What to do?

So I am a leftist, but I cant stand the current left. All you hear from them right now is propaganda noone bothers to think about before they repeat it blindly. You guys are right with many, if not most stuff you talk about, and with most themes I disagree with I can at least say they are reasonable as opposed to the left that is just a batshit insane circlejerk where they apparently try to find out who can fuck their country over the most without people starting to hunt down those responsible for it.
However the left and the right shouldnt be enemies, but allies holding each other back before getting too extreme. extreme right (genociding everyone who isnt white) is just as bad as the extreme left (genociding everyone who is white) and we have to find a balance which can only be accomplished by opposition creating discussions enabling the exchange of ideas, point of views and solution to problems the other side might didnt think about.

So what can I do to make germany great again? I thought about voting Die Partei (which you guys will probably hate since its left) since its one of the only Parties that I feel that doesnt belong to (((them))) together with the AfD. AfD working together with Die Partei could get rid of their naziimage, while also balancing each other out and doing their best to fuck (((them))) over.

Other urls found in this thread:


>So I am a leftist
Not gonna bother reading anything else from you. Kill yourself, cuck.

fuck you burgernigger. nice falling for the divide and conquermeme

We don't pivot around white. We pivot around Agency, the Patriarchal Ideology of Adulthood. Whatever you think you know about us is leftist brainwashing if you don't already know that. Your behavior is either couched in agency, or you are a degenerate.

Liberals typically have no agency.

name one good thing about leftism

to be honest i really thought once that the right is just a bunch of rednecks with racists tendencies. coming here some time ago showed me its not. it showed me left or right doesnt matter. both sides (at least of the peoplem those in "charge" of the ideologies of course have hidden agendas) just want a better world, and have different oppinions on how to accomplish this. and thats why i think we should unite against the powers that are instead of falling for their divide and conquer. but i have to admit the left is falling way harder for the propaganda than the right (as far as i can tell at least)

for example my number 1 priority when i vote right now is to not vote for (((them))). doesnt matter if CDU, SPD, die linke, die grünen, FDP or whatever. they are all just part of the same group of elites.

the believe of all the people being of the same value regardless of origin, but only differing in their behavior and judging people individually based on that instead a judging a whole group of people based on some examples (of course stereotypes are right to a certain degrees, but also there are always people not fitting into the stereotype who dont deserve to suffer negative consequences based on the deeds of others who happen to have the same origin
The effort to create a system under which noone has to starve or freeze and is providing the basic needs for everyone.

So why are white people the only people who aren't allowed to have homogeneous societies?

no idea. but im not one of those guys who say its bad or racist to want. israel does it pretty radically, so why arent other people allowed to do it? the only issue i see is with how to accomplish it? what to do with those nonwhites (or non-whatever you want to have the country consisting of) that are already in the country? giving them part of the country to live there and keep the other part for the whites? just throwing them out? genociding them? create it in the right way and i wont mind you doing it. for i myself, i am a krautkebap, and dont really care about white, brown, red, yellow black or whatever as long as they behave. however importing millions of people who have no idea about the culture, rules and customs of the country and let them roam free without anyone keeping an eye on them, or checking on them beforehand wont work, especially when you are at war with an enemy that likes to secretly infiltrate the country and attack from within.

>extreme right (genociding everyone who isnt white) is just as bad as the extreme left (genociding everyone who is white) and we have to find a balance which can only be accomplished by opposition creating discussions enabling the exchange of ideas

Middle ground fallacy.

how is that a fallacy? of course the middleground wont at everything, but also not wrong with everything.

>what do
>I am a leftist

maybe pic related gives you inspiration.

I thought I will give a memeanswer, then read the text and give you some reasonable advice. But it turns out to be bait.

So why do you make a bait that long?

Because its not bait, i really would like to know. and i really left and right shouldnt fight with each other, but work together

Agreed, but that's the main issue.
Afd is the only alternative but they look like a group of idiots who aren't even trying to come up with ideas in the parliament and i wouldn't be surprised if it's a shill party to give the feeling that there's a choice
We need a real centre party without ideologists or a civil war

What makes you a leftist, in your eyes, ideologically?

>Every person who doesnt harm anyone deserves to be treated equaly to every other person who doesnt harm anyone


>Stereotypes are usefull, but we cant use them
wew lad, now guess why everyone thinks that you leftists are braindamaged

i believe since the government is already robbing us our shekels, they should use it to provide the basic needs of people and keep them from starving and freezing and similar stuff. i also am pro immigration, given its the natural kind of it, where people just travel the world and find some neat place to settle down without harming anyone, not the current kind where they import the biggest niggertier refugees 24/7 fucking up the country. i believe peoples origin isnt saying anything about their value or validity of their oppinions, but rather their individual deeds are.

stereotypes help people too lazy to judge a person themselves to judge them. "i cant be bothered to judge him, so im just assuming he is like the rest". they are usefull in knowing what to look out for, but completely relating to stereotypes is just dumb. otherwise the left is also right with the stereotype of you guys being uneducated bigoted racists.

shameless selfbump

explain how punishing the successful and hardworking, stealing their stuff and giving it to the failures and the lazy is a) ethical, and b) a recipe for success

hard mode: no feels based arguments

ok, I will try to help you.

You see, in nature. We have a lot of fancy things and we should discover them.
There are things as personality, might, progress, war etc. All these things are benefitial for the strong and the weak must do what the strong say.
Then came the jew, they were able to make moneyz and sponsored the ideology of the weaklings aka left wing and pushed it so it could establish and they could take key positions without being kicked out for poisoning the people with leftist ideology aka equality etc.(what you leftists think is gold).
The jew itself doesnt act against nature he just injects false ideas into western society so it becomes weak and the jew has an easy time ruling over it.

In nature, the best rule and the worst obey.
In leftist disilousion the best work in the intrest of the worst.

You walk down a street at night.
Scenario 1
A nigger comes your way (lets assume we have a reasonable gunlaw) you instantly reach for your gun to be able to pull it out quickly.
1.1.1 nigger attacks you and you shoot him
1.1.2 nigger doesnt do anything but understands that his fellow niggers are niggers nothing happens
2.2.1 you dont reach for the gun and nigger kills and robs you
2.2.2 you dont reach and nothing happens

you see that the probabilitys for all those scenarios are statisticly different if the guy would be white.

That is why quick judgement is essential smetimes.

You're a classical leftist, m8. Nothing wrong with that except classical leftism is the gateway to modern leftism.

the thing is there are enough ressources and food on the world so noone has to suffer hunger (just for example), but there are still people suffering hunger just because the distribution sucks. the first world gets most of the ressources, and throws away about half of it. if that half or even just part of that half would go to those in need we already would already get rid of the biggest part, if not almost all of the worldhunger. we wouldnt rob it of the successfull since its stuff they would have thrown away either way/never have bought.
same goes for most other stuff. of course those who work hard and provide stuff should have more than those who dont, but we have enough ressources and space to provide everything needed without taking away from those that have.
but of course its kinda feels based, i admit. i dont want people who didnt harm anyone to suffer, like you dont want hardworking people to have less than they have now. but i think we have the means to accomplish both and it would only take some planning and redistribution.

im aware of the jew, and his tactics, and generally agree with what you are saying. but i would rather get everyone work for everyone except for themselves, but of course we would also make sure somehow that people dont let just people work for them. but having some leeches on the society we should be able to manage, especially if the alternative is starvation and freezing of the disabled/retarded (not the SJW kind of retarded, they dug their hole themselves most probably)

thats why i said the stereotypes are usefull. but still its dumb to judge people solely on that, especially if you have other sources of information about that guy

so you want the rich to give to the poor? or do you want to force the rich to give to the poor?

one is called charity, the other socialism

explain how I am responsible for others

If you had a medical emergency would you expect to be responsible for your own care or would you trust people in a socialistic arrangement of medicine to help you in a time of need?

Do you think that humans deserve anything just because they are humans?

Leftists think that the goal we should work for is "the people", but the goal is advancement and greatness.
Who am I to decide?
I do not decide this, nature does.

And for some reason you think that SJW deserves anything they get but the ill are somehow innocent? Whats the logic?

>Work for themselves
there is absolutly nothing wrong with that. I know you think that poeple will feel better as a collective, but the thing is that there are people who have certain amibitions and if these people work for the people they will never achieve what they want. Their lives will be just suffering, you must kill their personality (cut their balls of) so they work just like everyone. Is that what you want to do?

But I know, this is hard to understand, but one day it kicks in and you will eventually understand.

in an ideal world, or how things are now?

please also answer the questions that I asked. is socialism about forcing the rich to give, or just asking them? i.e. is coercion involved?

I would expect my friends and family to help me.

i want the rich to not hoard everything for themselves and leave something for the poor. i would understand that if there wouldnt be enough for everyone, but since there is enough for everyone we should make sure everyone gets enough.

and i also know that many of my ideologies wont work at humanities current state, and humanity have to mature quite a lot psychologically/spiritually to achive some of the stuff i would like, but still its worth working torwards those goals (again of course in my oppinion) so some day we may achive it. if you now ask what my goals are, probably the easiest to explain that everyone should be able to do everything he wants unless it harms someone else. and hoarding far more than you need while others do need but dont have anything does harm them

>hoarding far more than you need while others do need but dont have anything does harm them
is coercion involved?

have you put your money where your mouth is and donated all the wealth you are hoarding? or are you a hypocrite?

>extreme right (genociding everyone who isnt white) is just as bad

>dude I'm a leftist but not a bad one LOL

Kill yourself

Fuck off statist cuck

how things are now.

Socialism is about coercion to some extent always, but so is fascism.

So you genuinly believe that a teenager is more mature then humanity with its adult people?

What is life worth if it is only possible at the cost of other, better people then you are?
Your ideology is just a bunch of potatos that are pulled by a few strong horses. The potatos are getting dammged because of the speed they cannot handle and the horses cant run that fast because of the additional weight.

Right wing ideologys are strong horses galoping all the way.
The potatos are eaten by the horses.

Now tell me, what will happen if you attach potatos to horses, THEY WILL EAT THEM.

>how things are now.
ok, well in my cuntry we pay into a system so we don't have to pay when we need that medical help. there is no way to opt out of it, so I can't take what I contribute and shop around for a private insurer

>Socialism is about coercion to some extent always
ok, so what right do you have to take other peoples stuff?

as a fan of socialism, why haven't you sold all your unnecessary items, like your phone, laptop, etc and given that to the poor? does that make you a hypocrite?

> so is fascism
ok, so what? if I don't like socialism I must like fascism?

In the Immortal words of Monty Python.


>Now tell me, what will happen if you attach potatos to horses, THEY WILL EAT THEM.
this is one of the most profound statements I have ever heard! socialists BTFO!

>However the left and the right shouldnt be enemies, but allies holding each other back before getting too extreme.

And since people can't govern themselves, Centrist-Authoritarian is the best choice.

Get a far right party in collaboration, either as head or as the collaboration party. This won't fuck you up too much economically, and will definitely not fuck you over socially.

No one wants to force the rich to give to the poor, we want the rich to invest more in the common infrastructure etc. they disproportionately profit from.

t. not even socialist

Are you making fun of me?
Do you agree with me?
Or both?

i occasionally gave some beggars some euros, but other than that im pretty broke myself, being a student and shit. and again i dont want anyone to give, but rather make them not take all and distributing what is left for those in need.

my ideology is more that horses pull the potetoes, every single one as much as it can while the stronger horses pull more since they can handle more, and because of the higher energy they use eat more potatoes in return than those pulling less, but leaving some of the potatoes over for the weaker ones since they care for each other.

>No one wants to force the rich to give to the poor
kek, not a single person?

what would you regard progressive taxation as then?

>implying the rich are to stuipid to invest their money correctly to have more and the poor know better

1:42 - 3:20


Exactly what I said. There is common infrastructure and other services, owned and provided by the nation, that although they profit most of the nation, disproportionately profit the rich. This is why they pay more.

I worded my statement incorrectly, I meant they pay more for services provided by the state because they benefit from them more.

oh, in my metaphor the potatos are the useless weak people.
>The stronger eat more.
But at least you are tending towards NatSoc now, a step in the right direction

>extreme right (genociding everyone who isnt white)
No one on the right wants or has ever wanted to do that. At worst they want everyone to be safe, prosperous and happy in their own countries.

also chekkked


both, kek. I thought you were being funny on purpose


>being a student
ah, so you don't even pay much tax yet? you mostly consume other peoples taxes?

>i occasionally gave some beggars some euros
practically a saint. yet you still have a phone and computer? and there are needy people. so how do you justify your holier than thou attitude that other people must give their stuff, but not you?

I guess it is true what they say: "when the socialists say they want to redistribute the wealth, they don't mean THEIR wealth", just look at how many multi-millionaire socialists there are. do you consider these people to be hypocrites for advocating the government force other people to give away their family's earnings and property, whilst not setting an example?

I'm generally not a big fan of Hitler, but that part of his speech was amazing. A great public speaker.

But they pay a percentage of their income and they also benefit the people more then the workers.
So what do you want to change?

I don't want to change anything, I like the current system of progressive taxation. I just defended it against the Brit who believes in a flat tax.

Stay a socialist, just become more one of a nationalist kind.

so the rich get better healthcare from the state hospitals? or do they pay extra for private medical insurance?

they get better service from the state schools, or do they pay extra for private schooling?

is their water of a higher quality? is their sewage removed at a faster rate?

are they more or less protected by the country's armed services?

no, the reason they are taxed higher is to redistribute wealth

Well, I design my metaphors in an amusing manner. Laughter gives energy and energy is good.
The one who stops laughing curses himself.

what are you doing germany? you aren't supposed to have a sense of humor!! report immediately for re-education

hail merkel, hail immigrants, hail insanity!

we dont even have to take from the rich guys to give the poor. take from the corrupt government that fills it pockets as payment for lying to us and screwing us over 24/7. get rid of all the corrupt fucks (like 95% of them) and give what those would have gotten to the poor. problem solved. again i dont want rich people to give, but just to not take everything.

also never said that im a role modell, or a saint, or a good person, but still there is simply enough on this planet for everyone. its just a corrupt system making people suffer under it.

im probably more an anarchist, however i know that at humanities current state that it wont work well. so we have to make babysteps towards that direction.

>So I am a leftist, but I cant stand the current left.
verpiss dich


gibs me dat

It's too sad to watch that. When public opinion is that that is the most evil person on history, you know you are living in an evil, degenerate world of doublethink where black is white and white is black.

With this comes 'refugees' with open borders and crime. You get mass amounts of energy plants shit down over 'environmental infractions' that are literally nothing and massively increased energy prices, stealing money from the middle class and giving it to intellectual elites

Pic related is Trump policy. Jump on board and rebuild your dead party from the ground up based on grassroots if you can. It's what we did.

But you'll just find no one will believe the 'real communism works and never has been tried' meme.

is there any limit to how much of our money the governement can decide it owns?

also, I'm undecided on the flat tax. considering all the other ways we are taxed other than on income

>we dont even have to take from the rich guys to give the poor
>take from the corrupt government that fills it pockets
the government has no money of its own, it ALL comes from taxpayers, so(since we have progressive taxation) when you advocate taking the governments money you are talking disproportionately about the richer taxpayers. the poor generally pay very little tax

you still aren't answering the fundamental question: what right do you(or the voters have) to other peoples money?


I feel it, but opinion is shifting. (((they))) WANT you to be demoralized, it's their best weapon. didn't sun tsu say something about winning by convincing the enemy it can't win?

yeah, i probably worded that one wrong, what i meant we dont have to take more money than now, just cut out the corrupt government and everyone would have easily enough. however i believe the whole monetary system is faulty and needs to be replaced. the way it is now just doesnt work and is a socialeconomical construct equivalent of the matrix with the banks as the machines and the workers as the batteries trapped in the system unaware of it.

>dat pic

But taxation is theft.
Society is not the goal, the Übermensch is.

In a society everyone should be able to provide for himself and in our current system this is close to impossible why you are basicly right.
But the point is that this conclusion should make us understand that the whole concept of big civilization is bad.

I agree that we are the batteries and slaves from berth

have you seen this vid? only 5 min
or this a bit longer

I also agree about fake money and corruption, I just don't see how socialism would end that. socialism to me seems a step on the road to communism(a very corrupt and jewy thing). don't forget that all western countries are already socialist to a fairly large degree, just check out the ten planks of the mzrxist manifesto, and see how many apply even to glorious capitalist america

why reward the useless? does equality exist in nature?

How would you set up a system not relying on taxation? Who would pay for the police force? And so on... In the end, giving taxes away should be reasonable to a degree so that people get paid to do stuff that is really necessary for the society, i.e. some taxes are needed to keep the society together. Of course what we have today is way over the top and could reasonably be reduced to 5-10% instead of 40-50%.

the old left's not comin back man. if you really understand the problems your current is having, you'd know that you are a psycho if you still consider yourself a lefty.

Guess what, I am Komi(related to finns) and not german ;^)

And yes, people in general have a terrible sense of humour here and mainly laugh about perverted sexjokes.

>you are probobly more of an anarchist
I am a naturalist, I search for the system that is best for the human as he is. I think this system is called federational tribalism (kind of like our ancestors did before they became christcucks)
Also see pic related.

>How would you set up a system not relying on taxation?
do you consider import duties to be taxes?

> Who would pay for the police force?

> In the end, giving taxes away should be reasonable to a degree so that people get paid to do stuff that is really necessary for the society, i.e. some taxes are needed to keep the society together. Of course what we have today is way over the top and could reasonably be reduced to 5-10% instead of 40-50%.
taxes aren't 'giving away', they are enforced through the threat of violence

what is your opinion on the enforced giving of tax revenue to the third world?

the first video is pretty good.

however what i wanted to tell about that: did you know in the original texts adam and eve arent the first humans created by god? they were created by elohim, the people of el, the jews as a golem, by putting a piece of paper on their head (birthcertificate?). they created a being which is obedient at the beginning the golem/strawman but is known to eventually develop their own personalities and wanting to live their own lives and revolting against the creators if needed to be, and so they did when they ate from the tree of knowledge which made them real people (became aware of the strawmanthing and decided to live their own lives?)
also note that el is also assoiciated with saturn like moloch, cronus and satan

>do you consider import duties to be taxes?
No. I see these as protection (if needed) of your local economy trying to prevent foreign companies from fucking over your economy. I don't think they also always have your well being in mind.

Would this mean only subscribers get help from the police?

>what is your opinion on the enforced giving of tax revenue to the third world?
Should be abolished because the taxes are not used to benefit the population which has earned/created the taxes through their work.

I completly agree, that is what I think.
Tax money should be spent on public property, and services like law enforcement, defence, science and administration.
No retarded shit like helping socialy week faggots, banks(jews), education and church.

>taxes are enforced
yes, this is allright if the tax is reasonable.
Humans live in a collective and at the end of the day we have a social structure(idealy a tribe)
What do you do if a communist state attacks you? How do you defend yourself if not with an army that is payed by taxes?

In my perception of the world you are totaly allowed to not pay taxes, but then you place yourself against the state witch is an institution you have to fight if you dont like it. If you can do so, you can leave out the tax and live on your own. (Protip, you cant fight against states on your own)

but whats wrong with helping the socially week? if we wouldnt have enough for everyone i would agree that we would have to make sacrifices, and the strongest shall survive. but its just that when everyone can survive, why not work towards that goal (unless the special individuum did something to be deemed unworthy of survival)

>they were created by elohim
yes, have you read zacharia sitchens?

not sure about jews as golem though, but the symbolism is apparent

>No. I see these as protection (if needed) of your local economy trying to prevent foreign companies from fucking over your economy
just saying we could set duties on imports and abolish the other taxes, perhaps on exports too

>Would this mean only subscribers get help from the police?
depends, we could have levels of service, with a basic service for free

should those who don't pay receive the service? why?

>Should be abolished because the taxes are not used to benefit the population which has earned/created the taxes through their work.
are you a socialist? I suspect not. if it's ok to take your rich peoples stuff to give to your poor people, then the same argument can be used to say the 1st world should give all its money to the savages

>this is allright if the tax is reasonable
I see no way to prevent governments from getting greedy and demanding more and more

>but then you place yourself against the state witch is an institution you have to fight if you dont like it. If you can do so, you can leave out the tax and live on your own.
we are already fighting, they want more of our stuff, we want them to have less. they have even given up on US and decided to import more docile/stupid people

>but whats wrong with helping the socially week?
helping, or stealing from the rich/strong/successful/hardworking?

you can have charity without socialism, just you can't force other people to give you there stuff to redistribute without it

its not the jews that are the golems, the jews/elohim (not sure which one of those but i believe the jews) are the ones who created the golems, the goys, us.

>depends, we could have levels of service, with a basic service for free
>should those who don't pay receive the service? why?

How the fuck would you check on what level of service one can get in case of emergency? A system like that sounds completely retarded and the organization of this would probably increase the costs to such a degree that you could keep the current version of police, i.e. help for everyone.

>if it's ok to take your rich peoples stuff to give to your poor people, then the same argument can be used to say the 1st world should give all its money to the savages

This is a completely retarded argument, or none at all. The "rich and poor" of one country are part of an ecosystem, which is the nation. The poor benefits from the taxes of the rich just as the rich benefits from the cheap work of the poor. In the end, giving money to the 3rd world would be removing wealth from that closed ecosystem to someone else who never contributed something to this ecosystem. It would reduce the wealth of the ecosystem as a whole.

I dont see how survival of worms is a goal.

Oh and we dont have enough for everyone if you didnt know that...
Or do you think that the best are ok with basic food and housing? Why should they sacrafice their ambitions for worthless worms?

I dont see any difference between dumping food in the swamp and giving it to a filthy weekling. His whole existence is worthless and only costs the best something, he is also ugly.

>In the end, giving money to the 3rd world would be removing wealth from that closed ecosystem to someone else who never contributed something to this ecosystem. It would reduce the wealth of the ecosystem as a whole.
we know that, but socialism is based on the desire to help the poor, and once they run out of native poor, they look elsewhere

how else do you explain the billions sent abroad in forced charity?

this isn't conjecture, it's already happened


>I see no way how we could prevent the state of being greedy for control
One of the reasons that I am a tribalist.

Legitimization by the people is way more important there.
I believe that christianity dimmed our inner fire witch thirsts for freedom. Otherwise northern europians would take the phrase "Liberty or death" as literal as it is possible to this day.

A Leader would never be able to take control of his people so they wouldnt resist.

We must reawaken the beast in the human to form a society in witch life is worth living.

>but socialism is based on the desire to help the poor
This is highly subjective, I actually can see that this was the deal for the National Socialists and to marxist-leninists... but the current governments just use "socialism", i.e. welfare state, as a means of control. Feed the people gibsmedats so that they won't riot against the state. The leaders of our countries don't care about the "desire to help the poor" at all. I also believe that we only send money to africa out of a guilt complex for muh evil colonialization and not because we actually care about fucking africa. It's just used as propaganda for a niche group of actually convinced socialists to get their vote.

Also the EU is giving dictators in africa money for a police force (and not welfare) from keeping their people from fleeing the country so that we have less refugees... "absolutely socialist".

mostly agree, I think

what is your opinion on wealth creation? is it a zero sum game, or can wealth be created?

e.g., if a chairmaker buys some wood and turns it into a chair and sells it, where did the wealth come from?

the rich probably wouldnt even have to sacrifice anything, it would probably enough to just get rid of the corrupt part of the government. imagine BER airport instead of being that fuck up of a waste of money, you could have used to shelter thousand homeless people, the money wasted for it could have been spent for that cause and additional other projects.

For white people genociding everyone who isn't right is a better option than genociding everyone who is right, moron. This is why you need to go back to plebbit

>Socialism will help the alien poor after they run out of their own poor
>run out of their own poor

right = white

>the current governments just use "socialism", i.e. welfare state, as a means of control. Feed the people gibsmedats so that they won't riot against the state. The leaders of our countries don't care about the "desire to help the poor" at all
I agree, the people at the top who push socialism aren't well meaning idiots who just want fairness, they are taking advantage of those who do

another problem is that as soon as you have gibs, it's very hard for a politician to get elected based on getting rid of hte gibs. so there is a huge tendancy for gibs to continually increase. "vote me I will gibs more". hence one reason why all Western countries are in huuge amounts of debt

When it comes to your elections, I don't know much about your government or who is running, but in the past I'd look at who the liberal media was glorifying / hating, then look into the guy who is hated, and usually they have the best ideals for the nation.


You are talking about pic related
Great guy, no doubt.
But his system wouldnt work in the long run.
It was basicly designed to stop the jew and to pull Germany out of the pile of shit it was in.
But I assume the Hitler would understand that and drop his statist believes after the war or it would just evolve into a more liberal nation (because of the germanic spirit)

>where did the wealth come from?
from the work. and there is an underlying problem with the current system. do me a favor and read if you have done it you know all money comes from debt someone somewhere created. so the total debt is all the loans + the interests of those loans, while the money pool is just the sum of all the loans. that means there is always more debt than there is money. or put in another way if everyone were to pay back all their debts, all the money would be gone, but the debt created from the interest still would be there. how to get rid of those? by working. by working you create value (like your chair has now the value of wood+the work). but since everyone is indebted by some bank, all those work is done for those banks. and by creating money the government creates debt which we then again have to work off at the bank. the government (matrix) is selling us as slaves (workforcebatteries) to the banks (machines) and people dont even realize it, but even more become an agent of the system by ratting people out and supporting it

>we know that, but socialism is based on the desire to help the poor, and once they run out of native poor, they look elsewhere
Yes and the right want to do that as well, we just realise that throwing money at the poor doesn't work, nor socialism.

I have no issue with helping people, what I can't stand is you keep suggesting the same old shit people have tried for 100 years and failed every time

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