I going to emigrate to New Zeland

I going to emigrate to New Zeland.
Does is it good idea?

Depends, can any OceaniaBros tell me if the Australian Dota 2 servers are filled with toxic shitstains just like in eu w, eu e and russia?
If not, then it might be a good place to live in.

>Does is it good idea?

you better fix that english up. They'll make fun of you.

Correct me dude

>I going to emigrate to New Zeland.
I am going to emigrate to New Zealand
>Does is it good idea?
Is it a good idea?

Some extra lessons:

- Don't talk back to me cunt.

- ChiLongQua sucks now.

- I know how to play Invoker.

Yes but 98% of them will at least speak english.
Occasionally you get a seamonkey on your team but arent really any worse than aus players, just more annoying.
Expect long que times though.

if you like paying 30 euro for a pizza or 150 euro for shit quality internet while being hit by earthquakes every few months, yes

Sorry, you can only immigrate to New Zealand if you're Chinese.


mala wyspa, malo pracy, wiekszosc towaru jest importowane, wiec mieszkanie oraz podatki w poruwnanju do europy wysokie, duzo hindusow oraz asiatow, do tego kriminalne plemiona indianskie, szansy na wlasny dom lub mieszkanie bardzo niskie, zarobki srednie, nie ma zadnej mozliwosci pracowanja w bliskjej australi, ogolnie nie polecam bez wysokiego wyksztalcenia, tam jest poprostu drogo

jedyny plus: gdy by w europie wydarzyl sie wybuch atomowy, to tam bys byl bezpieczny

Straya is better

kriminalne plemiona "maori"
primitywy, murzyny

My sister lived there for a while... All I can remember is earthquakes

No, Poles aren't a desireable breed. We enjoy your shenanigans and based policies IN POLAND but otherwise appreciate it when you keep to yourself, as you people generally exhibit a very niggerish kind of behaviour.

New Zealand and Australia usually prefers Scandinavians immigrants instead.

Such as myself; I'll be going to Australia for a while.

south island yes

anglo saxon land fuck off stanislav well i suppose that flat forehead is good for something ie resting a pint on there eh

siedźta na rzyciu kurwiu, jeno naszej nacyji sromoty przydasz, robacze

I'm not sure you'd fit in m8

chuj z polską, tego i tak już nikt i nic nie uratuje

That's Japan you fucking tool.

The chinks consider it their rightful clay


our country isnt as safe as you think.
I almost got killed by our own police in my own home . 888

>i know how to play Invokey
no one really knows except some elder tier koreans or batshitinsane ruskies in the middle of siberia

You write this so they don't abandon right away, works everytime when your 10 lose streak at 4K is showing and you need to calm the players down before they make the game safe to leave.

i dont even play dota2, only played it in good old w3 days.
in lol greekcunts/polaczki/pepiki write "im good with Yasuo/Vayne" and they proceed to make a nice 0/10/0 score

But the best part is when your 0/6/2 meepo at the 10 minute mark pretends as if his little brother was playing all along and says "Alright, now it's time to get serious" but finishes the game with 2/24/8 and 4 reports.

NZ Dollar is going to crash soon.

this much worse than lol community

See pic.

Yeah, Dota 2's community always sucked, the game itself is also bad now that the big "update" 7.00 has been released.

Did they admit you?

Fuck off, we're full.
