Is she real Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
> Libertarian
> Learn Finnish
> Ohio
Women do not have actual opinions.
All they ever do is create imaginary personalities out of what they see around themselves. More often than not they do this to gain social proof within a certain demographic group.
Women are a meme incapable of an original thought.
huenigger in charge of dropping anything
well isn't it good that babes are memeing our way?
progress brothers..
You're delusional.
I'd fuck her, if you know what I mean.
>takes black cock
>Sup Forums cucked once again
give me original plz
pol has redpilled an entire generation
what did he mean by this?
Nice she is real... Just sent.
Trying to get her to write Hi Sup Forums
There are a lot of these girls out here if you search for them, sometimes i think some Sup Forums members literally live in caves.
Disgusting fingernails. I take back what I said. I would not fuck her.
Women who don't take care (or paint) of their fingernails are disgusting.
dem eyes. I'm in love
sauce pls
Yes but she's also a whore.
>tfw you're learning Finnish only because you want to understand spurdo memes
She look like wife material except for
Oh geez, what a waste.
Absolute madman
degenerate nigger
She's still a leftist lol
I'd Finnish her if you know what I mean ;)))))))))))))
captcha: napoli akbar
>Libertarian Christian
Free marker for everyone, unless you want to build a private abortion clinic.
> ITT: Sup Forumsacks get baited by a fellow Sup Forumsack's LARPing account.
Liberal infiltration has gotten so bad that conservatives are calling themselves libertarians to avoid the negative connotations that their colleagues associate with conservatism.
It's like saying you support Ted Cruz because people think Donald Trump is Hitler.
Libertarian Christians are just Liberals who are ashame of admitting they are liberals.
A true Christian is Conservative.
Nice samefagging to pick up some twitter followers.
She is young and libertarian is the first step to natsoc, you know.
trying to get this girl some followers so we have a hot babe talking white nationalism on twitter trends
"one of the communities I will focus on"
Are you doing this for free, omega?
Dude she looks like 20 already.
She should already be in the Conservative or NatSoc phase
Well women naturally are unattracted to cucks so when white boy grows a dick maybe his women will want to be his again.
> Christian
> Libertarian
remember me how many time what u said has been said here?
Arent you capable of an original thought?
>literally speaks against white genocide
>agrees with a nigger means she takes nigger cock
I am doing it for white nationalism brother... where is your allegiance.
this is how you jew.
Ask her if she needs Finnish tutoring.
>monkey is mad because someone is learning the language of the master race
ud af landet perker
They all are m8
She's just a poser that will flip when the time comes. She's just trying to be edgy at the moment.
But of course, do as you please.
Real ugly and inbred.
(OHIO) says everything you need to know. Inbred to the maximum. Might as well be from kentucky or some equally hillbill cousin fucker state.
>Non white
>dating way hotter white girl
>Fuck yall fashies, suck my dick betas
>All your base belong to us
>I know what you really are
>show me how you fight albino.
See, black dude already gaming her through mirroring her ideology and ideas. What can we do from niggas hunting even our based Aryan qt? Its like we dont have an escape.
>that face
Hey! It's another dumb cunt parroting what the guys around her are saying and this is supposed to be a good thing even though I guarantee you five minutes with this bitch would be enough to reveal that she's just as much an SJW whore as any other 20-something girl which means we're actually diluting the political movement because the really fucking retarded members of this movement are just as much a slave to the pussy as any nu-male beta-cuck.
Yeah i creeped through her profile and she was talking about how its okay not al of our citizens are christian and dont need to follow christian marriage beliefs
Idgaf who you are, euro marriage beliefs are one of the biggest pillars of western civilization we need to raise back up
No youre a retard too. Bitches are stupid and shouldnt be allowed to lead
Having them on our side isnt bad either, but they cant lead
>Bosnia and Hhdhsjdjjxjcjdhagwgshdodkwhdvxnchrsjdhsgzinistria
What did he mean by this?
I'll teach you Finnish little qt.
She literally was molested by her dad and is surrounded by beta after beta of chad and tim who like to hurt small animals. Of course she hates daquan, or course she would never sleep with tyrone. Because this sheltered bitch has never met a colored person in her inbred city of albinoville.
At the end of the day while you faggots obssess over her, her and her friends will make jokes about BBC and secretly crave them. Remember when your parents told you not to drink or do drugs? Ya didnt listen, cuz its fun to bad and enjoy yourself.
>black guy wearing a bowtie
>not recognizing that is obviously a gaynigger
You can just say Bosnia, we don't really mind.
she is attractive and preaches white nationalism. These are good things no matter what fantasy fallout you have for her.
I offered to do that first!
Is she into black men?
>(OHIO) says everything you need to know. Inbred to the maximum. Might as well be from kentucky or some equally hillbill cousin fucker state.
You have never actually been to Ohio have you?
May the least autistic win.
>another young bitch copies Sup Forums memes, then posts herself on Sup Forums and samefags so that autists follow her
Lauren southern, milo, this bitch, that other blonde bitch doing the rounds now. When will you guys learn? These sluts are literally farming you for attention, stealing your memes and opinions and feeding them back to you.
And they're all flash in the pan nobodies.
why is that all the bitchiest betas are always leafs or burgers?
Learning Finnish is the ultimate red pill
Ohio is based, fuck off cuckifornia
t. Cuckifornian living in Ohio
She is a chubby online whore. White males fuck everything from horses to each other. I see the ugliest women always with some desperate white guy. The thing he settled for. Because he has no game. HE has no skill. He is a loser.
Albino and ashamed of it. I know the truth. Soon they will all know.
you keep burgers out of this.
nigger lover
They're clean. Go fuck yourself. Painted nails are the sign of a whore
come on 88 these are the type of people that bridge many to our causes...
She has great value
As Trump said men are more talented than women but a talented woman is worth 10x the man
That reminds me, what do you call it when two leftists fight?
Very few states more inbred than OHIO. Why would I go to that shithole? to get hepatitus from the methheads? Ohio is one of the states that hold this great country back. Texas, florida, missippi, TN, some others. Bascially anything that has several KKK chapters, texas has like 14 loool. Like we get it. Youre inbred and weak and never amounted to anything. Stupid albinos. Die by the Sun as nature intended mutants.
Yeah fuck your inbred states you fucking dead weight ashamed albinos.
dont post that filth here, heathen
i'll have all the niggers i want to rape on the rahowa
>taking women's political """opinions"""" for real
>putting pussy on pedestal
this is about normies.. and her having the looks to spread a message.
She is a great spokesman
The ideal would be to make people like her popular so other females understand that it's a good way to get attention and that way we increase the number of right leaning women. This also would, if larger enough scale is reached, bleed into real life and end up with more right leaning women to date and eventually support the white race and conservative values.
>Nordicuck calling people beta
Loooool. You're entire genetic profile is of a cuckold, and your own women are sluts that fuck other phenotypes whenever possible
I'll spread your ass cheeks cuck boi
>a fucking leaf calling people cucks
Finn gets it.
here's a girl Sup Forums would like. not full white though and is atheist
A fucking German...
These are the type of people that destroy your movement. Not that I really give a shit because white nationalism is a fucking joke (mostly because of people like her).
Or what will actually happen is that the inclusion of women into your movement will lead to a dilution of the beliefs, and will further become the justification for itself, leading to even further voluntary dilution in order to appeal to ever greater numbers of women. Eventually the whole point of the movement will be the satisfaction of women's desires and you will have become no different than the mainstream left in anything but superficial means.
I'm not opposed to women agreeing with me. I just don't believe the vast majority of them are capable of agreeing with me, and that even if they do, their presence, even as a cheerleader, is toxic enough as to outweigh any conceivable benefit, including "more women to date".
Funny though. You openly admit the whole point of the thing is "more women to date". So just drop the whole pretend show and push that. Don't try to pretend like letting women run the show won't destroy whatever intellectual consistency and value you have.