What does Sup Forums think about the Austrian School of Economics?
What does Sup Forums think about the Austrian School of Economics?
>Hey let's trust the rich people and don't make rules and borders for them, they sure won't simply steal our money
besides "market will solve everything" they don't have anything else at all.
If it wasn't for Mises we would have gotten a communist government after WWI.
Who told you that bullshit?
Btw, Communism is pure cancer to me.
Oh no. Not a communist government... Isn't that what half of Europe is under anyways?
I like a lot of individual Austrians (Rothbard, Hoppe, Hayek, etc) but I've never considered myself an Austrian. As an aspiring economist though, I can say that criticisms of mainstream economics are needed.
Objectively the best school of economics
Hoppe is the best Austrian Economist
A bit idealistic. I'm pro-liberalisation of the market, but some things are better left to government, like defence, the emergency services, roads and infrastructure and a small social welfare programme.
Health and Safety regulations are also a necessary evil.
Ivan trying to explain market theory. Just don't.
In the Austrian School one could be an Austrian-school interventionist if one believes that governmental intervention has subjective benefits that are greater than the costs.
Hoppe is awesome.
I fucking hate "dude weed lmao"-libertarians.
The cunts around Bauer et. al. wanted to introduce Bolshevik Style policies, but eventually didn't because Mises convinced them not to.
Saviors of civilization.
They've been proven right through reasoning and evidence time and time again.
But people still cling to their collectivist garbage.
The alternative is that the state will magically fix things, as if there are not heavy incitaments for corruption for the matter.
Saying that the Market can't fix it without having a realistic view of the alternative is the equilavent of calling your opponent a faggot.
Unfettered free trade and laissez-faire are cancer. American school all the way.
Libertariaism has become a joke. All mainstream libertarian sites ever talk about is muh weed, muh polyamory, and muh libertarian feminism. Millennials have ruined it
That is also why almost every Austrian is against intervention, since the cost of intervention will almost always be greater than the benefit.
>american education
A Libertarian society would be have very reactionary social norms. Because those are the ones that promotes civilization.
Yeah, the point is that any spokesman for social democracy or whatever is never mentioning the ineffiences of running the redistribution scheme.
Coming to a (((school))) near you in 2017!
There are more "literal communists" than conservatives in Swedish politics.
This. In an ideal world where altruism, greed, and self-destructive tendencies driven by (((ideology))) are not factors, the "market" will "solve everything".
But then you have the greedy Jew, the betas/cucks altruist, and the economically/financially retarded commie variables. It throws everything into a state of flux. That's why you sometimes need regulations to suppress those variables and prevent their meddling, to let the market "solve" itself.
Thats the critical failing of market fundamentalism. It seriously underestimates the rapacious nature of markets; opportunities to profit will be exploited regardless if it's at others expense and even if it's self-defeating in the long run and it's precicely this assumption (the results of "the market will solve everything") that will drive people to actual socialism (gov't owned industry).
I wish I lived in a world where people took GULAGs and mass starvations as seriously as muh market failures.
Indeed, that's precicely why we must reject market fundamentalism. When the inevitable economic darwainism, market consolidation, and self-defeating nature of market fundamentalism come to fruition, people will cry out for socialism to save them.
I think you should read James Burnham's managerial revolution and the Machavellians by the same author.
No thanks, I've no time to circle-jerk around the past. I'm busy enough writing an economic system to replace the modern trappings of market fundamentalism.
Another theme of the (((System))).
Like any other Economic Ideology.
Another mind virus, just like all of them.
Not only the oldest extant school of economic thought, but it's just real economics... everything is derived from unassailable first principles.
The mainstream is essentially pseudoscience nowadays.
That has nothing to do with Austrian economic.
I expect that most people on Sup Forums commenting on this topic haven't read that any of the relevant reading material.