A country abundant in natural resources. How could they fuck up so bad?
A country abundant in natural resources. How could they fuck up so bad?
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socialism, coupled with an inept government
truly the worst of both worlds
>No food, no medicine, no respite: Socialism, not even once.
The did not follow the way of the Chinese.
swallowing the blue pill
>How could they fuck up so bad?
They didbt. It's American economic sanctions that did this.
> economic sanctions
> Venezuela
socialism has never been tried senpai
thank you based comrade
>inept government
theyre not inept, they accomplished their goals perfectly and living like royalty.
u didnt really think socialism was supposed to benefit the people did u?
I think China is their biggest creditor
China should foreclose on them.
Marxism uh finds a way.
touché user
but its okay, its not REAL socialism
Not even all the oil in the world is enough to pay for all the gibsmedats aka "basic human """""rights""""" "of a shitty tropical country.
Rememer that next time someone says taxes should be raised.
This is the US's fault.
I've not figured out how yet, but I will invent a new branch of mathematics to somehow blame capitalism.
Marxism uh finds a way out of reality.
>If you were rational you would not even ask if there is a god t. Karl Marx
they already did
that USA is stealing their worthless currency lol
Neither has capitalism if you think about it
>nobody believes narratives the media pushes
>unless they are pushing one about socialism
>New York Times
What happened to calling out Lugenpresse, lads? :^)
Keep the fuck away of politicians who are always blaming "them elite" and capitalism.
The government deserves to be hanged
>MSM are the only organizations reporting on Venezuela
Nice try leftykike
someday we'll try REAL socialism so these things will never happen
>muh socialism
>implying the problems aren't the spics
someday you'll try REAL christianity and won't let your neighbours starve to death
>AnCap video
Yeah, nothing wrong there :^)
Communism, not even once
I read this article yesterday, and I was actually empathetic towards the family's situation, as well as Venezuela, a little, until I read that:
>The boy's mother has a 13-year-old daughter
>She is pregnant
>So is the daughter
There you have it.
> christianity
>Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro suspended the elimination of the nation’s 100 bolivar bill until Jan. 2 after the government’s decision to pull its largest denomination note out of circulation left the country short of cash, sparking violent protests and looting. Maduro said Venezuelans were "victims of international sabotage," exclaiming "US, Obama are to blame for financial attacks, US Treasury ordered new bills halted."
Karl Marx the original fedora tipper
you're one to talk
let those refugees in already
But what if the kidnapping victim consents?
Venezuela used to be and should be the richest country in South America
>muh imperialist murkan gubmint
Yeah nah cunt
Ask me anything Sup Forums
pfahaha you can't make up that shit
its funny that for once the usa isn't the main offender and now gets blamed for the shit they made them self.
What's this about black market currency exchange?
As far as I understand the venezuelan oil is the heavier more expensive one to extract and they don't break even with current prices.
Can you describe your typical day
Why hasn't someone taken Maduro out yet?
What is your weight?
Has your government considered running weight-loss camps for fat Americans?
>don't break even with current prices.
their own fault, when chavez took power and socialized the oil industry in the follwing years the output fell by 1/3, he fired a lot of people and placing cronies everywhere who had no fucking clue what they where doing leading to a further decline and making things even more expensive.
The goverment "should" give you the currency exchange like most of the country around the world should do too, but the goverment don't have the "dollars" to make the change in "bolivares" because inflantion and all the economic crisis, so people had to buy dollars in the "black market", when i say "black market" i reffer to any people that sell dollars outside the goverment, but for the crisis people go to another country like the united states and the demand is too big that the dollars cost way more (dolartoday is the page that manage this). The only way to solve this is dollarize the country.
There is no contraception. The government does not allow it to be imported.
>Base almost all exports on oil
>Works great when oil is trading at all-time highs, cash flowing in like crazy
>Splurge on welfare programs, barely save any of that money or use it for outside investments like other OPEC counties
>Oil prices eventually buckle, now you can't provide for millions of people who have come to depend almost entirely on you because you went full retard with your oil money
>Blame the US for everything
65 Kg, 180 cm, Slim not Starving to Death
Why is Venezuela running out of Dollars and why are Dollars important?
>The only way to solve this is dollarize the country.
I can't already smell the globalist plan.
>Why is Venezuela running out of Dollars
There are no exports other than oil. No real money is coming in, but the country needs dollars to import real goods and services.
>why are Dollars important
They could use any hard currency they wished, in theory.
>I can't already smell the globalist plan.
Venezuela is destabilising the entire region. There is no plan. If there were a plan then there would not be hundreds of thousands of people making a run for it, dying of treatable illness or starving.
>There is no plan.
hola señor esqueleto, in alll seriousness I wish you well, fuck up times man
Socialism. You are on your way with it also, you know.
Is Difficult and More Complicated than you think...I believe this will end the same way as Gadafi in Libia...
The Opposition is sold to the goverment, the leader of the opposition is in jail (thanks to both parts because he was a idealist and end with 12 years in jail), and the goverment pay very well to the militaries, there is no third way to all of these.
You ask if there is protest? Yes there are protest, but in college i lost a friend because of that, he is waiting judgment and i don't think he will make it because he was in against the goverment.
The people that protest end with a shot in their head, so people don't protest because everybody "fear" thanks to the goverment.
This is a dictatorship, i don't know if this is socialism but this is a shit
Venezuela's rich have plenty of food you retards.
But it's not real COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM!
A true ISM has never been tried before! ISM FOR AMERICA!
Venezuela isn't even socialist. It's social democratic.
I am so sick of retarded teenagers thinking they know shit about world history or economics, then meming right wing. Venezuela is a shithole because the CIA invaded and handed the nation over to drug lords. Then they proceeded to halt food production so the Venezuelans would be forced to export oil in order to feed themselves. The destruction of their society came when oil prices dropped. You want to blame someone for Venezuela's collapse? Blame the people who fucking did it: AMERICA.
So people who come from low-income families should just be in debt for the rest of their life if they want an education?
If you want society to change maybe you should stop rooting for the way things've have always been done, since that clearly hasn't worked out so good in the past.
Socialism and chavism (turbo soc)
Can't belive we give them tons of food(wich they will never pay) and straight dosh.
Varg pls
>they didn't do real gommunism
They used the Bernie Sanders economic plan.
Once you add non-whites to a population socialism doesn't work.
john perkins: confessions of an economic hit man
you ignorant fuck!
ITT: Blatant lies.
You all got duped by plutocrat propaganda. This is because the average Sup Forumsshit has an IQ of 12.
> How could they fuck up so bad?
idiotic socialist policies make it impossible to work and build a business so the economy gets destroyed
it's the same shit every fucking time
are you retarded?
Venezuela collapsing is nothing unique. Every Socialist country implodes.
Once the government steals every business the economy grinds to a complete halt. Nothing fancy about.
Wake up, eat, go to college, go to work, eat, sleep.
Same as you, the question should be what is different in Venezuela than any other country in the work. If that was the question i will answer like this: "If you know how is beign poor is you will feel something like this, you value things more than other people, you value shoes, food, a car, a house because you know this things are hard for to archive, well in Venezuela everything is 10x times harder, If you want to eat you need to put 3 hours of you life to obtain it because you there is a line of people to buy food"
For example to buy a 83$ Adidas Shoes when the minimun wage is 27$ every month, well you had a idea. 27x12= 324$ in a year (assuming)
Everything is way more hard here. For everybody else in the world a advice i give you is to had 2 houses in different first world countrys and value all the things you had.
Because of Oil.
Just like many other countries they simply became too addicted to it and when the prices crashed they had nothing else to export.
If you think venezuela is bad just wait til
a) world runs out of oik
b) petrodollar get's fucked
c) renevables overtake the energy market.
economic sanctions, any successful country relies heavily on trading for resources
this sort of
they install dictators who sell the us resources on the cheap. just because oil is trading at certain price doesnt mean they actually pay that price
Is crying socialism a reflex for you?
"But back home, there were more mouths to feed.
Ms. Lugo had given birth to another child two months before. Her 13-year-old daughter, Kimberlit, had recently given birth, too. The two spent an afternoon nursing the babies together on the porch.
That was the only food in the household. There was nothing in the kitchen."
>blaming the rich
They've already hit that step in communism? When do the rich people flee and the government starves off all the bad goys?
a wey, si tu eres de verdad y no proxy, deme unas cosas de "slang" de tu pais.
Too many fucking proxies.
You can get an education from reading a book. College is a socialist shit show at this point and not an argument for socialism.
Fatness is a goverment problem too, as far as i know, when the majority of the poblation is fat or skinny is because malnutrition of almost all the food that came to the country
Ok marico que quereis saber? yo no se cuantos aqui hablan español pero muchos van a tener que usar el traductor por que no saben lo que escribo execto los mexicanos...de pana hay palabras que muchos no pueden traducir por que son de un estado en especifico del pais, como webon, marico, mariquito, becerro, yo creo que nadie puede traducir eso.
>Ignore history
>No absolutely nothing
>Scream "MUH SOCIALISM"!!!
Are you being paid or just naturally retarded?
I can confirm, ASK ME ANYTHING too.
Better than starving to death
Carechimba es insulto venezolano o colombiano? kek
>wonder what kind of dumbass would think you get fat from malnutrition
>check flag
There are more things going on, bro. You say what you see in the news or internet.
I don't think the solution to poverty is making everyone else just as poor
They relied too much on oil wealth and when oil prices plummeted it fucked them over to a huge degree.
>plants everywhere
>starve to death
Daily Reminder: All posters from these countries are CIA agents:
- Colombia
- Venezuela
- Serbia
- Croatia