Whats their plan now that Trump is elected?

These are the Bogdanoff Twins. Your rulers.

Quick rundown on them:
>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ

Other urls found in this thread:



Who the fuck are these two ffs

Are they aliums?

We get it, their plastic surgery has horribly disfigured them, I don't understand the obsession.

The leaders of Europe and the free world.

>iq above 200
>both are known pseudoscientists

>These are the Bogdanoff Twins. Your rulers.
>Quick rundow
>>rumoured to possess psychic abilities

>tfw too smart for science

what the fuck

I thought this was some Key and Peele photoshop. Caught me off guard.

Lol they look like video game characters wtf.

>200+ IQ
>End up looking like Jocelyn Wildenstein's vaginal lips.

Yeah I don't think so, I don't care how many "honorary" degrees they have. They are a pair of freaks that need putting down.

These guys probably don't control anything but people post them anyways because their faces are so fucked up and they're gay brothers.

Watch your fucking mouth lad. Do you know who you're talking about?

What's wrong with their faces, legit question? No human should have a face like that unless he suffered some kind of accident.


>we know who they are and there are lots of pictures of them
they are nothing more than underlings for the real rulers

legit thought someone photoshopped key and peele's face twice



>No human
that's the point

Old money tries to remain in power but they cant compete due their stupidity

No they're the real rulers but their operatives are already in this thread controlling the record and dismissing my claims.

Yeah, a pair of hacks that have had their "work" discredited already by real physicists.

You're so clueless m8 keep living with your head in the sand that's what the Bogdanoffs want you to think

have they mixed their DNA with feline´s DNA? Is that why they look like shaved lions?

Top Kek!
I, for one, welcome our new Bogdanoverlords



Fun fact, Jocelyn Wildenstein made herself look like a cat because her husband (Alec, now dead) loved cats and she was scared he would leave her.

Is that even a real name in Russia? Sounds like some kind of cheap food.

Lol he would have passed just to get rid of that monster


Why are people here so obsessed with ugly fucks?

I'm eerely fascinated by these two freaks.

Good I love them they're the rightful rulers of the West and I'm looking forward to their dynasty going public. It'll be a new golden age for civilisation.


Kek bless.

Fuckin everytime I see a post about these goys their iq goes up last time it was 170 now its 200

Can they look down without tilting their heads?

Why oh the fuck why

Not even joking, the woman is insane.

I'm having nightmares tonight.

If they are so smart, why did they make their faces look like that?

Shouldn't like one of them have gotten the operation done first, and then when he came home the second one could be like "you know what? Nah."

They're direct descendants of the ancient royal bloodline, of course they're ruling us. And it'll become public in the next few years.

Sup Forums of the past was Ron Paul.
Sup Forums of the present is Trump.
Sup Forums of the future is Bogdanoff territory.

Screenshot this post.

That is nothing more than vanity... plastic surgery run amock... what puzzles me is I can't square that with their supposed IQs of 200.

Why are they even talked about here? How are they politically connected to what's discussed on pol?


let this thread slide
same prick is astroturfing for these plastic surgery freaks

They are fascist attempting to bring about a fascist government. Sup Forums are useful and easily manipulated idiots

Fuck off with this shit already. No one cares about those irrelevant trolls. Sage

There is no way two rational people like them would ever choose to look as horribly fucked up as that, so what if they DID get in contact with aliens and in return for getting unimaginable intelligence and influence they both had to sacrifice the one thing that meant the most to them, their appearance and therefore public image. Just food for thought.

You're playing into their game plan, because they don't want people to know about their power - not yet anyway. But there's no need to be ignorant. Be happy and rejoice instead, they're actually nice guys and the future is going to be good with them at the helm.


Fucking Depardieu the legend. Was once asked by his doctor how much he drank in a day, said something like once consumed 14 bottles of wine. His doctor was not happy.

Pol will believe this


I'm a physicist specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Closed Timelike Curves.

I'd work with them.

>Key and Peele photoshop

this is exactly what i was thinking

My uncle who worked for the CIA told me all about these guys. He told me that they are heavily involved in chemtrails. It is a plan to speed up the aesthetic evolution of mankind by changing our DNA. These guys are the real deal, they are literally thousands of years old and some say they were the driving force behind all the pyramid buildering cultures of the ancient world. This is real.

Their family line has mostly been shrouded and ruling from the shadows for millennia but that's going to change in the 21st century with the era of the globalist nationstate.

One Olga Bogdanoff (in attached jpeg file) is rumoured to be their daughter (could just be a cousin). She is currently attending University somewhere in the United States.

I keep seeing these guys get posted and I finally googled them,honestly thought they were photoshopped.

>>in contact with aliens
>Implying they aren't the aliens

she is hot. can't wait to build her pyramid.


Lol all of that is bullshit.

We need to ban Sturgeon posting. That thing is horrifying.

How's things in Zambia?

Looks like moonman's daughter

Idiot. This is a fictional character, who has been made up to look like them, in order to prepare us for the unusual facial features of our new galactic overlords. He is barely worth worshiping.

google Hapsburg chin m8t

it's a combination of too much plastic surgery and being quadroons

>Igor and Grichka Bogdnaoff are fraternal twin brothers born to Yuri Mikhaïlovitch Osten-Sacken-Bogdanoff (1928-2012), a Russian painter of Tatar origin and descent from a line of Princes Bogdanoff, and to Maria Maya Dolores Franzyska Kolowrat-Krakowská (1926-1982). Igor was the first born and his brother Grichka was born 40 minutes later. They were raised as children by their maternal grandmother, Countess Bertha Kolowrat-Krakowská (1890-1982), in her castle in Saint-Lary, Gers in Southern France.[1] Called Istène, she was a polyglot, descended from an ancient, noble Bohemian family, had been married into the German princely House of Colloredo-Mannsfeld[2] when her pregnancy by the African American tenor Roland Hayes caused her to forfeit her palatial homes in Berlin and Prague, access to her four elder children, and her moral reputation in European society.[1] >She tried to sustain her episodic relationship with Hayes after her divorce and his return to America, declining his offer to legally adopt and raise their bi-racial daughter.

maybe people bow down before tham because they have to hold their stomachs while laughing off their arses

This is the 10th fucking time I've seen this exact thread


My sides. I havent seen that pic in almost 7 years since the last time I was on Sup Forums in YLYL threads

Yep I'm pretty aware of it it has happened from millennia of royal elite inbreeding and is why the Bogdanoffs had a protruding chin (even before the surgery). They actually got surgery to make it even longer because it's desirable facial structure in the top 0,001% of the world's elite due to it's origins in the ancient elite bloodlines.

There are thousands upon thousands of threads about Trump all the time and he's just a puppet on a long bit of string compared to the power level of these guys. They're much more relevant to Sup Forums than you Bogdanoff deniers claim. Wake up.

Very rare


>reading comprehension

the daughter is the mixed breed, the twins are from the Tartar (Tartars are Turkic).

Add them to the lists.

How come nobody ever shows this here?
It's a song about them made by a french tv show where they usually go. They always make fun of their chins

Nope it's the Hapsburg chin. It's common in ancient royal bloodlines that have a lot of marriages and offspring between cousins and such.



>Average Sup Forums'sters face when they realise everything in this thread was true

Columbia University mathematician Peter Woit has said, "The Bogdanoffs' work is significantly more incoherent than just about anything else being published. But the increasingly low standard of coherence in the whole field is what allowed them to think they were doing something sensible and publish it."

pls m8

It certainly is an interesting theory but do you have any more proof other than just saying they are? It's something I can imagine being real but I don't have the necessary evidence to make the jump from contemplation to belief.

Alex is that you?

their minds are far beyond those of our greatest scientists. they could have dumbed it down but it would have been beneath them.

>In 1925 Hayes had an affair with a married Bohemian aristocrat, Bertha von Colloredo-Mansfeld (1890-1982), née Countess von Kolowrat-Krakowský, who bore his daughter, Maria "Maya" Dolores Kolowrat (1926-1982)

>Igor and Grichka Bogdnaoff are fraternal twin brothers born to Yuri Mikhaïlovitch Osten-Sacken-Bogdanoff (1928-2012), a Russian painter of Tatar origin and descent from a line of Princes Bogdanoff, and to Maria Maya Dolores Franzyska Kolowrat-Krakowská (1926-1982)

>They were raised as children by their maternal grandmother, Countess Bertha Kolowrat-Krakowská (1890-1982)

habsburg jaw is a form lower prognathism and can occur in people who aren't inbred. it just so happened to be common in the house of habsburg due its prevalence in the family and the extreme inbreeding keeping the trait alive.


Obviously there's not going to be much in the way of proof. Do you really think if it was true that they wouldn't have been very careful? Their family bloodline has been doing this for millennia. They aren't idiots.

We can make educated guesses based around facts though.

Nope, Alex is a useful idiot. David Icke probably knows the most about the Bogdanoff brothers if we're talking levels of redpill. Although 'lizards' and 'reptilians' are just a meme that was used to make it interesting and sell his books, the Bogdanoff brothers are the real thing to the metaphor & Icke no doubt knows about them because they're the exact sort of people that all of his books talk about.

This. Icke fears to name them. They would crush him.

Basically both of them were picked to host children's science show due to their "youthful" appearance which worn off as the years went by and even though the show was over they still wanted to look "young". We're talking early 90's here, so they've got horrible surgeries and ended up looking like retards.

ok buddy whatever you say

They don't even celebrate Christmas. Christianity was unleashed by their ancestors a couple of thousand years ago to make Europe easier to rule. They do directly command the Vatican.

Would anyone that intelligent look like a Bamboozian bogeyman?

Inbreeding = dumb as fuck

Holy shit her face looks like a pinto bean.

roland hayes fugged their maternal grandmother (Bertha von Colloredo-Mansfield) and produced a daughter, (Maria Dolores Kolowrat) who went on to marry Yuri Mikhailovitch Blogdanoff and have two twins, igor and grichka. i may be a bit hungover but i'm not that fucked up.

Jesus Christ.


ok buddy

is jus game