but Sup Forums told me that Muslims are incompatible with our Western values that include respect for the LGBT community?
Is Sup Forums, dare I say it, wrong again?
but Sup Forums told me that Muslims are incompatible with our Western values that include respect for the LGBT community?
Is Sup Forums, dare I say it, wrong again?
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Moderate Muslims will serve as tools for radical Muslims who mask themselves as moderate.
Once radical Muslims are voted into power, they will pass laws that benefit Muslims, with no opposition from moderates.
Once there are laws that benefit Muslims, and a vast majority of the population is Muslim, Islam becomes the state religion with no opposition from moderates.
Once Islam becomes the state religion, there will be more and more Islam-oriented laws... With no power from the moderates to stop that in any way.
If you got to that point, congratulations, your country officially underwent Islamization!
Most of those are probably just people who converted to be Muslim but don't actually follow any of the religious lessons. They're like vegetarians who only eat steaks. But eventually normal muslims would move in, enact shariah law, and all these degenerate muslims would be stoned to death.
It's about time Islam legitimately took over Sweden tbqh. We need a place to serve as example.
>what is taqiyya?
>Christian from Lebanon here (aka sandnigger)
>Lebanon used to be the "Paris" of the middle east.
>We had the best beaches, best clubs, great economy and freedom.
>Muslim "refugees" came pouring into our country. Like the morons that we were we felt sorry for them and cared for them.
>Did they respect us? Nope. Just like in Europe they started raping and killing and blowing up things.
>Islam is a conquering religion. They kill and rape and destroy everything. They do not suffer anything that is not of islam.
>That means no clubs, no beaches, NO FUN. Even harmless things like parks for kids to play on slides and swings are haram (forbidden).
>Now you know what boko haram means (books are forbidden)
>Australia is going to suffer the same fate of Lebanon because the same people who turned my nation into shit are going to do the same to yours.
So you may be wondering how did I end up in the USA? Let me tell you how. I went to Mexico and crossed the border. I have a new name and identity and I am now a US Citizen (don't ask me how that happened). People think I am Mexican. I had to learn spanish really fast and now I am fluent in spanish.
American Muslims are very different from European Muslims. American Muslims are often skilled professionals who entered the country on H1-B permits and the American refugee program, usually, does a better job than the European refugee program of selecting people for asylum. The best comparison is Latinos. Latinos in Europe typically are upper crust South Americans who studied at a European university and not the same as the American mestizo day laborers in Home Depot parking lots. Europe gets the shit tier Muslims and good tier Latinos. America gets the shit tier Latinos and the good tier Muslims.
There are about 3 million muslims in the us.
There are about 2.2 billion muslims in the world.
The opinion of US muslims are about as important as flat earthers.
>but Sup Forums told me that Muslims are incompatible with our Western values that include respect for the LGBT community?
both are incompatible
Deviant sexuality and islam
Both represent attacks on western Christian civilisation and families, children and society.
however muslims use capital punishment while western society based on Christian values exercises values of forgiveness and violence only in self defence, something sexual deviants have show little appreciation for.
>boy I'm sure glad I defended Muslims from those awful white Christians!
Yes we know heavily Americanized muslims are only muslim in name.
>It's about time Islam legitimately took over Sweden tbqh. We need a place to serve as example
It's hard to see how the Saudi financed left could destroy that nation any further. It's time for their takeover.
>>That means no clubs, no beaches, NO FUN. Even harmless things like parks for kids to play on slides and swings are haram (forbidden).
Lebanon still has all of these though.
>if these idiots would look outside the bubble of their progressive politics they might actually learn the truth
Very few Christians are evangelical.
Most muslims are conservative.
This isn't even comparing conservative to evangelical, though. It's comparing all muslims in the us to the evangelical sects of Christianity.
>American Muslims are very different from European Muslims. American Muslims are often pretend to be professionals with fake unverifiable professionals who entered the country on H1-B permits and the American refugee program, usually, does the job than as European refugee program of selecting people for asylum.
أفتتكلم بالعربية؟ أظن أنك كاذب والله أعلم
Ni sabes español tampoco
Also this is true. Also homosexuality should be illegal
>if your anus is loose you get the noose
As if accepting homosexuality is a good thing.
Certainly not killing them is.
One of the wealthiest most weternish muslims popultions in the world can barely beat two of the dumbest most hardline Christian denominations.
It's better than nothing I guess kek
actions speak louder than words
Yes as long as they are a minority they will tell any usefull idiots that bothers to ask everything they want to hear.
When they are equal or even a majority you will all get slaughtered there is no historic precedent of it EVER (near or far history)happening differently.
How does it feel to have no actual clue?
Wow thats a pretty neat story to read
this desu
Wow, a subgroup of Christians and a splinter sect religion that both are quite explicitly against homosexuality are less accepting of it than the entire general population of another religion? Many of which are considered highly educated in their home country and came here to escape general backwardness? Color me surprised.
I'd be more persuaded if the survey hadn't been designed to prove its own conclusion.
>US Muslims
>very small group that has been thoroughly vetted and given time to slowly assimilate
Time to open the floodgates. I promise you that people arriving directly from Iraq are gong to feel a lot better about tossing faggots off buildings
>Moderate muslim
The polack fell for the meme.
Nice fix, but our refugee program is much better than Europe's. Getting asylum in America requires much more paperwork, is unavailable to single adult men, and doesn't come with as much welfare money. Those qualifiers and the travel distance generally mean that less shitty Muslims are going to come to the US. Europe's "refugees" are just brown dudes who want welfare money and white pussy.
Moderate Muslims are nominally religious, if you're religious in name only, you may as well not even be religious.
Lets troll this as #whitesbeheadblackkid
what the hell didthey do, interview ahmediyyas?
cos 100% of the muslims i know think LGBT is an abomination and not compaitable with Islam
>US Muslims
Ahh yes, what I like to call "champagne Muslims"
Kid was a nigger.
>We're moderate and tolerant, accept more of us
>We're moderate and tolerant, accept more of us
>We're moderate and tolerant, accept more of us
>We're moderate and tolerant, please vote for muslim political candidates
>Allright, it's been fun but now we're in control. Send the militias to round up the gays, trans and atheists
This is how.
but i dont see any muslims on pic, its the other way: homosexuals are pro-muslim, niot muslim being pro-homoxexual, look at the pic aussie nigger
picture shows only lgbtqhejwqgeywq faggots... you will not see a muslim having a sign like that.. fuck off
Iraqis in particular move to Dearborn, which has its own nu-muslim culture. They're not pro-gay but I don't think they care that much
Are they adapting to blend in with our own nigger culture?
What's dangerous about American Muslims isn't the first generation who come from Durka-durka-stan. They're often pretty secular and career oriented. It's the second generation, their children, who get into Wahhabism for one reason or another as edgy teenagers. What's scary is that the are violent like blacks, but decently intelligent, so they can actually cause serious trouble instead of robbing a liquor store. They go on a hajj or get radicalized online, then decide to fuck shit up as angry young men. The guys from San Bernardino and Pulse weren't geniuses, but were at least intelligent enough to make plans and fuck over many more people than a typical monkey running about with a 9mm.
Wtf? Unforgivable.
لماذا شككت؟
¿Estás con Isis?
>1 post by this ID
>U.S. muslims are more accepting homosexuality
I live near Dearborn. They actually integrated pretty well. Dearborn is a beautiful community and the younger ones just like to flash their money. Not bad desu.
> Sweden
Because of this i think we are fine with what we have. Let Sweden take them all and be the shining example of "Fuck off, we're full."
Don't think so, arabs and blacks are very segregated in metro detroit. They're probably more like chicanos than blacks
well depending what religion you are. If Christian you are in constant danger and can't relax anywhere. For example Hamra, the once-popular student area, has become more dangerous, with muggings and rapes and murders more common. And the influx of more than a million Syrian refugees has piled on additional pressure.
There is an Android app called I Am Alive, which sends an automated tweet and Facebook post after a bombing to announce that you are not dead. It is really tongue-in-cheek but just shows what is going on there.