serious question.
i just thought this was a really dumb thing to say, since presidents are only allowed two terms.
WHY are Democrats Pathetic Sore Losers?
On it's face, this is correct. Obama is a much better politician than Clinton and has a proven track record compared to Trump. He'd have easily beaten Clinton again and Sanders in a third-term primary and probably beaten Trump in a general.
About the only lasting success of his presidency is that his personal approval ratings were relatively good.
There's literally nothing positive your going to be able to point to in 10 years and say "good thing obama have us that". He's desperate to have something to cling to, he really did fuck almost everything up.
The democrats and their media allies are shitting themselves right now, because Trump has dragged the Republican Party into the 21st century. There's no going back now, saying racism and equality and shit won't ever win an election for thr Democrats again, so what the fuck are they going to do? They don't even know.
>proven track record
2 wars which caused the migrant crisis
terrible 'free' healthcare
terrible race relations
>could probably beat Trump
Hillary was guaranteed to beat Trump and lost, does that mean obama didn't have a change?
Nah, he would've lost too.
Bernie would've won though.
>implying people actually care about these things outside of Sup Forums
The only thing they care about is jobs, even though it was a republican congress that pushed these things through.
saying a factually correct statement is being a sore loser?
stop or youll summon it
>Proven track record compared to Trump
Community organiser turned mediocre President versus Billionaire.
>Would have beaten Sanders or Shillary
Hillary needed every advantage the DNC could give her to overcome Sanders. The younger factions in the democrats are moving towards full socialsim and Obama has nothing to offer them.
>Anyone else would have beaten Trump
Trump won on his platform. People overlooked 15 other republican nominees, a truckload of gaffes, history and personality quirks to get Trump into office. Hillary had a huge advantage in campaign funding, support from most of the media and sections of the Republican party. Don't pretend that things would have been much different if they'd had a slightly fresher face peddling the same old bullshit.
The fact is the Democrats abandoned working class people over the last 16 years and its caught up with them. Theyll never win the white house or congress on the current platform, and they're wedged by the youth of the party that want to go full socialism.
The state of affairs in the democratic party is a complete mess and noone should have been surprised that Trump won, except for the rigged polls trying to meme the opposite result over the line.
Why is this president like this?
how would he win it if he campaigned for her and she still lost?
Is this guy retarded?
Nope, still loses to intimidation from Clinton. It's like Pokemon with geriatrics.
Is it a family strongarm or something? I can't see how so many people flip so easily, otherwise.
They invite you out for pizza and make sure your face is in all the photos.
Word is he had some 'convincing' done by two guys in suits, courtesy of the Democratic party. He could have taken the beating and kept campaigning and really pushed how bad the corruption was if he wanted.
But he fell to the corruption and party division like a fucking moron.
Both sides are sore losers, faggot. Don't you remember eight years of birther bullshit, racist name calling, obstructionism, and spite from the repugnicunts? Of course not, because you only see the flaws in others.
Hillary was a shit candidate who cheated in the primary to take the nomination from Sanders. She deserved to lose.
Trump was a shit candidate who got the nomination even though the GOP hated him, because the rest of the field were unpopular nut cases.
Celebrate your victory. I will be laughing as he breaks most of his promises and gives us more of the same bullshit we always seem to get when conservatards have too much control.
Watch as the stock market rally turns into a bubble that collapses.
Watch the tax breaks turn into just more failed trickle down bullshit that mostly benefits the wealthy.
The Democraps ARE being sore losers, but Trumpeters are demonstrating unsportsmanlike conduct with all the gloating about salt and delicious tears.
Both sides could use some manners and dignity.
So how much money did Bernie fleece from you?
Well obviously, you can see the ring bruise on his cheek in that pic.
But, not everyone can be bent by suffering. The ones who truly believe in something, for example. You can't kill everyone, so there has to be more vectors.
Becomes more logical to me every day.
Obama did run for a third term. For Hilary. And he lost to trump. He's just mad his false flags all failed and he's gonna be in jail by this time next year.
Then reveal the photos first. it worked for Jewburg claiming he was only 'researching' it. Expose the corruption even if it means facing jailtime. Get the earworm in place so that every time a democrat goes out to vote, they have to second guess if they -really- want to elect Kid Diddler Clinton.
obama is the worst president of all time
O ya men boonie would have saved us
Yeah, that's the genius of it. LEO can't really do too much about it. Because if you care about your "life", merely touching it can lead to irrevocable consequences.
Gotta switch the game up to end that kind of stacked deck. I suppose that's why there's so much talk of it in channels like this. Despite the rough edges, there's a lot of noble players hidden beneath the surface.
Not saying he would've saved us.
I'm saying he would've won, he was the only person connected to the ticket that could've won against Trump.
But that's pre-collusion pact exposé and DNC railroading.
I wont vote democrap or repugnicunt for prez.
It has been a long time since either party put the needs of the American people before the desires of AIPAC, corporate donors, and lobbyists.
die jew
living in a bubble
everybody's a sore looser when it comes to politics
Republicans didn't do shit. Obama created 15.6 million jobs.
>stop or youll summon it
too late
Oh god, Obamaleaf is here. everyone go home, the thread is dead
It is to a minor retarded section, yes.