Let's Sup Forumsify some Sarah Andersen comics!

Let's Sup Forumsify some Sarah Andersen comics!
to clarify, this is not a raid we're just editing libshit comics

I'll dump some of the edits I've saved








I think she's aware of the raid guys

Fuck off maldraw





some sven asked for this on the past thread, just finished

Sup Forums isnt your safe space dumb nigger

you're ban evading again you fucking leaf



never got a ban faggot, haven't done anything wrong


being born

Nobody here will never pay you for anything.


your previous threads got deleted and your ban's fucking public
tell me though, why are you so keen to raid this fucking nobody?

try thinking about it

>kek and suk in ID


holy shit this is funny

Look at OP
>to clarify, this is not a raid we're just editing libshit comics

It's so great that on an anonymous image board you were so tremendous a faggot that everybody who bears your shit-eating country's flag will forever be spat on and disregarded.

They're editing comics you retard, you're the only one in these threads contacting Sarah Anderson

There is no raiding going on here you monkey

Why are mods nuking these threads?

pardon my autism

Its not a raid. Its like what happend with PEPE. her comics are now /pol's


this desu senpai

I already told you draw fag
I will pay you 6000 per month
as long as you take a part of the 6000 and psend a week with an user you meet on here every month
Also you have to tell us why you want the money

this pretty funny


a bit creepy

because malay faggot and his islamic butthurt

>some qt girls make comics which makes a lot of people happy,
>its cute comics about qt things not sjw shits
>pol has to take it and turn it into concentrated autism
cg pol you really are poor poor retards

These are great keep it up.

Once again, like clockwork Malaysian Mike shows up in the thread somewhere between the 10-15th post.

I think its clear now that Mike is likely using a proxy to post these threads. This is evident by the fact that the OP always posts the same text, and always posts the same 10 edits in the first few replies. I wouldn't be surprised if 90%+ of the posts in this thread are Mike behind his network of proxies.

What started off as a playful project has now been hijacked by a shameless self-promoter. It's clear now that it's not enough to simply ignore Mike's post, but to ignore all Sarah Andersen threads in general.

Screencap this post and post it as a warning in all Sarah Andersen threads.

Maybe this belongs more on /B?

its so great that you bitch to the mods about me shitposting on your shitty raid threads on /qa/
>Sup Forums = everybody
you're normies now?

I've always wanted to know what you look like.

Her comics are cute. I hope she goes full Ben Garrison and starts drawing actual comics like the edits.


These ones are nice.


I won't make this thread again

>78$ dollars a month


stay mad faggot


It's not his fault he is insecure.



>not the animated version


jesus christ


>qt girls
Doubt it

Time to make Sup Forums great again

probably stronger like this

Anyone have the large version of this picture?

cry more

also she's ugly

wrong she is rly hot

>inane reply
go there and bitch some more about me nigger

>malayfag having severe meltdowns again

I honestly dont understand why this fucker isn't rangebanned yet. He's shitposting on like 3 boards and all he ever does is samefagging.

No thanks.

Your flag looks like the United States if Hillary won.

oh, you think that's her? wrong

she's the other girl, the one in the first pic

I love how people instantly know who you are just by your flag.

You should take pride in your power to automatically de-rail threads.

do you think anyone gives a single fuck about these cringey teenhood angst comics?

malaysians are asiatic abbos

do you think anyone gives a single fuck about giving you 4000 shekels?

>some forever alone creates comics that make a taiwanese stone etching forum happy
>neo nazi racists have to shitpost against it
nice job Sup Forums you really are the retard

What pic? Post it?

go back to making T-shirts

thats the goal

pic related is what malayfag looks like irl

And safe!

>I honestly dont understand why this fucker isn't rangebanned yet
you should go to /qa/ and post what threads i'm posting in and the reason why my posts are ruining your raid and harrasment operations

just go

>looks at thread
I said think about it.

It is your average Christcuck



Fuck off Mike. You ruin literally every thread you visit and contribute nothing of worth to the board. How many times do we have to tell you to fuck off before you actually do?

>begging for bumps

is that even edited?

that stops being relevant. the autists cant decide whether if i'm a rich white expat with nothing to do or an actual native with too much time in his hand

w t f is a christ chan

You're only delaying the inevitable.

Raids and operations are temporarily on hold and will start up again once /lefty/ mods are cleansed from Sup Forums

Or you'll stay here long enough and become "redpill" yourself.

I still don't understand why you guys decided to do this.

God I love these

Ben Garrison has passed the torch to her and she's already proving her worth, Sarah "Napalm the Arab" Anderson is the heroine Sup Forums needs right now.

Because mike is being autistic as usual.

her on the left

looks like she scrubber her page

nobody knows, just roll along

anime jebus

Your English is poor. You're likely a shitskin

These are great.