Is Trump the good guy or did we just support him because the left was worse?
Serious Question
The latter :)
We supported Donald Trump because it was the fun thing to do. And as long as he keeps being a fun person to support, we will keep supporting him.
Nigger he literally promised to expose pizzagate that night get the fuck out
shut up and post that red dress's tits
Sup Forums got behind him as soon as he called illegal immigrants rapists, that was the thing that really solidified his support here. It became a lot of fun seeing lefties cry and throw temper tantrums, so Sup Forums continued supporting him.
Now that he's actually president, he's going to do just like every other president in history and fall short of his campaign promises. And I don't even really mean that in a negative way about Trump himself. Making impossible promises is just something you have to do to win, much like appeasing the Jews (pic related).
The next four to eight years Sup Forums is going to be full of "I told you so" from leftists and trolls. In reality, I think Trump is probably going to lie somewhere between average and slightly above average as a president. He's not going to entirely flip the system and "drain the swamp" like Sup Forums hoped he would, but I do believe he is going to make better trade deals and cut back on government spending and bureaucracy.
Kek is here
We supported Trump to hurt SJWs
They are so fucking broken now that Trump could turn out to literally be Hitler and I wouldn't have a single granule of regret.
Left-leaning people rushed to vote for Hillary because Trump is 2bigoted4u
Right-leaning people rushed to vote for Trump because Hillary has the charisma of a not-so-fresh oyster
Few people actually voted for their candidates because they wanted them, even though both had a fair amount of fanatics
A bit like how Hollande got reelected because people blamed the (worldwide) economic crisis on Sarkozy even though Hollande is comedy gold but not-so presidential gold
In 2015, racial and ethnic minorities made up 50.2 percent of babies under a year old. That year, there were 1,995,102 minority babies born, just slightly more than the 1,982,936 white babies born.
>Trump is totally meaningless.
If you have to ask this question, not only do you have to get the fuck off Sup Forums, you have to get the fuck off Sup Forums itself
Whites can't compete with non-white breeding we just can't period. End of story.
As long as he gets rid of some rapefugees and ends career politicians, why do people care? Those were his two biggest promises so I assumed that's why most of Sup Forums supported him and he isn't showing signs of letting his promises down.
He's also confirmed 1,051,000 jobs before coming into office. Actually pretty jealous.
Fuck off fairy man.
We are the bad guys
Now sage a fuck off newfags.
Mostly the latter, although him doing anything that furthers Sup Forums's vision is a nice bonus.
I honestly believe he's going to be a great President. He's put everything into this, and left his comfy billionaire life to take on the most stressful job in the world.
He's also been saying this stuff for decades.
I really do think he can pass most of his plans easily. For example, Trump's tax plans and regulation cuts would fly through a Republican Congress no bother.
Trump#s promise to repeal ObamaCare will make Republicans cream their pants as they've been looking to repeal it since 2010. He'll have no issues passing that.
Cutting government climate change funding will also soar through a majority Republican Congress.
The only things he'll have to fight for are his Corruption in Washington Act (his tactic to drain the swamp), his plan to spend money on infrastructure, and his Wall.
To be honest, a President Trump could really get most of what he promised past in the first couple of months in a Republican House and Senate.
But then, will he really even have to fight for his Corruption in Washington Act? The guys who blocked that would look like totally corrupt bastards to the public.
You supported him because you've never hard of planned opposition.
Your question is irrelevant OP. Trump had to be.
that's right
Fair, unbiased and kek approved.
We are done here, lads.
He already backed on repealing ObamaCare
he has promised to build the wall and deport illegal aliens. if he keeps that promise and doesn't blunder into nuclear war, he's /ourguy/. so that's all I want from him right now.
also this:
no no no. we got to stir up a shitstorm if he doesnt build that wall and deports illegal aliens. he must know that we will hammer at his base of supporters and his popularity if he backtracks here.
no relenting from Sup Forums.
>He already backed on repealing ObamaCare
Evidence? He said certain provisions would stay such as preexisting conditions and kids being on their parents' plan, but I'm pretty sure he intends to repeal and replace it.
The simpsons knew something
He's not the worst guy but he's definitely not the best, left was definitely worse though. I don't know about everyone else but I supported him because he was the funniest option there's ever been
>Anno Domini 100+1916
>There are persons that still didn't know that number of the beast is not six six six but six hundred sixty six