ify some of her comics
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To mods: this is not a raid. We're just editing comics
Pic related shows that she's a dumb cunt
Sarah andersen edit thread
Hey Sup Forums let's Sup Forums-ify some of her comics
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To mods: this is not a raid. We're just editing comics
Pic related shows that she's a dumb cunt
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Posting some edits
these are genuinely funny
Good morning everyone. Yesterday I made a cute little comic about feeling relieved that this nasty election cycle is over. However, given the result, I decided to scrap it and repost this comic instead.
In summer 2015, my little brother came out to me. A few weeks later, the United States legalized gay marriage. It was an amazing feeling. I was so proud that my country was becoming a more equal and safe place for my loved ones.
Obviously, the tide has changed. Because of the light hearted nature of my comic, I’ve often tried to tip-toe around politics. But today I feel free to state that I’m devastated by our decision to elect Donald Trump. There are so many issues I care deeply about—LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, racial equality, climate change, healthcare—that are now in jeopardy.
With my reposting of this comic, I’d at least like to share my love and support towards the LGBTQ community. You are strong, enduring, wonderful, and you deserve better. Furthermore, I want America to be a place where people of all genders, sexualities, races, religions, and backgrounds can feel embraced and welcome.
We have some tough years ahead of us. But let’s at least work on spreading love and acceptance in our own hearts. My brother, parents (both of whom are immigrants), and friends should be able to feel like their community is a safe and supportive one.
Don’t bother with your #draintheswamp comments. You elected a dangerous, unqualified bigot. I’ve been seeing your poison everywhere for the last few months and I’m not letting it happen on my page today. For today I’m not afraid to block people.
Stay safe everyone, I love you.
I'm using this font:
Here's a template
There needs to be some text in the head
Bump for you Hansbro, I think it might be time to give it a rest and let them spread for a little while though, get some reactions and then fire up a thread in a few days with the harvested tears to stoke people's excitement back up.
We need some more edits first but you are right
Well I don't know my way around photoshop but I could make suggestions. If you replaced this stack of papers with a group of muslims and changed the line to "so many refugees!", Maybe make it "Present Germany" and "Future Germany" and color her like your flag.
the original of this one shows how clueless girls are about fertility, the biological clock isn't "ticking" at 45 it has usually stopped.
I think we had a edit like this before maybe someone saved it
I'm writing this comment to appeal to your humanity and ask you not to edit my comics to be racist, anti-semitic and transphobic. Please stop. I could lose my house, my family, my reputation could be completely destroyed.
I can't even remember someone's name. How am I expected to remember xeir pronoun?
Nice copy pasta
you have to ask for xis / xer pronouns
How do I improve this?
That one is perfect, can you post the original?
excellent work german bro keep the "Not Raids™" going!!
Okay how about this, color her like the German flag and then in the last panel add a black sleeve and nazi armband to her arm that's poking out, make the guy a refugee if you're feelin' extra fancy.
Nobody is going to think you're doing these, your reputation is going to be completely fine. The best way to avoid trolls is to ignore them and enjoy the increased exposure. Look at Ben Garrison, his career and esteem increased after racist edits.
please report this genocidal hate-mongering nazi bitch to the ADL
replying to troll but show tits & vag with timestamp and we will stop
More OC
Do you like this, Sup Forums? :^)
Or how about this, German colors again, replace "diet" with "immigration" and replace all the food with refugee and nig caricatures.
Pretty good OP. Actually had a chuckle at
Look at this. What the fuck
Ruin her liberal cred
I want to see her cannibalized by her own tribe
I like the idea but I don't know how to make the caricatures look like the comic
Or color her German again, remove the word "Yesterday", put a Nazi flag behind her in the laughing panel and make the passengers on either side of her look muslim. Fuck I wish I could photoshop, these ideas doin' anything for you Hans?
Dude you need to write your ideas down and get into photoshop! I'm not good at photoshop too but I think it's easy to get into it
what should I put for the last panel
Either "I'M NOW AN APACHE HELICOPTER" to make it memey
Or something like she has absorbed the power of all 100 genders, kinda like the "How many reparations are you on?"
>Pic related
Something suicidal, also wanting to raise trans kids
also バンプ
Fresh from the oven.
And put "Election Day" where it says "later that week"
Fuckkk I was just trying to think of how to make this one work, excellent job
Wait, how about, "GOD LEFT ME UNFINISHED"
Thanks, senpai. Reposting.
Pretty good.
Not a punchline. It isn't blunt enough
This is genius. Do it
i love niggers
She doesn't
I don't get the vomit part desu senpai.
Someone could put Trump's face on this "person", maybe a feminism symbol on her shirt or something.
I fucking hate Mike.
After Election Day there were tons of op-eds from degenerates saying they were literally vomiting and shaking
I didn't expect Sarah to be this hateful.
I love that you cucks are just reposting this bitches comics.
Thanks for the (You)s, here is finished version.
>I'm not afraid to block people.
Fuck that's some really bravery right there guy.
Needs a bit of motion blur.