Rightful German clay or rightful Russian clay ?

Rightful German clay or rightful Russian clay ?

Half each

Rightful Swedish clay.

Rightful Polish Clay

Who are you?

Why do you ask?

Rightful Indonesian clay



They have rightful clay but it should be smaller than the current one. Germany needs more space due to high population density... and by space I mean Lebensraum.

Store your muslims somewhere else. You don't deserve shit.



Rightfull Austria-Hungary clay

Come on, its not Ukraine we are talking about, its rightful Polish clay

The areas that belonged to the German empire are ours.
Russia can have the rest, I don't care.

Any particular connection we have with 3 out of 3 of these semi-European nations? I like them but I got to ask.

Russia have enough land tbf

How is that relevant?

Slow down there Ahmed



Because you're not a Swede.

In Britain

The name German EMPIRE says it all....
It was just Lebensraum and nothing else.
Would you say india is rightful english clay or what?

Rightful Indonesian clay

Polish are the second biggest immigrant group in Germany, so I think they have chosen.

germans are subhumans and ment to be put to death by a single bullet into the back of the head.

When was the last polish terrorist attack?

I never said I was.

As far as ethnicity goes, I'm French, English, and even Syrian.

>when Germany's war nickname comes from the disgusting Czech habit to like Sauerkraut with everything
Put a bullet into your own head first.

Come clean my toilet you slaves

rightful czech republic clay
week ago

Then kill yourself.

Fuck off leaf. It belongs to Poles.

Rightful German clay but in no way does the current German people or government deserve it

*autistic screeching*

Why is Sup Forums so ifnorant when it comes to history? Give us back Berlin.

No thanks.

Russians and Germans are stupid, you should have assimilated those pollacks when you had the chance.

Rightful Jewish clay

>you should have exterminated those pollacks when you had the chance.

Add the jews too.

Germany and Russia are now both Muslim countries. Poland should stay intact.

For some reason people living on other continents believe that one old nation somehow has the right to some other old nation. Just because. They probably only look about 100 years back.

Btw Berlin was founded by slavs so gib back.

Its their own clay, polish people suffered enough by getting dragged ti the east&west. Let them be proud and leave them alone. In a perfect world, certain cities would still have a german name and when called to arms, the polish men would wear Wehrmacht uniforms

yea i clean toilets, you clean your gfs pussy when ahmed cums all over her

I swear to fucking*d if krauts or russkies will cross the border one more time, next day i'll be at Berlin/Moskow killing toddlers with fucking sledgehammer

We will see who clay will be who.


please stop swearing.

Don't do that, they will shower you in gibs and the TV will be like "Poles are great people" 24/7 for at least a month.

They're based regardless.

>poland stronk

Sounds like pre 1939 propaganda again... what could go wrong?

>it should be smaller than the current one

>killing toddlers with fucking sledgehammer
>He doesn't own a gun.

is there german heritage which was not tainted by a mongol hordes? i mean they literaly raped thru your country. and from the other side NIGGER US soldiers did same. LOL.

Isn't Poland strictly nogunz?

>what could go wrong?
USA already has nukes

Poland is only polish rightful clay. There is no point in taking over countries that want to be independent.

Eastern bits - rightful Lithuanian clay


you can get it but its bureaucratic as fuck or fairly easy if you are hunter.

Germans are killing themselves

Russians will kill themselves

I feel like this is the time for some polish clay m8!

You're neither of those things, sugar.
You are a well-endorsed American patriot serving under the 13 stripes and 50 stars.
God bless you, and god bless America!

Switzerland isn't in the EU.

Not to mention Ukrainians.

You'd get your ass fucked again. Hopefully that'd be the last nail into your non-country coffin.

Sounds like you copied that from Germany. So it's not feasable for the common pleb to get a gun.

Only if you are poor and/or retarded.
You can get a gun if you pay up and pass knowledge and psychological tests.

>Cherrypicking one part of the argument and ignoring the rest to even have something to say

You think Trump would let himself be dragged on to a war by the likes of you? kek

this. They don't know shit about terrorist attacks yet.

Guns are legal and all, however self-defense law is progressive liberal tier. You'll most likely end up in jail

>Ex Charlemagne and HRE
>non country

slow down there m8, those are ancient nations

This. We are not some west cuck faggots. We are agressive, higt test and brutal. We never give up and know how to fight. We will cut your head and rape your mothers, wifes and sisters. Even if you defeat us we still try kill as many as we can.

They say that to appear smug, but trying a Swiss made lightbulb and ask yourself for whom they rendered that illegal.

Jarema was an angry Ruthenian.

Daily reminder:

Wages in Germany increased to 3695 EUR/Month in the second quarter of 2016 from 3655 EUR/Month in the first quarter of 2016. Wages in Germany averaged 3072.94 EUR/Month from 1991 until 2016, reaching an all time high of 3695.00 EUR/Month in the second quarter of 2016 and a record low of 1832.00 EUR/Month in the fourth quarter of 1991.

The average American monthly salary was $3,769 in 2011. This was equivalent to averages of $45,230 per year, or $21.74 per hour. The group with the highest averages was management, with $8,950 per month.

Impossible for user. Not that hard for a willing person with a job.

trying = try buying
Too drunk to post on the chans.

Yes master may i kiss your feet too

Russian and French, i mean just look at the flag

Actually Lithuanian clay.

I'm not cherrypicking, you stupid half-Turk.
At least half of Ukraine should be part of Poland right now. Kaliningrad should be Polish as well.
This is far more than you could take away from the western side of the country.
What would you even take? Fucking Stettin? Yeah, take that shit.

but he served the crown and was our best chochoł removal machine we ever had

>Achmeds are still mad that Poland doesn't take in """"""""refugees""""""""

my friend collects katanas and shit for weeboo
and he got collectors permit for ak47 lel

>You think Trump would let himself be dragged on to a war
I don't know about Trump, but US military industry would love to

>currently a gibsmedat station for Slavshit diaspora and """"refugees""""
Their national identity is down the shitter, as well. All they know is apologizing for the holocaust.

>tfw 3072 in 1991 would have needed to become at least 4457 until 2016, just to capture inflation.
Seems like Germs lost a good 700€ per month in buying power. Sucks to be them.

So? We chaising them really fast. Even faster due refugees and Europe crisis. They are dying we are growing. And where are you?

>sees flags involved
>unironically thinks it's about the EU
>thinks it's a good idea to present his irrelevant 6th grade knowledge

>You'd get your ass fucked again.
Well If we ramp up literally everthing in the 3rd try, than your country will be removed from the face of the earth too, even if we lose again in the end.


>I'm not cherrypicking
>unironically ignores the part where in regards to population density

You are right, you weren't cherry picking, you are just too low IQ to even get the argument. Well, no surprise there...

You won't get more clay because it would be wasted... you are not producing anything of value with additional space. Try being relevant for once and not use some retarded arguments based on history some few hundret years ago.

Who will be faster to gain relevance, Poland or India?

6th grade? How it's relevant?

>If we ramp up literally everthing in the 3rd try
>than your country will be removed from the face of the earth too
Russians would spearhead through Europe for another Berliner rape session faster than you'd be able to get anything going.

>if we lose again
No, no, that's not an "if". You'd get fucked harder than before.

Did they rape your granny? How do you know?

You don't get what the pic was about and think you have to mention that switzerland is not in the EU. In the first world, even children know this.

>You'd get fucked harder than before.
>t. Rydz Smigly

I bet you will flee the country few days after the war starts just like your previous leaders.

I will flee my country to kill your women and children

>Ruskie goes to Berlin to rape German Fräulein
>gets infected with Congolesian Super-AIDS
>no cure in their ex commie shithole
Joke's on them.

>>unironically ignores the part where in regards to population density
Not an argument. This is retarded argumentation, based on which you could claim half of Russia just for China alone, let alone other Asian countries.
>Germ edukashyn
Oh, I'm laffin.

>You won't get more clay because it would be wasted...
That's rich coming from the country that is wasting space and resources on arabs.

>you are not producing anything of value with additional space
Who cares?

>Try being relevant for once
Your government and the whole EU got their jimmies rustled by Poland and Hungary for the last few months. Sounds relevant to me, germ.

>>and not use some retarded arguments based on history some few hundret years ago
>thread is talking about rightful clay
Lmao, the autism cannot be contained.
And people wonder why you silly fucks have a lot of furries.

>Who will be faster to gain relevance, Poland or India?
India is pretty relevant. Bollywood and all that jazz in itself is a big buck.
Shitty comparison, kraut.
