Turks shoot down one of their planes

>Turks shoot down one of their planes
>They do nothing
>Trump threatens nuclear arms race
>They do nothing
>Turk shoots one of their ambassadors
>They do nothing
>A plane carrying a beloved Russian choir crashes
>They absolutely insist it was pilot/technical error and don't entertain any other explanation

Is Russia the ultimate cuck nation? They've had at least 4 opportunities to rightfully wage some sort of battle/war, but in the end they just roll over and allow themselves to get fucked.

Could it be that Russia is a paper tiger, militarily speaking? All bark and no bite...

Other urls found in this thread:


>starting a war with NATO while Obama is at his most aggressive point

Russia simply doesn't take the bait.

The plane AND the ambadassor incident were both perpetrated by members of the Gülen sect, a Masonry-like cabal run by Jews in America.

Modern Russian are a bunch of emo cucks. Nothing to do with Russian pre-90s. Their women a crawling to suck Bulgarian cock. And Bulgaria is a shithole.

I hope Russia doesn't take the bait because they will push is in their war like they done it with the Turks.

>Starting a war with an organisation that will become League of Nations 2.0 when the US pulls out under Trump

What's the problem, Ivan?

[citation needed]

Just google it up, I am too lazy to find sources again.

The Gülen kikes are very powerful in Turkey and they are torpedoing any Turkish-Russian relationship.

they don't share a border with any of those countries war with them would be hell

>they don't share a border with any of those countries war with them would be hell

That never stopped America.

they are the bigest mosque builter nation
competing head to head with turkey