How do people listen to hour long videos of this nutcase ramble on about nothing?
How do people listen to hour long videos of this nutcase ramble on about nothing?
it"s comfy
Kek gib link.
What video is this?
pls respond with link faget Opie
>How do people listen to hour long videos of this nutcase ramble on about nothing?
While driving. I hate Irish MSM, it is all lefty multicultural shit, so I download podcasts instead, to listen to while going places.
I stopped listening to him when I figured he was an Anti-Christian Odenist Wolf in Sheep's clothing.
Who is this semen demon?
Christianity is a Jewish religion.
I've seen lots of his videos, but I don't remember that ever happening. It would be a great laugh.
Hollywood is a Jewish religion.
An no, Christianity = European religion.
Christendom = Europe
Post link faggit, he's got no time for fools.
That's why he loves to shut it down
when will this meme end?
Do you know who Judas was and what Judaism is?
Paganism = Europe
Read Tacitus Germania you absolute cuck, Christianity just extended Rome's Degeneracy into an international sphere.
jews killed christ
>Muh Talmud
Last time I checked Christians worship their God in a synagogue like manner and believe in the Ten Commandments, no?
You're not that smart, are you paddy?
Tell me the ethnicity of Jesus and the early christians.
Jews killed one of their own for out jewing them.
Christ was a jew, they were within their rights under the Roman occupation to have him killed.
If Stefan Molyneux was born in Africa he'd go around telling people he can remove voodoo curses if they suck his dick
It's like he's been trying and failing all his life to create a cult where he objectively argues why members have to let them fuck their wives, he's like david koresh or something
Okay, the heralds of Christ were Indo-Europeans.
Indo-Europeans built the Jewish temples.
The New Testament was wrote in Indo-European.
One of the Books was aimed directly at Celtic people, Galatians (Gauls)
Christ was Aramaic, not Judean. The Judeans did not recognize Galilee as being apart of their culture.
requesting the "early FDR channel was weird" screencap
He's not necessarily anti-Christian. He's just an atheist. Stef has begun to soften on his outlook on Christian culture and it's benefits to the West.
why does stefan have some weirdo read him the questions anyway?
This guy is such a pathetic fuckingcuck. Stupid bald loser.
Weird, isn't it? Especially knowing that the questioner/caller is listening on the line when he reads it to Stef.
The math guy who rang in about Nostradamus totally exposed him as Anti-Christian.
Stefan is a whore, $$$ are his gods.
His rather tame towards Christianity now and gives it the respect it deserves. However he is still an atheist.
>guest acts retarded
>gets called a retard
>wow stef is so mean guys
literally not an argument
Okay, Jesus was a Hebrew. You can LARP about him being a Levantine 2
100% Scythian white blooded Indo-European if you want
>One of the books was aimed at Celts
The communist manifesto was aimed towards everybody but does that make it correct?
"why do all indian people smell like shit hahahaha
just when you thought molymeme couldn't get any more zany
>King of Carrots Flowers (Cover)
I fucking lost it
He spoke Aramaic. He was ethnically Aramaean.
Aramaic was the lingua franca of the Assyrian empire.
What'd we miss?
Why no link?
I stopped listening to this guy. Can't do it anymore.
Where's the fugg'n link?
>The truth about Sam Harris's Jewish Ancestry
>Go ask Sam Harris why he's afraid of me
>Why won't sam Harris debate me
my fucking sides
I enjoyed his videos for their ASMR qualities while I worked, but very recently as in the last couple months he's gotten very noisy on his popularity and harder to listen to.
the rabbit hole is deep jesus
Aaaand he's still a semite. Sorry christcuck,
>10 commandments
>Group book worship sessions
>Jewish creation myth
You're still a Jewish sect. You can go on as many semantic tangents as you want, that doesn't make it any less true.
>Bananas ASMR
>He speaks Aramaic therefore he is Aramaic
Hold on I'm gonna go learn monglian and become Finnish brb
jesus christ
Is this fake? I don't think ASMR was as big of a thing back then that he would make random videos about it.
It is. There is a "your mother will die blah blah" in the last row
" As part of becoming morally consistent, these young followers donated thousands of dollars to Molyneux. These generous donations were enough to earn personal therapy sessions. Therein, Molyneux would analyze dreams, initiate parent-child roleplays, and instruct the subject on DeFOOing. These listeners came to know Molyneux as one of the greatest philosopher of all time, and that they themselves were enlightened, philosopher kings of the highest virtue."
play them in mpv at 2.5x speed
The smarter I get, the dumber Stefan Molyneux's videos get.
>The left does...
>Muh no real Capitalism
>Muh government
Also he really invites in some dumb people these days, it's ridiculous.
It gets tiresome to hear him talk about how people are being idealistic and don't want to look at facts when he himself holds on to beliefs and methods that have been proven not to work with empirical data.
>gotten very noisy on his popularity and harder to listen to.
Every YouTuber in the history of ever once they get a little taste of success.
If you listen to hours of him you are probably a cuck.
Dude is a huge racist rambling nut job piece of shit that alt right FAGGOTS like to worship as some modern philosopher
>an "e-celeb" whose threads stay up and don't get deleted
He had a lot of viewers for awhile, but he really went off the rails when he started getting menteioned in the sorts of mainstream circles associated with the election
He was truly insufferable by then
damn that's breddy funny
>How do people listen to hour long videos of this nutcase ramble on about nothing?
No idea. I think it's people's drive to learn, but I'm not sure...
Stephen does his best when he's dissecting the current political climate, and not people's life's.
For somebody who comes from dysfunction, he's got a big chip on his shoulder towards others.
>tfw no qt MAGA gf
Only because the commandments were reaffirmed in the new testament.
Old testament isn't followed by itself. We don't stone adulterers or sacrifice animals, either, because the old covenant was dissolved when Christ died on the cross.
Christianity is the only Abrahamic religion to deliver us from the old testament's barbarism.
>bananas asmr
Paganism = killing your neighbors for their women... White or not
Seriously.... How can you promote Paganism as European, when there was no unified Europe? Do you think Native African relgions is gonna drag them out of their savagery?
Only retards believe Paganism is in anyway unifiable with Nationalism.
Seems to me that most people that don't like him can't stand opinions they disagree with, specifically if it's anything to do with made up fairytales they believe in.
What the hell was all of that about??
Did Molyneux write that, or is it a parody that someone else wrote?
Does he really have videos up from 10 years ago?
>these two groups have some similarities so they're the same
it's a site made by some of hos relatives, in which they try to "out" him for the person he was, what happened and how it changed him. Judging by the amount of content and the views of youtube.com
>some of hos relatives
oh god why
I have no idea. His vids are the same length as a fucking movie. Some people just have nothing to do with their lives.
so many fakes
>mike, shut him off
literally never happened
I'm occasionally interested in his take on a topic, but he's too long-winded
I'm not going to sit through an hour just to have him make a point that may or may not be good
Be concise or GTFO
i listen to them at the gym and i walk a lot and listen then too
>Sup Forums idolizes an Atheist jew who make alot of shekels doing Jewtube videos
You're a fucking retard, burger.
>people who can't into podcasts
What do you do when you're doing chores or commuting or whatever?