What's your response to this?
Capitalism is bad. Y/N?
really makes you think
They bought an advertising space to advertise that capitalism is bad?
Is the person who did this confused?
You know the Soviet Union killed, monitored and betrayed millions of their own people right?
Nah, there's actually an immigration problem.
The immigration problem is really characterized by the obvious movement in dialogue towards socialism like the shit holes they came from.
apples and oranges. No, more like apples and a bundle of sticks on the ground.
They should probably get the fuck off their iPhones, the Internet, and anything that capitalism made for them, including their shitty over-roasted Starbucks crap flavored latte, and make good on starving the beast. It's not like their welfare checks will make much of a difference, though.
The people are leaving shitty countries to go to capitalist ones. Buyer of sign fell asleep in economics or skipped it for ethnic studies class lulz.
It is true tho
You know every single European nation has betrayed its foreign allies and is responsible for a tremendous amount of deaths of Asians, Americans and Africans.
Western Europeans confirmed for most violent people
For the soviets going into space or western Europeans being genocidal maniacs that Muhammad would be proud of?
Molech doesn't work such magic for free lad.
>Must have blood.
>Must be fresh.
>if you kill your citizens, they win
Capitalism causes immigration.
Capitalism is the reason Germany attracts immigrants - to prevent its economy from shrinking.
The immigration problem promoted by capitalism to lowers wages, which is actually related to a protestant work ethic problem
Whoah I put some words on a sign, that means my powerful message must be right after all
>Capitalism is bad. Y/N?
today no
60 years ago yes
even then if it was smithian capitalism i would still say no but it wasn't
capitalism gives you the freedom to earn money in its system to spend it on what you would like, for instance retarded billboards
good if investors don't withhold money
bad if they withhold money and in return government tax them even more and they withhold money even more.
Capitalism isn't the problem, but unregulated Capitalism is a problem. Reaganomics, trickle-down, or voodoo economics as Bush sr. used to call it. It just doesn't work. Every time it's implemented, the marked crashes in a few years.
inb4 libertards ranting: "muh real capitalism has never been tried xD" "statist kkkunt"
I know. I've spent my entire day arguing with Liberterians. It's hopeless.
what is regulated capitalism even?
you have tax ladders in every country
Scandinavian economies are probably what you'd call "regulated capitalism".
Why don't they move to venezula then?
Scandinavia style Capitalism, AKA a social democracy. I know it's tabu to talk about it here, but it really works. It's just heavily regulated, and it works. And btw, Inb4 "IT WON'T WORK IN AMERICA."
The most stable economic situation the USA ever found it self, was when the rich was taxed 90% on paper. No economic crashes, but when Reagan and Bush implemented their economics, the marked crashed, BIG TIME.
These are harsh facts.
You know the US did the same, don't you??
You clearly don't have a clue about what you are talking about, so just be quiet.
Also, I live in a heavily regulated Capitalist country, and it's one of, if not the, best country to live in on this earth.
Capitalism claims it's the best but will admit it isn't perfect
Communism won't admit it isn't perfect and any failure means they'll just write another couple million murdered off as "not real communism"
That's why I'll go with capitalism any day
I'll take not-well-off but comfortable and free to buy some luxuries over dead in a prion camp mass grave written off as "not real communism" by the commies 60 years from now every time
Pretty much this.
Capitalism is like a five-year old. Endless creativity and energy, but if you leave it alone for 5 minutes there's going to be crayon all over the walls and chocolate handprints on all the furniture. Capitalism requires adult supervision. Instead, we have children running the government and making the rules, so it's really no surprise when things end up looking like Lord of the Flies.
Yes. So is Communism.
Someone needs to be put in an oven, who is responsible for this billboard. Filthy commies.
"Piss off to Venezuela"
Unchecked capitalism is a bad thing. But too many regulations on capitalism are also bad. Right now we have too many regulations strangling small businesses and innovators while the government passes legislation letting massive multi-national corporations who hold no allegiance to the United States do whatever they want.
That's bad.
Kek is god
Which is why all the good countries are capitalist?
but trump is right. the taxes don't hinder the rich like they do with the middle class
if the middle class can open businesses and consume it opens a market for everyone
>made by capitalism
made by a capitalist government in a capitalist country still counts
thats fucking rich. they spent money for that billboard.
And you know the Soviet Union isn't a thing anymore?
Such arrogance, taking the achievements of a dead nation too support your shitty ideology. Any other day he would say that Soviet Russia isn't a example of communism.
>You know Nazi Germany launched humanity into the space age, right?
Dude capitalism is so inept and unfair
my solution:
a totalitarian regime
-t. enlightened communist
capitalism is the reason we live in a first world country and they live in a third world country.
We also did other things.
World biggest distributor of soap and lampshades! German quality!
we have a jewish banker problem.
overpopulation is not a fucking myth but i do agree with the ad
>spending money is capitalism
you're really over simplifying it man
Capitalism is just a collectivist meme word.
What you call Capitalism is just voluntary interaction between people. That is just the normal state of communities and people, who work and trade with each other.
Shitheads that think capitalism is the problem, are just people who think they know better what to do with other people's stuff because they have nothing of value of their own.
sounds like you could use some immigrants